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Izuku groaned and hit his alarm clock. Yesterday was a really shitty day, after which Izuku had holed up in his room all evening and finally cried himself to sleep at 4 am.

When he slept, however, he had a nightmare, which is why he was awake again at 5:32 am and had been wide awake in bed for almost an hour and a half.

He actually considered calling in sick from school, but decided against it because he didn't want to disappoint All Might. After all, in reality he wasn't worth that power- No, he didn't want to think that way now.

Izuku knew that All Might would surely have understood if he had explained what had happened, but the irrational part of Izuku's feelings was the firm belief that All Might would hate him and that the Symbol of Peace would think it was a mistake to make Izuku his successor.

Maybe Kacchan was right after all. Maybe he really just had to take a swan dive off th- no. He didn't want to think like that. He sighed and looked down at his left forearm.

There, scars were visible on scars that overlapped but ran horizontally for the most part. He wasn't proud of what he'd done to himself in the past, but he didn't regret it either. Not really. He was still firmly convinced that he didn't deserve it any other way. After all, he was just a worthless, useless-

Before his thoughts got further out of control, he shook his head and stood up. He skipped his morning training, it was too late for that anyway.

He sighed and slowly put on his uniform before going into the bathroom and looking at himself in the mirror. He could tell without lying that he looked terrible. Well, apart from the fact that he had never really liked the way he looked.

His eyes were red and puffy and his hair was even more messy than it normally would be. He tried to straighten his hair a bit and to cover his dark circles with make-up, but in his opinion that didn't help. So he sighed and gave up. He went back out of the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bed.

Izuku breathed deeply for a few minutes and then wanted to slowly set off.

When he had just put on his red sneakers, there was a knock on his door and before Izuku could answer Katsuki came inside.

"Kacchan ... What ... Uh ... What are you doing here?"

"Saw the news. Not that I care... But how are you? ", The blonde asked and Izuku noticed that his voice sounded a little friendlier than usual.

Deku sighed and collapsed back onto his bed while Kacchan sat down next to it.

"To be honest, I feel like a truck hit me. Well, a mental truck, you know? "Izuku said with a humorless laugh. He sighed and put his right forearm over his eyes. "I'm scared, Kacchan. I'm so fuckin' scared...", he mumbled.

"Hm. Yeah, no shit Sherlock. It's no wonder you're scared when that bastar- "

"Kacchan. Sorry, but I really don't want to talk about it. Let's just go, okay? "Izuku said and then sat up with a groan.

"Yeah, okay. But if the fucker shows up, I'll flatten him. " Izuku chuckled knowing full well that this was Kacchan's way of reassuring him.

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