Aizawa isn't paid enough for this

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Ochako sighed and looked sadly at Deku. After a while, how long exactly she couldn't say, he had cried himself to sleep with his head on her chest and was now sound asleep. When she was sure he was sleeping deeply enough, she used her quirk on him to make him weightless.

So she was finally able to get up, pull Izuku through the air to his bed and lay him on it. Then she released her quirk again, covered the boy carefully with a blanket and sat down on the edge of the bed with a thoughtful look.

Only now did she remember the wounds from earlier and looked at his forearms.

What she saw there shocked her. There were the red wounds where his fingernails had dug into the flesh, but that wasn't what caught her attention.

Scars could be seen on his left forearm. Scars from cuts, all of which were horizontal. They covered almost his entire forearm and even went about a third to the back of his hand. No. Please don't let it be what she thought it was.

Ochako immediately realized what exactly the scars were. He had cut himself. The friendly, sweet, always happy and smiling Izuku cut himself and none of them had known. Ochako felt so stupid. How could she have missed that ?!

At least the scars didn't look new, which calmed the young girl down a bit. It looked like he hadn't done it in the past few months at least.

Ochako shook her head to shake her thoughts away and focused again on the fresh wounds.

Fortunately, these had stopped bleeding and at second glance they didn't look as bad as at first. They weren't pretty, but they weren't too deep and it would be enough to clean them up and bandage them.

Deku didn't seem like he was going to wake up anytime soon and so she decided to go to her room for a moment, change clothes and come back with bandages.

So she got up and quietly walked to the door. She opened it and stepped into the hallway, where half of the class 1-A were already waiting. Great. Obviously it was later than Ochako thought and the classes were already over.

"OCHAKO! HOW IS IZU- ", Mina yelled but Ochako interrupted her.

"SSHHH! He just fell asleep! ", she whisper-yelled.

„Oh. Sorry..."

Ochako turned around and looked in the room and luckily Deku was still asleep. She let out a relieved breath and closed the door behind her as quietly as possible.

The brown haired girl sighed, then looked at her class.

"Physically he's fine, but he has a few small wounds on his arms. He scratched himself earlier during a panic attack. Mentally he's not doing well. ", She said straight forward. There was no point in wrapping the truth in cotton candy.

That left the class speechless for a moment.

"What ... What's wrong with Izuku?" Kirishima asked with a concerned look.

She thought for a moment. What should she say? She didn't know how much she could say about what Izuku had told her. Izuku had confided some things to her that he obviously hadn't told anyone else and she didn't want to risk abusing his trust. So she decided to tell only very rough and vague stories.

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