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Hi! This is just a short and fluffy chapter, 'cause I'm single and need love. >.< The next chapter will be longer again:DD

The two teenagers were cuddling on the couch in the common room. Izuku ran a hand through the girls hair, while she laid with her head on his chest. Her eyes were closed and Izuku could clearly sense the happiness, love and relaxation she felt. He cleared his throat and looked down to her.

“Hey, umm... what... what exactly... are we now?” Ochako sat up a bit and looked him in the eyes. He looked a bit scared, as if he was afraid of having misunderstood everything.

He considered moving to America and changing his name and die his hair and hope that no one would find out this embarrassment if he had really misunderstood -

She laid her hands on his cheeks and made him look at her. With a smile and a blush she asked. “Izuku Midoriya. Do you want to be my boyfriend?”

He laughed a bit, tears formed in his eyes and he nodded shakily before pulling her in for another kiss. They parted after a few seconds and looked each other in the eyes. Both of them were crying a bit and Ochako said. “I love you.”

He smiled and then hugged her happily. “I love you too.” They stayed like that for a short while but then he let go of her and rubbed at his eyes angrily. A quiet “fuck” came from his lips and she asked him what's wrong.

“W-Well it's just... You are the girl here. You're supposed to cry and I'm supposed to comfort you. And not the other way around... I'm not being really... Well, like Kirishima would say... manly right now.”

She took his wrists in her hands and pulled them away from his eyes. “Izuku, you're by far the manliest guy I know. And even the manliest heroes have to cry sometimes. Please don't hide yourself from me Izuku. You can cry as much as you want. I love you. With or without crying.” She said with a smile and closed her arms around him again.

He wanted to argue because he didn't – couldn't – believe her to 100 percent, but he could sense the happiness and love she felt. And he just couldn't bring himself to contradict her, so he just said. “Thank you.”

They stayed like that for a while, before they parted again. Ochako turned around to look at the clock and saw what time it was.

“The others are gonna be back soon. What do you want to tell them?” She asked him.

She could see him tense and she tried to calm him down, by lying a hand on his forearm. She tried to feel as calm as possible and hoped that her calmness would spread over to him a little bit.

“I-I don't know...” He said and looked at his lap thoughtfully.

“You don't have to tell them anything if you don't want to. Aizawa made sure that they won't ask if you don't want them to.”

He thought for a good 5 minutes and Ochako waited patiently, before he turned his gaze towards her again. “If I really... want to use my quirks in battle, then... they will have to find out anyways... I think it would be better to tell them right now, so they can prepare themselves to see something like that...” He spat out the last part as if he was disgusted by “something like that” and Ochako knew that he probably was.

She moved her hand up to his shoulder and squeezed it a little. “Izuku. Your quirk is not something to be scared of. And I'm sure that none of our classmates will hate you. And be sure that if anyone says something mean to you, I will throw them into the stratosphere!” She said with a smile and at the last part she put her fist up like All Might's winning pose.

He smiled and chuckled sweetly before leaning towards her and giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.” He said and then laid his head down on her shoulder.

After a few moments he tensed and sat up again. He looked worried at his lap and then moved his gaze towards her. “But... Well, there is something else I have to tell you... But I will tell when the class is here...”

There was more? Oh god no... She nodded and hoped that the other thing he had to tell her wouldn't be as traumatizing as the story about his quirk. She noticed that his breath quickened a bit again, but before he could panic she took his face in her hands and made him look at her. “You can tell me anything you want. And please believe me when I tell you that I wont judge and that I would never leave you.”

He looked at her a little surprised again and said. “No offense but you're by far the strangest girl I have ever seen.” His eyes widened after he said his thought out loud and noticed how that would sound to her, so he corrected himself quickly. “N-Not a bad strange of course! J-Just really creepy- No wait, creepy sounds actually worse- umm... I just mean you're really... surprising me all the time? Damn, I'm talking too much again...” He rambled nervously. He just hoped that she wouldn't be offended or annoyed, but his worries disappeared as she chuckled and smiled at him.

“Don't worry, 'Zuzu. I know what you mean. Your rambling is actually really cute.” She said with a loving smile on her face. He blushed and couldn't help but be surprised again. Many people had been annoyed by his mumbling and rambling. Some people told him “it's okay”, but never ever someone said this habits were cute!

“I'm cute? Don't talk nonsense, you're the cute one!” He said and his “Emotion Sharing” told him that Ochako was feeling extremely happy suddenly. She seemed to notice that he sensed her happiness and answered his unsaid question. “I'm feeling so happy right now because I'm just glad that you think I'm cute! Like, 'Oh my god, my boyfriend thinks I'm cute!', you know?” At the word boyfriend both of them blushed a little.

He leaned forward and hugged her lovingly. “You don't know, how happy I am right now.” He said and hugged her tighter. Yes, he was stressed and probably traumatized but right now, sitting on the couch, hugging his girlfriend, he was truly happy.

The peaceful moment was only interrupted, by the door opening and the voice of a classmate.

“Midoriya! Uraraka! Are you okay?!”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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