I'm a burden

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Ochako took a deep breath and watched the passed out Deku on her lap. He was lying with his head on her thighs and snored softly.

Aizawa was standing in the door and watched the pair quietly. The other students were chased away by Katsuki and the teacher was therefore alone.

After the whole thing Aizawa just witnessed, many questions flew through his head. However the most conspicuous was the question, how traumatized his Problem Child must be. How in the world could the boy still smile every day?

The teacher made a mental note to bring the Problem Child to a psychiatrist as soon as possible.

Meanwhile the girl runs her fingers through Deku's green locks and thought about, what just happened.

He must have had a nightmare or something like that and when he woke up he was scared because she wasn't there. Ochako felt guilty. If she just had stayed with him, then this wouldn't happened! Deku wouldn't have had the third panic attack in just a few hours. Maybe he even wouldn't have had the nightmare at all.

His whole life he was alone and feared. He thought that she was scared of him and that she had left him. Her poor Deku. She shouldn't have let him alone. She shouldn't ha-

She shook her head. No. It wouldn't change anything to feel guilty now. She just had to make sure not to make the same mistake again.

She looked around and inspected the damage of the room. The desk was broken in half and one of the halves laid on the other side of the room. The bed was pushed into the closet. The door of his room was lying at the other side of the hallway. The windows were completely shattered.

Ochako came to the conclusion that Deku couldn't stay in this room now.

"I will take Deku to my room and let him sleep there, if that's okay?" She asked after she turned around to her teacher, but Aizawa could clearly see that it wasn't really a question.

He sighed. Normally he wouldn't allow this but under these circumstances this proposal was probably the best solution.

"Okay. I'll leave him in your care then. But please make sure there wont be a repeat of this."

Ochako nodded. Then she looked worried on Deku to make sure he was really sleeping, before she activated her quirk on him and made him weightless.

She slowly stood up while he floated in front of her and took his hand to pull him with her.

An idea stopped her and she looked around to see Deku's phone on the floor behind him. Maybe it's still working? She let go of Izuku's hand and picked the phone up. Hah! It's still working! But how in the world...?

She shook her head again and put the phone in her pocket. She could think about that later. Now she had to make sure Deku was fine.

She turned around, took his hand again and then began to walk out of the room. Aizawa steps out of the way and Ochako carefully pulled Deku past the teacher, which observed them with an unreadable look on his face. Silently the two of them walked to the elevator and Ochako maneuvered the sleeping boy inside before the doors closed.

On the way to the girl's room they luckily met none of their classmates which calmed Ochako a bit.

When they arrived she opened the door and went inside. Ochako shivered. It was a little cold in her room because she had left the air conditioning turned on. So, she stopped at the door and turned the heating on, before she went straight to her bed.

She took the sheets off the bed, pulled Deku above it and then pushed him carefully down. She released her quirk and covered him with a soft blanket. Normally she would probably be embarrassed, that her crush was sleeping in her bed but right now she was just glad that she could stay with him and care for him.

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