You'll be an even greater hero!

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Movement on her left side woke her up. She could hear the faint chirping of birds and a soft snoring sound. She opened her eyes and the sunshine through the window blinded her a bit.

After she adjusted to the brightness she looked down to her left side to see a mop of green hair which tickled her nose. She moved a bit to see his face and kindly smiles at his sleeping form.

Over night they had shifted a bit. Dekus head laid on her shoulder, his arm was wrapped around her waist and his leg was draped over hers. If he would be awake she would be flustered by their positions but right now she was just happy. Oh, how she wished she could wake up like this every day.

She just watched him for a while. For Ochako it seemed like a few seconds but in reality it was nearly half an hour.

She only stopped watching him because he stirred and drowsily opened his eyes. He needed a few moments to focus on his surroundings and then looked at her.

He smiled at her, with the probably most beautiful smile she had ever seen, and quietly. “Hi.”

“Hi.” She said with a kind smile. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yeah, surprisingly I have slept well.” He answered and slowly sat up with a groan.

“What's wrong?” Ochako asked with a concerned look.

“I'm fine. Just have a headache. I think I overdid it a bit yesterday, that's all.”

“I have painkillers if you need some.”

“Nah, I think I'm gonna be fine. But thank you.” He said and gave her a big smile again.

Ochako was so glad that he seemed to be doing better. The smiles she got from him all were real, true smiles and not the fake ones he wore so often.

Both of them were just watching each other for a few moments, before blushing and quickly looking away.

“U-Uhm... A-Are you hungry? I could something for us.” She said flustered. Oh god, what if he knew that she had a big crush on him? What if he knew that she was in love with him? What if-

“You... you don't need to do that. I've burdened you enough already. It's fine, uhm... I will just go and uhm... well, uhm...” He stuttered while standing up and stumbling to the door but was stopped by a hand grabbing his wrist. He turned around and saw that she was looking at him with an angry expression on her face and tears in her eyes.

“Wha- Ochako why are you crying?” He worriedly asked.

She threw herself in his arms and began to yell at him.

“When will you understand that you are not a burden?! You never will be one and if I wouldn't want to help you I wouldn't do so! So stop saying such mean things over my best friend and just accept that I won't leave you!”

He is speechless. How could such a great person like Ochako like him? Especially if she knew about his quirk!

They stayed in their hugged position for a few minutes and as they parted they looked at each other.

“Alright. I will ask again. Are you hungry?” She asked with a pout and put her hands on her hips.

He seemed to hesitate for a moment and then opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by the loud growl of his stomach.

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