Sexuality and Society

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** I don't mean to condemn anyone! I am proud of every single one of you who stands up for their sexuality and also of everyone who perhaps cannot yet do so! Our world is colorful and I love that you show this world your rainbow! This is at best a criticism of our society and an encouragement to all those who do not want to label themselves! Feel loved, everyone! **

🦋 And if you're interested in a short story about lovers that has no gender label for the protagonist, maybe give "Will you be the death of me, please?" a try. You can find it on my profile here on Wattpad 💛🤍💜🖤
anyways, here we go with my personal opinion on
"Sexuality and Society":

I don't think my sexuality is of your concern.

I don't mean to be rude but I refuse to force a label on myself just to assure the comfort of others.
My sexuality should be of no importance to you. If you want to date me ask me whether I want to or not. My sexuality will be no guarantee for you either way. And if you aren't interested in me in any romantic or sexual way then my sexuality is even less important — not at all, to be clear — to you.

Nevertheless, I'm not naive enough to believe people wouldn't push their labels on me anyway. I know many of us automatically do it, I myself often catch me doing it. Society raised us to do so. I think it's one of these vices many people aren't even aware of. But yet it is a vice. And I want to get rid of this addiction. People, we, are raised to only feel comfortable if we can put everyone and everything around us in a box with a nice clean label on it. White. Black. Bad. Good. Heaven. Hell. Satan. God. But it isn't that simple. Some things, most things, just aren't a hundred percent white or black. Nobody is a hundred percent bad or good. Satan is heaven-born. And God send him away to hell.

I won't blame you for putting me in a nice little box for your thoughts about me. But I judge your for not seeing that even if one of these oh so many labels may fit me it doesn't mean my character, my way of being, is defined by it. It's just one of these thousands of hues in my rainbow self.
And if you are a hundred percent straight or gay or whatever, I'm truly happy for you. And I won't blame anyone for pushing their labels on me. But I refuse to do it myself.

I'm able to love and, to me, that's label enough.

Hummingbird 𓅪 // PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now