Runaway ll.

24 5 2

it's not you
it's this town
its people
oh, these people

I need to cut myself loose
from this town
from these people
and sadly, from you

it tears me apart just to think of it
it'll destroy me more than anything ever has
I'm convinced it'll rip me apart for good
and nevertheless, it's for the better 

I am damaged
I am the damage
and I'll damage you
if I don't leave you to burst on your own

you may not see it
and I won't claim to do this for you
because we both know I'm entirely selfish
and despite, it is the only right thing to do

if I can't love you in this town
surrounded by these people
oh, these people
I don't deserve you loving me anywhere else

I want to run away more desperately
than I want to (than I can) fight for you
but you, my sunshine, deserve to be loved
despite these people

and sadly, I can't be the one to do so
but I can be the one to release you
and to pave the way for the person
who will love you right in these people's face

Hummingbird 𓅪 // PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now