~Chapter 6 (Part I)~

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"San!" Hongjoong yelled as the other ran out...he didn't know what to do. He sighed and turned to Wooyoung, who was holding his burning cheek. "Just..go to your room!" he signed

"But....he slapped me" Wooyoung signed

"We all just did things and said thing we shouldn't have. I should've stopped you sooner. Just go." Hongjoong signed and Wooyoung left, doing as he was told.

"I should have stopped them..." Hongjoong spoke sitting down on the bed. He knew he shouldn't have let Wooyoung speak for San, he was given more information then either of them wanted him to have. And yet at the same time these were things that if they didn't share would just build up and neither of them would know Seong-hwa's side of things. He didn't know what to do..so he just sat there for a bit to think.


(Everything throughout the story that is bolded means it was signed to the person being spoken to)


Authors POV:

Today didn't go at all the way Honjoong had planned...he was suppose to have a productive day..he was going to get the kids starting to work on their school. Then he would talk privately with the ones who finished first, get to know them better and let them know he was there to listen, which he didn't even get to talk to everyone. And at the end of all of it they would go get ice cream and have some fun together. But instead he ended up yelling at the kids, the last two kids he talked to got into a fight, and haven't left were they're now since, and while the others were cleaning someone broke a glass vase (lots of things get broken in this house.). Look on the bright side, at least the house looked some what cleaner!! He knew all of them tried their best, so he felt like they deserved some ice cream, but first he needed to tell everyone to get ready to go and change. He went into the livingroom where all the kids, expect San and Wooyoung, were and told them to get ready. He then went outside to where San was telling him the same thing, before lastly going up to Wooyoung and San's room telling Wooyoung to get ready as well. After this, he went to his bed room and changed outfits (refer to the picture and fyi his hair is blue). He then put on a little bit of make-up, nothing much just natural eye-shadow, eyeliner, mascara, and some foundation. He then returned downstairs to find everyone but San and Wooyoung ready to go. Just as he was about to ask where they were he got his answer when he heard San scream "Stop!!" from upstairs. He mumbled "Oh fudge..." to himself before running up the stairs and into the twins room. There he found San standing there with a the body of a stuffed dog, while Wooyoung held the head. 

"You ripped his head off!" San whispered as he began to cry, when Wooyoung stepped back and dropped the plushies' body, clearly thinking about what he did, San rushed over picked it up. Out of nowhere San looked up at Wooyoung not even bothering to sign as he could read his lips. "You ruined it! You ruined Shiber!" He yelled before lunging at Wooyoung.

Hongjoong quickly grabbed San before he could reach his twin. "Boys stop!" He said and sighed.

San hadn't even noticed Hongjoong had joined much less his outfit until he held him back and calmly told San to calm down. 

"I...I didn't mean to...it just happened..." Wooyoung started to signed.

"You didn't mean to?! You just happened to rip his head off?!" San signed clearly getting very upset. 

This reaction only provoked a negative reaction from Wooyoung. "No I didn't but you know what maybe it's a good thing that I did! You treated that thing like a freaking baby treats a paci! All because dad won it for you at a fair!  It doesn't make you special either dad won us all a prize! Ever wonder why that was the last gift he gave you? Because he doesn't love you anymore! You're no longer his special boy! And if he knew the truth he wouldn't want you ever again! See even Hoongjoong is making fun of you!!" Wooyoung signed, unlike San who seemed to be more of a physical fighter, indicated by the the fact he slapped Wooyoung earlier and lunged at him, where as Wooyoung more of a verbal fighter.

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