~Chapter 3~

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I for a moment just stood there and took it shaking my head, but when they saw that I was unaffected by this they dropped the pillows and started to punch and kick me. For being young they sure were strong "Ow that hurts stop!!" I said trying to get them to stop while also controlling my anger. After minutes of trying to get them to stop I finally let my anger take over "All of you stop!!!" I yelled loud enough for probably the whole neighborhood to hear but it froze them in their tracks with fear. "I want to see you all in my room one at a time and so help me god you dare to hit me one more time you will be going first and trust me you do not want to be first!! Sit down on the couch I don't want to hear you say another word or for you to move a muscle!!" I commanded but San being the smartass he is mumbled "Another word." To which I replied "Oh thank you San for volunteering to go first." His smirk dropped into and expression of complete fear as he stared at me knowing he fucked up.


(Everything throughout the story that is bolded means it was signed to the person being spoken to)

*edited for the second time*

Seonghwa's POV

It has been 7 hours and no call or even a text. Did they kill him?! At this point I wouldn't be surprised. My anxiety is building up why hasn't he called by now yelling at me telling me about horrible children I have?! Thankfully it was my lunch so I went outside pulled out my phone and called Hongjoong. The longer it rang the more worried I got..what have they done to him?! Right before it was going to go to voicemail he picked up and I let out a big sigh of relief. 

"What's up hyung? Do you need to stay later? If so that's fine I'll just order something for dinner seeing as I have trouble cooking. But don't worry about it I'm taking classes I'll be able to whip up any dish soon enough!"

"You're live?! Why aren't you yelling at me telling me what horrible kids I have?!" I say out of shock and on the other end of the line I can hear Hongjoong laughing 

"Oh hyung! Sure at first they were a bit difficult but after a bit of correction they've straightened up a bit. Actually all but Yunho and Yeosang are asleep. The those two are just working on their reading assignment."

My jaw dropped wide open how is this possible?! "You got them to take a nap and Yunho to read?! How!?"

"P.E. was quite exhausting also Yunho is using my glass. I think the reason he hates it so much and struggles to read is because he might need glasses, and they want to finish there school work so they can move up some spaces on the board."

Before I could ask anymore questions I was called back into the hospital. "I have to go...umm..thank you I guess.."

"Okay bye hyung!!" 

I hung up before walking back inside. Has Namjesus sent me an angel to control the demons that are my children?! If so I'm not complaining but I high doubt this will last. It might for 2 or 3 days but soon enough I'm sure they'll find some way to chase Hongjoong off. But for now have a patient to save I can't be thinking about how they could chase off the angel. 

Three hours later my shift has ended. I text Hongjoong to let him know I'm on my way home. It's about a 10 minute drive so it doesn't take long for me to arrive. Walking in I expect there to be chaos but it was quiet "Umm hello? I walk around looking for everyone. While heading upstairs I hear San call for Hongjoong to come to his room. I meet Hongjoong in the hallway and tell him I'll go. I slowly open the door to see San and Wooyoung mischievously smiling until they realize it's me 

"DADDY NO!!!" San screams as I open the door all the way and a bucket of slime falls onto my head. "Shit! Wooyoung come on!" He grabs his brother's arm going under his bed

"PARK SAN AND PARK WOOYOUNG I SWEAR YOU BETTER GET YOUR BUTTS OUT FROM UNDER THERE!!" I yell as Hongjoong rushes over taking in the situation before sighing

"That was probably meant for me...Hyung why don't you go take a shower I'll deal with this." Hongjoong say taking the bucket off of my head before turning around "San and Wooyoung unless you would like to pay another visit to my room I suggest you come out." He signed it as well just in case Wooyoung could still see him.

He said it so calm yet stern it sent chills down my spine but I see the two scramble out from under the bed their eyes full of fear as San spoke up first "Please no Hongjoong-hyung!"

Wooyoung looks to be almost ready to cry when he signed to Hongjoong, "We're sorry Hongjoong-hyung!! We'll clean it up!" Of course I haven't learned enough to know what, but I knew by his facial expressions he was scared.

I'm shock through by how quickly they obeyed him and how they addressed him. What has he done with my children?! 

"First I think you owe someone an apology."

They both walk up to me, San mumbling a sorry while Wooyoung signed it, both hanging their heads.

"I'll go grab the cleaning supplies." Hongjoong signs and announces before walking out of the room leaving me confused.

I just walk over to my room and get in the shower questioning everything that I witnessed. Was it a dream?! Did two of my demons really show him that much respect?! But the main thing that confused me was the words he spoke that instantly caused them to listen. "Do you want to pay another visit to my room?" Why did that terrify them so much? I make a mental note to ask him about it once I get out, but for now I enjoy my shower. It felt nice after a long day of work to be able to just come home and take a shower. 


What do y'all think happens in Hongjoong's room?! Let me know in the comments! Anyways I purple you guys have a great day/night!!

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