~Chapter 5~ (Part IV)

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"Oh honey..you're so wrong..he didn't hire them so he could work more it's just his job...it's demanding and sometimes right when he's leaving he has to go back in to preform a last minute surgery. One that if he didn't do right then and there, the person would die...He sometimes can't leave even when he wants to. You know something else? He works this job because he wants to be able to give you guys everything you ever want. So you guys don't have to worry about where your next meal is going to come from or if you want to go to college you can! Some kids don't have that or even someone who loves them enough to do that. He told me that the best part of his day is not if he saved someones life that day it's when he comes home. Sure it's always chaos but just to see you guys, seeing that your healthy and take care of, it makes him happy. You make him happy and he could never forget about his beautiful sons." Hongjoong spoke with his hand on the boys chin to keep him looking at him.

"You..really think so?" Yeosang asked as he stopped crying a bit.

Hongjoong gently wiped his tear stained check and nodded "I know he does! We were just talking about you guys last night! The way he talked about you guys I could tell how much he loves you guys!" He said with a smile. "Now if you want to be alone more often we can come up with a plan for that, okay? One that doesn't involve you sneaking out. And I better not catch you or hear about you sneaking out again! Understood??"

Yeosang nodded before pulling Hongjoong into a quick hug mumbling "thank you"


(Everything throughout the story that is bolded means it was signed to the person being spoken to)

*edited for the second time*

Warning mention of abuse!!

Author's POV:

Next one Hongjoong decided to to talk to was Yunho. Although out of all the kids he seemed to be the least of the troublemakers, Seong-hwa, did mentioned he would suppress his anger and feelings for long periods of time and when he least expected it Yunho would explode. He wanted to find out why this was the case and find healthy ways Yunho could let out his anger.

After send Yeosang downstairs to also complete his chores, Hongjoong called for Yunho to come to his room. Once he was inside the room, Hongjoong closed the door and sat on the floor next to Yunho, as that's where he choose to sit. Seeing as he was here to comfort Yunho and find ways to help him he didn't want to be towering over him, otherwise he would have sat on the bed as it was more comfortable for him. "I know you don't know me but I'm here to try and make things better for you guys...take a load that has been place on Yeosang and your shoulders off and make it to were you can just be normal 13 year-olds. I know Yeosang expressed that it seems like you two are raising the other kids and that a lot of stress to be put on someone your age. But as I told him that is partly your own fault as you have chased off anyone your father hired to care for you." Hongjoong gently placed his hand on Yunho. "Your father never hired them with the intent to work more he hired them so you guys could be normal kids and not have this stress that you feel. And sure maybe they didn't care...but I care...I want what your father wants for you...I want to see you be carefree and have fun...and be just a 10 year old boy." He smiled softly at Yunho before asking "Would you mind talking to me about what makes you so angry? And why you feel you can't share your feelings with your father?"

"Your really going to try and fix this broken family?" Yunho scuffed looking down. "You want to know what bothers me? When Seong-hwa is here...he isn't here." He noticed the confused look on Hongjoong face so he added "At least not for all of us..."

Hongjoong seemed to understand now but to make sure he asked "When you say all of us, do you mean you, or you and another sibling, or for some of your siblings?"

"About me..." Yunho mumbled "He's never there for me, like he used to be...before..."

"Before Mingi's mom came into your lives with him....before he learned he had another set of twins. Then all of his attention was sucked up by them, and the only attention you would get was from Mingi's mom when she was in the picture and Seong-hwa's parent both were negative....He stopped being there when you need him...am I right?" Hongjoong asked sympathizing with the younger

"I'm not some attention whore!! I never needed attention from Seong-hwa and I most certainly never need any attention from those bitches!!!!" Yunho roses his voice getting upset over what Hongjoong said although he wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because what the elder said was true? Or maybe it was the fact that it felt like Hongjoong had read him like a book.

"Red light." Hongjoong said "Use that if I over step, get to personal, or ask something you don't want to answer. I'll use it as a warning for you to watch your language. I'm here to listen to you, but you can get to the point across without cussing." He stated, before going back to what they were talking about. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply you were attention seeking..." He paused for a minute before asking " Were you ever close to Seong-hwa's girlfriends or his parents?"

Yunho almost seemed to laugh "Close?!" he said almost like he was offended by Hongjoong asking if they were close. "I barely knew San and Wooyoung's mom but Mingi's mom was never around, she didn't care for us. It was all about her and what she wanted. She was the most selfish person I ever knew!" He started to tear up "Besides she used to beat us. Mostly Mingi and me would get the worst of it. She neglected Mingi...barely fed him through out the day and would leave him in his crib for hours. As for me it was because she would catch me trying to make a bottle for Mingi or get him to stop crying. Yeosang only got hurt when I wasn't around to protect him. I mean that's the older siblings job, am I right, to protect the younger ones. Seong-hwa just let it happen too he knew and he just let it happen. He just went to work and let it happen." He said with bitterness in his voice.

"Yes it is but you shouldn't have had to protect them from something like that." Hongjoong sat down beside Yunho. "I don't think if Seong-hwa truly knew what was going in. No one who loves their children as much as he loves you guys would just ignore that. Also have you ever told him how you feel?" Hongjoong would never down play what they went though or say that Seong-hwa working so much was an excuse for him not noticing what was going on. "When he found out he took care of it right away, right?"

Yunho sat and thought for a minute. "No...I never did do that.." He then thought about Hongjoong's second question "Yeah he did...he reported her and made sure she had no legal rights to us..."

"So if he knew all the time wouldn't he have done the same thing sooner?" 

"Yeah...he would've.."

"Why don't you do me something...write everything you feel towards your father down on paper, and when you're give it to him..Just remember he does love you and he should have noticed sooner but he's human and he makes mistakes..But at least he did his best to try and fix his mistake." Hongjoong said "And I'm sure if you asked him he would tell you he regrets not noticing sooner, causing you to go through so much pain...And I know this for sure he loves you guys more then everything in the whole world."

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