~Chapter 9 (Part I)~

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"Hey, he's trying! What was it this time?"

"Yunie bear said that he watched Hongjoong added a tablespoon of salt instead of a teaspoon! And then he used buttermilk since we were out of milk!"

I cringed a bit in disgust before handing Mingi my smoothie "I don't blame you...but hold out just for another week...and then we'll be going on a vacation and we'll only be having room service and take out!" I told him. "I'll vouch for you today and say you just have a 24 hour stomach bug, but you'll need to eat whatever Hongjoong cooks for the rest of the week, understand?"

Mingi got excited and hugged me before laying back down "Thank you daddy!! I'll put on my best act!" He giggled as I got up to leave but Mingi stop me for a moment to ask "Daddy....when did you get so cool?"


(Everything throughout the story that is bolded means it was signed to the person being spoken to)

Hongjoong's POV:

It's the night before the vacation, Seong-hwa booked us a first classes flight from Seoul's Incheon International Airport to Busan's Gimhae International Airport, and in less than 10 hours we will be boarding that flight....And we are not ready...I am are not ready....!

It took an hour and half to get the boys down because of how excited they were for vacation. I mean I can't blame them. This is their first time going anywhere outside of Seoul, but still they could have used some of that energy to help me pack! The most I could get them to do was to pick out the clothes they wanted to wear....not like that was much help......The youngers one, San and Wooyoung all brought me clothes that don't match! And as for the older one only brought me old t-shirts and basketball shorts, which a few would be fine but they needed some nicer clothes, swim suits, and pjs, which they insist that they can use the t-shirts and basketball shorts for all of those. I will not stand for it! At least Mingi's pile of clothes were all fairly descent, I mean they were way to formal and nice but descent.

So now I am back at step one of my checklist, preparing to pack....

Before the boy were asleep I went around and dug out all their clothes and put them into separate baskets. Now I am sat on the floor of the livingroom with 5 baskets and suitcases surrounding me and my anxiety going through the roof. 

I need a moment to mediate before I even attempt to take care about tackle this madness. I cross my legs and close my eyes to began to mediate. Just as I did this Seong-hwa came in. "Are you sure you'll be okay to take care of this all by yourself?! I'm sure I could call in and ask to come in an hour later."

"Yes, I am sure! I'll be fine!" I tried to sound reassuring but I wasn't even sure I believed myself. "Look at it this way, I have 10 hours to get this done. Worst case it will take me the whole 10 hours, which most likely won't happen!" He said with a small chuckle "Just get to work before you're late!" I thought it would be best for us to do a week long family vacation and then give Seong-hwa a week to himself, which he insisted that he took three day and then I had three days, so he ended up taking two weeks off. Because of this though he's having to work the night shift tonight and he won't get off until 2 hours before our flight leaves. Leaving me to try and guide 5 kids through a huge airport by. myself.....I'll...be..fine..I think...

Seong-hwa nodded "Well thank you for all that you do for us! Joongie you are an amazing human being!" He said before leaving the room. I took a deep breath and sat there by myself for a moment before I heard Seong-hwa clear his throat. He stood in the door ways with a bottle of wine and a glass. "I thought this might help get you through tonight." He said setting it done by me and winking at me. "don't worry I'll order a car to pick y'all up in the morning" he reassured me before waving bye and truly leaving this time.

After he left I popped the bottle open, took a drink straight from the bottle. I then began to pack up the bags, picking out some nice and casual outfits for the boys before putting them into the suitcases, as I prayed that tomorrow would go well and be a good start to our vacation.


Just a short little update! Part 2 will be the morning when they go to the airport! Hope you enjoyed! Have an amazing day/night! I purple you guys!!! 

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