~Chapter 5 (Part II)~

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San let out a disappointed sigh before letting go. "You always have work..." He mumbled before turning back over and grabbed a small dog plushie cuddling it instead.

Seong-hwa stood there for a moment with that same sad look in his eyes from last night...the one that pulled on my heart strings, making me want to tell him everything was alright...that no matter how it seemed the kids, I'm sure, loved him and would one day understood the importance of his work and the sacrifice he's making.

"I'll go start breakfast." I told him before going downstairs to find Yeongsan walking in the front door. My arms cross over my chest...just last night Seong-hwa was talking about how they snuck out but I didn't think they would test their limits with me so soon. "We'll talk later...straight to that kitchen, your going to learn how to make breakfast." I didn't want to stress Seong-hwa out right before he went into work so I decided to wait, but after last night seems like I need to sit down with all of them, separately. 


(Everything throughout the story that is bolded means it was signed to the person being spoken to)

*edited for the second time*

Hongjoong POV:

Breakfast went great...It only took Yeosang about 3 hours to cook some eggs...He's hard headed for sure and when he puts his mind to something he gets it done. So while he made his 3 hour eggs the rest of us sat down and eat our food. 

Now I was trying to get everyone started on school work. I had set up different work stations based on the grade they were in. The oldest twins (5th grade) were at the dinning room table with a laptop, Mingi (3rd grade) was at the island in the kitchen with a laptop, and the youngest twins (2nd grade) were on the floor in the living room with the TV. They all had videos that they watch. In those videos it would teach them the lesson for that day and assign work to them. They even signed in the 2nd grader videos so Wooyoung could understand. This seemed easy enough, it's just like watching a movie, but no all of them wouldn't pay attention. The older ones would fall asleep, while the younger ones would fight over every little thing. No matter how many times I flicked the back of their heads or scolded them they still wouldn't pay attention....

In this wonderful start to the day, I had been so focused on getting them started on their school work I forgot to check if the stove Yeosang was cooking on was off. I run into the kitchen to find it still on. I quickly turn it off realizing how bad that could have been. When I turn to see three drooling boys, two located in the dinning room and the other in the kitchen, and papers tore up all over the living room. This was suppose to be a productive day..and if everyone behaved I was going to order them ice cream. Seong-hwa had mention they all loved ice cream and I was hoping if they saw that when they did good, they were rewarded, they might stop acting out...

Sighing I thought for a moment before whistling to get everyone's attention, San helped me by tapping Wooyoung shoulder to let him know I wanted to speak to them, before I started to speak/sign. "It's clear we're not going to get anywhere with schoolwork today, which is sad because I had plans to order ice cream if y'all got a lot done today." I notice all of their faces drop at the mention that they had a chance to get ice cream and blew it. "I shouldn't have to announce that you guys will get a reward if you were good and did what you were suppose to do. You are at the age were I shouldn't have to reward every good thing you do, or bribe you with a reward. You should do it no matter what and receive one when ever I feel like giving you one or if anyone else does for that matter. Why? because that's life. Your not always going to be reward for doing good and you shouldn't except to be. You should do what is right and good because you want to." I said/signed trying to teach them a life lesson. 

"I'm not going to do this often, so don't expect it, but I'm giving all of you a second chance. I want you ALL to start on chores. I have them all written on the board so there is no reason I should find you not doing them." I spoke/signed to all of them before turning to just San and Wooyoung. "And before you two start I want every last piece of paper off this ground and in the trash." I said/signed before turning to Yeosang. "And before you start I want to have a talk with you in my room...."

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