~Chapter 7~

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After they finished with their ice cream Hongjoong picked up some dinner from Panda Express and to keep them from fighting just ordered a family meal and picked everything himself. No one the whole way home spoke. Maybe it was because they were scared too, maybe they all were to angry, or maybe they all felt bad for the way they behaved. Who knew. All they knew was Hongjoong wasn't playing around he meant business and if they didn't want to face the wrath of Hongjoong they need to get their act together.


(Everything throughout the story that is bolded means it was signed to the person being spoken to)

1 Month Later.

Seong-hwa's POV: 

Only one month of Hongjoong being here, and he has made such a difference in my boys. They've grown to, for the most part, they respect him, they're doing their schoolwork at least twice a week, and have been getting better about doing daily chores. He also got San and Wooyoung to make up three days after their huge fight. We got Yunho a pair of glasses and he hasn't exactly turned into a reader yet, but he's on his way for sure. I haven't decided if Hongjoong is an angel sent to help me control my demons or Satan himself in disguise, who felt bad for leaving me with five of his spawn and came to help out. I've definitely seen both sides from him. No wonder the kids respect him....or maybe they just fear him...keep this between us but big things come in.....SHORT packages.

Hongjoong's POV:

It took time to adjust to having some structure and order, but now that the boys have they seem to almost welcome it. Not to put Seong-hwa down, but sometimes I feel as if he's still a child himself forced to grow up before he was ready. So he never learned the importance of having structure or a schedule. I know right now it seems like I'm more of a parent to the kids then he is but I'm hoping to change that. If he keeps his promise, and I'm still here, which I will be, in two months then he's suppose to pay for me to take a vacation. I want to request that we all go and if we can I want to use that time to build the kids relationship with Seong-hwa, give the kids a chance to tell him what they told me. I just hope I don't end up working myself our of a job. In a month I've grown attached to these kids, I want to watch them grow up and be here to help them. I've never felt this way before with past families I've worked for. It's almost like I finally have a family...and for once...I'm not alone.

2 Months Later.

Seong-hwa's POV:

Hongjoong is still here?! HOW?! I don't understand how he has been able to surive this long. I need to ask him where he wants to go for his vacation, so I can book everything for next month. I'm regretting making that deal with him, not that he doesn't deserve it, I see the tiredness in his eyes, the nights he stays up grading their papers or putting together his lesson plans for the week, and I see the moment he wants to just lose it with the kids but he takes a moment to himself to calm down before responding. I just don't know what I would do without him for a week, I can't do all he does and not have a mental break down. This whole month I haven't been able to take my eyes off him. There's so many things I haven't noticed about him. Did you know he wears make-up and skirts?! No judgement but I just never noticed! He also dyes his hair, which I mean where does he find the time?! It was blonde but now it's a very beautiful, bright blue. The more I watch him the more physical aspects I find that are adorable,  same goes for his personality traits too. For being a male he's quite attractive....I mean what am I thinking!!!

Hongjoong's POV:

I can't help but notice that Seong-hwa has been staring at me this whole month. I wonder what is going on inside that beautiful head of his. He always looks so puzzled by me, it's kinda cute. But for being a surgeon it concerns me how much he doesn't really pay attention to details. Another thing he has been doing this month is point out things he never noticed about me before. I can't be to hard on him though, I haven't noticed a lot about him either. Like how handsome he is....I mean he's kinda my type...



Next Chapter will be all about their vacation!!! Get ready for things to be all over the place and to cry!! I'll probably do parts like I have with past chapters until the vacation is over!! Hope you have an amazing day/night!!! I purple you guys!! Thanks for all the support!

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