Chapter 2: torao?

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Law's POV:
"Scalpel." I simply stated under the surgical mask holding my hand out. My green haired assistant handed the sharp tool to me as the beeps of the heart monitor kept at a steady pace. I drew the sharp edge along the dotted line I drew on the patient's skin I drew with a sharpie. I usually don't need it to guide me but my boss is always getting on the me saying it's 'safer this way.' Before I knew it I was stitching up the patient's wounds. "And just like that another one done." Monet spoke dusting her hands off. I nodded as I took off my surgical mask and put away other equipment. "What hours are my lunch break?" I asked popping my gloved hands. "That would be now." She stated looking at her watch, resting on her left wrist. I sighed In relief. "I'll tell Caesar his hours are on, enjoy your break law." She smiled at me and i nodded. I opened the door exiting the cramped hospital bedroom, walking along the marbled tiles of the hallway. "On break law?" I heard a familiar voice ask as I passed the front desk. "Mhm." It was kahira. I waved before walking once more, grabbing the metal Handel of the glass doors exposing my self to the fresh outdoor air.

Luffy's pov:
"Haha! Look at em!" Bellamy hit another punch to my stomach making me groan, him and his goons only laughed at me more. "I feel bad for em a lil, we stained his already dirty clothes with his own blood!" One of the goons snickered in a humored manner. Why does this always happen..I feel so weak. I wish I wasn't such a stupid crybaby. I wish i could just stand up for myself. While they were busy laughing their asses off, I attempted to crawl away and failed miserably. I felt a heel jam onto my back, causing me to Yelp. "Where do you think yer goin?" Bellamy teased pressing his foot down harder. I wanted to scream. And I almost did, until I heard the sweet relief of a teacher. "Oi! Bellamy! Principal office now!" It was mihawk. God bless. Bellamy scoffed before heading down. "You to luffy." What? Cant he see I was being beaten? "Your supposed to be in class right now. Now go join him."

-time skip-

I sat outside the principle's office with a frown. I think some of my wounds from yesterday re-opened. I didnt wait for to long, Bellamy soon walked out the principal's office with a stupid grin on his face. Whats got him so happy? I shrugged it off and walked into the office following after. "Take a seat, luffy." It was principal akainu. He always got on my nerves for some reason, I don't even know why. "Well, I'm just gonna give it to you straight. Your suspended for getting into a fight." Never mind, now I remember. Why the hell do I get suspended? "W-what?" I said in disbelief. "We'll just call your parent and you can go—" I shook my head furiously. "I'll walk home. Thanks." My dad would beat the shit out of me if he found out about this. Im still upset though, does he even know the full story? There's no point in it. Bellamy probably got around it with money like he always does. It gets on my nerves...I sighed and grabbed my brown packpack, walking out of the front office and into the open air.

Law's POV:
I felt the heels of my dress shoes click against the concrete of the sidewalk. I wasnt looking at anything specific, just eating a sandwich and walking ahead. The silence kept on until I was interrupted with a ding from my phone, must be work. Whilst walking I pulled the phone out from my pocket, oh? It was my little sister lami. I haven't talked to her in months. 'Hey law. How are things going? It's been a while.' It was short but simple. I began to type back, 'Hey lami, it's been good for me—' I felt myself bump into someone or something, I couldn't tell. My phone hit the concrete with a small thump. "I-im sorry." The person spoke, "it's fine, I-" I felt my heart stopped as I looked him straight in the eye. There standing right before me was my childhood crush and first ever love intrest. Monkey d. Luffy. His kid like features were still sort of there, however he had grown into a petite teen. From what I remember he was two years younger than me, so I assume he's 18. His round brown eyes were still as big and bright as I remember. However..they looked tired. His once smooth soft skin was now cut and bruised in certain places. His clothes seemed old and torn, but nothing to bad. Luffy's black curly hair was messy as well, but it had always been like that. It added to him and his personality. His eyes widened as he looked at me as if hitting a point of realization. "T-torao?" He gulped and handed my my phone. "Luffy.." I said looking down at him, and i could have sworn I saw a small blush form on his creamy skin. A small silence filled the air. "It's been a while.."

To be continued....

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