Chapter 11: deja vu

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Luffy's POV:
Cold. It felt cold. The rusty old basement that is. It was cold and cramped, I could barely breathe. Im hungry..I wanna go back to torao. I thought things couldn't have taken a turn for the worse but I was clearly wrong.

-flashback, 1 hour ago-

I woke up feeling light headed. Barley able to comprehend. I sat up, and looked around. Was i already in this hospital? How long have I been here? I rubbed my eyes, and looked over to see Torao. He was fast asleep, he must have been tired. Just than, a doctor walked in, she had pink hair and makeup. "Oh, I see your awake." She spoke with a smile. I nodded, looking at my wrists. They had stitching. "I'll be right back, I'll call someone to get you out of here." I didnt really pay attention to what she was saying, I was looking at Torao, I can't wait for him to wake up. I bet he'll be so happy. I want to discuss what happened, but I also wanna give him the biggest hug. I smiled to myself, maybe things do get if on cue, the door to the hospital room opened. "Well, well, well. Thought I'd never have to see your hideous face again." I froze as I recognized the deep voice that echoed from the door frame. Why is he here?! "I was actually kind of happy to find out you were gone, but now I have to deal with this shit. Slitting your wrists huh? Pathetic." I was now shaking, gripping the sheets of the hospital bed. My dad glanced over at torao. He than reached in his pocket, pulling out..a pocket knife. "N-no! Don't hurt him!" I begged jumping out of the hospital bed, tripping face flat on the floor in the process. I sat up, ignoring my now bruised knee. "Please..leave torao alone. I'll g-go with you. You don't even have to talk to me or look at me. You can even kill me for all i care..just leave him be. I owe him so much." I was quite literally on my knees, tears forming at the brims of my eyes. My dad scoffed. "I don't like you ordering me around. But whatever..maybe you can be of some use to me later."

-1 hour later, present time-

Now here I am. On the cold basement floor. What's he even gonna do to me? He barley considers me his own son anymore..It was so quiet I could hear the echoes of my owns sobs and cries, the sound of wet tears dripping on the dirty floor. Torao, if your awake..please save me. I don't wanna be here any longer.

Law's POV:
"Where are you going now?!" Bonney yelled as I dashed out the hospital doors. I only ran, determined to reach luffy. I very vaguely remember the directions to his father's house, but I remember enough to get there. I pulled out my cellphone, I know luffy more than likely Dosent have his phone on him but it's worth a try. I dialed his digits, as the phone rang. I waiting as I ran to the nearby train station. Soon the phone line hit voice mail, making me frown. I don't know what I was exactly expecting..but it's whatever. Im so sorry luffy, Because of me you've started back at square one. But im going to make things right, for real this time too. I sat at the train station, scrolling through my photo album. I landed on a mirror picture of me and luffy, he posed with two piece signs around my shoulders. he took this because he said we wanted a picture of us together, he made it his wallpaper the next day. I smiled at the thought. When things are fixed again, maybe we can take more memories together. That would be nice. Its gonna be a while till the next train comes, but it beats the walk for sure. I waited. I waited the longest I've waited in a long time, before the train finally came. I quickly hopped on. Taking the next available seat. I finally felt at ease knowing I was getting closer to luffy. Just please hang on a little longer've held out for over 10 years now. Please hold out a little longer, for me. I pressed my palms together, never did I think I would ever be in such a situation again. I had given up hope of seeing luffy the older I got, i had eventually almost forgotten of him. All I knew was after luffy's father dropped me off at that orphanage, I did indeed find new loving parents. They helped me get where I am today, but I had Forgotten of my past..I didn't think that was even possible. It was almost a blur until he showed up again. I remember feeling some sort of deja vu, bumping into him on that day. My thoughts where interrupted as the train stopped, indicating my stop is near. I stood up, my feet felt numb. I walked it off, as I clicked my heals against the concrete. Running faster than I had ever run before. I looked at my wrist watch, it had already been two hours since I left the hospital. Luffy woke up an hour before me..he's been enduring it for three whole hours. I wonder how he's holding him, god knows what his dad is doing to him now. I prayed he would return to me in a condition I could easily fix. I pulled into his parking seemed his father was still home. As well as someone else, I knew full well luffy's mother wasn't there, she's gone. So who is that? Just than I saw a man get out of the vehicle. Wait a damn minute..Thats fucking doflamingo. I recognized that man from anywhere. My deceased uncle's crazy brother, and an underground dealer. But what's he doing at luffy's house? Never mind that, I need to get in without being noticed. I moved the heel of my shoe, pressing my back against the fencing. I moved my foot once more, crossing the parking line of the front area. I was officially in his father's domain.

To be continued...

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