Chapter 5: helping you

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(8 years ago) law's pov:
"Hey, corazon?" Cora turned around to face me. "Yes law?" I looked at the plate of onigiri infront of me. "What do I do if I wanna help one of my friends..but they don't want me to help them?" Cora gave me a puzzled look. "Well it depends on the situation." He explained lighting a cigarette. "If someone you know is in a bad situation and needs help, you help them. If they don't want help, you let them deal with it. But if they are scared to get help, just take a settle approach." It's almost as if he read my mind. "Thank you." I said grabbing the onigiri and wrapping it in a cloth. "I'm gonna go out, see ya." I said grabbing my guitar. As I approached the hill luffy was already seen seated. I sat down next to him, "hey torao!" He greeted as I sat my guitar down. "I have something for you." I said catching his attention. "I have something for you to!" He beamed. "You go first." I insisted. He fiddled in his pockets for a bit before pulling out a small guitar chip. "For you. It used to be my mom's." He spoke and I grabbed the chip. It had a simple wood design, definitely a bit outdated. "You always get blisters on your hands whenever you I figured you would need it." He spoke with a sweet smile. I couldn't help but blush a bit. "Aww your blushing!" I guess it was obvious. Luffy snuggled close to me. "Your so cute torao!" This only made me blush more. "Whatever. A-anyway here's my gift to you." I handed him the cloth of onigiri from earlier.

Luffy's POV:
Torao handed me a cloth. I gently unraveled it, revealing 3 onigiri's. My mouth started to water just looking at them! "Thank you torao!" I said giving him a big hug. "You better eat it. You must be hungry." He said with a small smile. He's so cute.. especially with that smile. "Who's blushing now?" He teased. Im blushing?! Ah! I turned away from him, biting into one of the onigiri. "Your adorable luffy." Hm..he stole my line. This onigiri tastes really good though. "This is really delicious." I commented still eating. "Thanks. My uncle Cora made it." He said and i nodded. I don't know who that as but he sounds like a good cook. "I'm gonna save the rest of this for later." I said wrapping the other two back up in a cloth. Its not like dad ever gets me healthy food like this..sometimes not even food at all. It's important to save it. "You have some on your face." He said inching his thumb closer to my cheek. A small rice grain came off my cheek, torao ate it. I felt my face turn hot. "T-torao don't do that! That's a flirty thing!" I said embarrassed. He only started laughing, as he plucked on the strings of his guitar. probably tuning it.

Law's POV:
As I tuned my guitar, luffy asked an unexpected question. Or at least unexpected from someone like him. "Hey, torao.." I stopped tuning the guitar and placed it down, facing him. "Are we in love?.." Asked gripping the sleeve of my shirt. "W-well it depends. Are you in love with me?" I questioned and luffy's face turned a darker shade of red. "I think so..are you in love with me?" Luffy asked avoiding my eyes. "..yes." I responded honestly. Luffy looked at me with dough eyes, his mouth in a thin line. "Torao.." he mumbled, his face inches from mine. My eyes fluttered to his pink lips. "Can i..kiss you?" Instead of letting words answer, I let my actions do it for me. I loomed in closer to luffy's face, my lips inches away from his. Just as my lips brushed against luffy's, a shadow formed over us, a large man with a red tattoo on his face could be seen, he had long shaggy hair and..smelled. "What the hell?! What are you doing with this brat you little shit?" The man yelled in luffy's face. He's who I assumed to be his father judging by the fear in luffy's eyes. He lifted his foot, his large shoe coming in contact with luffy's face, pressing it on the ground. With a small thud, the cloth of onigiri fell out of his pocket. "Food? Why do you have this?!" He said picking up the cloth. I could only watch in fear. "N-no! Don't touch it! torao gave it to me!" Luffy pleaded beneath his father's shoe. "Shut up annoying bitch! You get on my nerves!" He pressed his foot harder onto luffy's face I thought he would smoosh his skull. Luffy groaned in pain, gripping the ground of the grassy hill as his eyes filled with tears. I began to acknowledge what was happening and quickly picked myself up, running towards me and Cora's small home, I need to get help, if anything he can help me help Luffy, however I was pulled to a holt when I felt a large object hit my head. My vision grew blurry, and I felt myself slowly loose consciousness.

-Time skip-

Luffy's POV:
It seemed me and Torao had been knocked out by my dad. I woke up with torao tied up next to me on the cold hardwood floor, still fast asleep. I panicked, this is the last thing I wanted to happen. His uncle is probably worried about him, he needs to get home. I heard large footsteps that I could easily recognize as my dad come near. The ropes restraining me only made things more difficult. "So your finally awake huh?" He smirked and I looked at the floor, avoiding eye contact. "Well I see you had a little surprise for me, you were about to kiss this little fag here next to you huh?" (AN: im literally gay. I can say this) i snarled. "Don't talk about torao like that!" I spat and was rewarded with a kick to my guts. I coughed and sat up. "He even gave you didn't happen to tell him about our little secret at home did you?" He spoke, a could see a large metal object behind his back. It was a knife. "N-no.." he scoffed. "Don't lie  to me little shit." He kicked torao's head, causing him to wake. He groaned and sat up. "L-luffy..where are we?" I felt a wave of shame wash over me. Bad things are happening to torao and it's all because of me..the thought left an empty pit in my stomach. "Well I came up with a great punishment for the two of you little shits." He said and moved. I was about to throw up from the sight, behind my father sat ace and sabo's dead corpses. Along with a blonde tall man I assumed to be torao's uncle. What did they do to deserve this...this isn't their fault. "Corazon!" Torao yelled, this was the first time I had seen him cry. "A-ace..Sabo.." he killed his own two sons for my 'punishment.' Is this what hell feels like? "Now..I'll let your baggy eyed freak of a friend go. After all, his ride to the orphanage is here now." The orphanage? Why is torao going there? I wont be able to see him dad untied torao and grabbed him by the wrist. "Let go of me!" He demanded, wiggling against my father's grasp. But it was no use due to my father's strength. As torao walked out of the doors, he spoke a few last words before I would never see him again. Or so I thought. "Luffy! I'll see you again one day! I'll save you!"

To be continued...

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