Chapter 6: prince charming

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(Present day)

Law's POV:
If I knew luffy's address this would be a lot easier..I can't even focus on work. I decided I'd take the day off so I could try and see if I can get any information to help luffy. I don't care if he wants help or not, he needs help. A small 'ding' from my phone caught my attention. It was a text from my co-worker Monet. 'Hope your doing well. Wanna get drinks with me and Sachi tonight?' I sighed. 'Sure. Text me when.' As long as sachi is coming I don't mind. Even though me and Monet are good friends, she can be a bit..dense. Lets just say she can't take a hint. She's still fun to have around as a friend though. That's when it hit me, I should contact ceaser. He's good with that kind of stuff, even though I dread the thought of even conversating with that foul man it's the only thing I can think of. Besides, saving luffy is my main priority right now. I just want to finish what I wasn't able to do before as a child. Im more developed, im more able to help. Luffy can stay with me and he won't live in fear of his father every day, he can spend the rest of his life with me carefree. I want to be able for the person I care about most to look at me and think of me as his savior. Someone special to him.

Luffy's POV:
I was alarmed by the sound of the door opening downstairs, looks like he's home. I stayed put in my bed, staring at the popcorn sealing. I thought about torao again..I probably shouldn't have run off so suddenly on him. He seemed so different yet so the same, maybe I should try and contact him somehow, i don't have a dad would die before he let me have one. I have a computer but technically it's my dad's, and he would be able to see the emails if I tried to email him. I ran my hand through my black messy hair, trying to brainstorm an idea to contact torao. Thinking is the one thing im bad at. My thoughts were interrupted with a loud thump that could be heard in the room next to me, my dad's room, causing me to jump. It was followed by more loud thumps and..moans. I almost gagged just thinking about what was happening in there. "A-ahh! Harder!~" The sound of a female voice echoed. The walls were thin. My dad probably picked her up at the casino. I sighed and got up, looking under my bed. A decently sized bottle of wine was hidden in a case, half full. I stole it from my dad one day out of curiosity, maybe a little bit tonight wouldn't hurt.

-time skip-

Law's POV:
"Cmon loosen up a little!" Sachi teased with a nudge of the shoulder. I took another sip of the shot of tequila that rested in my tatted palm. Followed by a small amount of water. "Sachi's right. There's no need to stay sobber." Monet said tapping her thumb against the glass. I sighed. "Yes I do. Im driving you guys home." The best way to stay sober while drinking, is at least a couple of glasses of water after each shot. Any doctor would know after all. I looked at the screen of my phone, I texted ceasar about the information I need and he gladly agreed as long as money was involved. Which was fine with me. "Who have you been texting anyway? Your girlfriend?" Sachi spoke drawing out the e's. Good grief, he's only had a couple and he's already gone. "Your such a light weight, thought this would be more of a challenge." Monet said with a grin. "I am not! I'm perfectly fine right now!" He protested chugging the last of his glass. A ding from my phone chimed, distracting me from the situation. It was from ceaser. 'Here's the boy's address and IP. I better have the money by tomorrow' the rest was a picture of luffy's house and details of his address. "2 more glasses for you guys than we have to get going. I have somewhere to be." I said sipping the last of the alcohol. "We've only been here for 2 hours!" Sachi wined. "If you want to stay so bad, ask monet. She's still sober." I rolled my eyes. "No thanks, I have to get going soon to." She said standing up. I did as well. "Do you mind if I come with you law?" She asked and I nodded. "Are you sure you don't need an Uber or something Sachi?" I asked. He shook his head as the bartender poured him another glass. "Stay safe." Monet spoke waiving him off. We both sat in the car, I drove Monet home first before putting luffy's address into the gps. Luffy..I'm coming. I'm coming soon. Just hang on a little longer.

Luffy's POV:
My head felt fuzzy and heavy. It was as if it had turned into a huge brick in my brain. A heavy weight. I looked down at the almost empty wine bottle held onto by my frail hands. A hiccup escaped my mouth, my dad left again earlier, I don't remember why. But he's gone, so that's a good thing right? I wonder if he'll come back. I hope not. He's mean. The sudden urge to vomit suddenly arose in my stomach, I ran to the filthy toilet and let myself throw up. It smelled. Both the toilet and the vomit. I crawled back to my room, wiping my mouth of the remains. Just as I reached, the doorbell rang. I slightly panicked, my dad never rings the doorbell. Maybe he forgot his keys? I stumbled down the stairs, barely able to walk. I gently opened the wooden door. Its..torao? "Luffy.." he mumbled. "T-torao? How'd you find my h-house?" I asked skeptical, followed by a hiccup. "That's not important. What matters is I'm here. We need to get you out of here. Your dad isn't here is he?" I shook my head trying to process the words one by one. "Why are you- hic! Here?!" I groaned feeling my legs shake. "To help you. You seem a bit off..are you alright?" He asked letting himself in. "Hey! Don't come in!" I whined trying to push him back with the little strength I had. "Do you have any water around?" He asked and I shrugged. If there was I don't ever get any.. "Well that doesn't matter. Do you know what time your dad is gonna be back?" He said going upstairs, I collapsed, my stomach burning as another load of vomit came.

Law's POV:
I should have known, vomiting, hiccups, odd behavior. He's drunk. But how'd alcohol even fall into his hands? As the last remains of vomit escaped his lips I lifted him up, carrying him bridal style. "H-hey! Put me down I'm not a hiccup! Girl!" He protested but I ignored him. "I'm getting you a couple of things you might need and than we're leaving. You might not be able to process it that well in your drunk state but your coming with me." I said carrying him up the stairs. The house was filthy.. "I'm not drunk.." he pouted against my chest. I had to focus, we may not have a lot of time. I went to what I assumed to be his room. A half drunken wine bottle rested on his bed, clothes and other belongings were scattered. I spotted a suitcase and decided to quickly stuff some clothes in, such as t shirts, underwear, other things. "Torao..why are you doing this?" He suddenly spoke. "What do you mean?" I said zipping up the case. "I..don't want you to get hurt trying to help me. I-it's to dangerous. You shouldn't be here." He spoke followed by a hiccup. I sighed. "I just don't want to make the same mistake. I'm saving you whether you want me to or not, you need help. I just want to save you, I want you to be happy." I said grabbing the suitcase, throwing luffy over my shoulder. He stayed quiet the rest of the time. He probably passed out. I carried him, resting him in the passenger's seat of the car. Loading my suitcase into the trunk. As I turned the key to start the car, I glanced over at luffy's sleeping body. Processing what I had done. All these years, and I've finally freed you, luffy.

To be continued...

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