Chapter 12: i just want to be happy

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Tw: mentions of sexual assault
This chapter was honestly so hard to write, I felt gross. Please be aware this is explicit.

Luffy's POV:
I rubbed my tear stained cheeks, looking into the black Nothingness of the basement once more. 3 whole hours. That's how long I've been here..I just want to see Torao again. Has he given up on me? Does he not need me? It makes sense..after all he still has that green haired girl. Maybe he was just pretending to love me after all. I sighed, accepting my lonely presence. This really is a cruel world..suddenly the door to the basement opened. In walked a tall man in a pink furry coat with red sunglasses. He looked weird. Behind him was of course, my father. "So this is the one huh? He's pretty cute." The guy with red sunglasses smirked, he made me uncomfortable. He inched closer to me and I backed away. "W-who are you?" I stuttered hugging my knees to my chest, I was still in a hospital gown. "If you know what's good for you, you'll let him do whatever he wants to you brat. I need this money, If you try anything funny I haven't forgotten about your little friend back at the hospital alright?" My father spoke exiting the room. I gulped at his statement. The guy in the pink coat scooted closer to me, I shivered feeling his slender hand caress my cheek. "G-get way from me!" I squealed backing away from him. "Now now, remember your fathers words? Im paying him for this. Just do what I say, and you'll be fine." I shivered. He had a point but..what's he even gonna do to me? Im scared. I don't wanna be here in general, especially not with this stranger. "Cmon, I won't hurt you." He grinned, as his hand creeped on my thigh.

Law's POV:
I creeped along the wooden fence, but was pulled to a holt as I saw luffy's father come out the house again. I quickly dashed behind the fence again, making sure I wasn't seen. I wonder if he's leaving. It looked like he was just getting something from the car. Dammit, isn't he always gambling? Why cant he go right now? Besides, I noticed doffy didn't come out with him so something must be up. Maybe their buddies? Or he could be one of his suppliers. Doflamingo is known to deal a lot of drugs. Dragon came out of the car holding a brief case, must have been gambling money I assume. Maybe he gambled before he came to the house already. He entered his home once again, leaving just me outside. Finally. Should I just wait and see if he leaves?, no..luffy's waited long enough for me. In fact he probably Doesn't wanna see me right now. I cant afford to make him wait any longer. I quickly ran towards the front door, ducking down since the windows were open. Seems his dad doesn't know how to close the door, it was slightly peaked open. I looked though the small crack and saw it was almost completely dark in his home, the only source of light was the tv screen that seemed to be playing some sort of soccer game. Luffy's dad sat on the nearby couch, bottles of alcohol in his hand. Seriously, does he ever stop drinking? No wonder luffy picked up the habit. Now what I really need to know is if this door makes any noise. Oh fuck it, I can't afford to waist time tying to think about it. I creaked open the door ever so slightly, and just to my displeasure it made a swift creak noise. Luffy's father jolted, standing up. "Who's there?!" He yelled and I jumped. Shit..I got caught.

Luffy's POV:
I sobbed, trying to resist the man's grasp. He had already took off my hospital gown, I was almost bear naked. I didnt want this..I felt gross. I felt helpless and used. "D-don't.." I begged as he positioned himself above my hole. "Stop!" I kicked at his stomach. He hit my leg, probably bruising it. "Don't resist!" He growled and I winced feeling the pain in my lower leg. He attempted to shove his member in me once more, I felt it poke at my entrance and squirmed. "Don't touch me!! N-no!!" I whaled and screamed, but it was too late. "Noo.." I whimpered, kicking at him weakly now. It felt like I was being hurt. And it didn't feel good, I don't want sex. Not from whoever this guy is, I don't even know him. "Your almost cute when you resist like that." He cooed biting my neck. I turned my head the other way in an attempt to resist the bites he dared to leave on me. But to no avail. I feel even more trapped than I've already been. I want to die. I feel like I've officially reached the pits of hell, I finally thought things would turn around when I went this torao but it didn't last long. I could only sob once more as the man began to rock his hips. What have I done to deserve this? All my life I've just been trying to look on the bright side of things, to try and ignore the pain. But i cant anymore, not in this state. "You feel so good..fuck." He groaned in my ear. I didn't wanna hear anymore of it. It all felt like punches to my heart. Im just tired, I'm tired and sick. Everything both mentally and physically hurts. Did dad know this would happen? Why? Why to me? I haven't done anything..I just want to live a normal life. I've acknowledged he hated me from the moment I was old enough to understand, but why? Why do this to me? All ive ever done was submit. I just want to be happy.

To be continued...

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