Chapter 8: repay

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⚠️This chapter is gonna be smutty so yeah 🗿 anyways enjoy.⚠️

Time to polish my smut writing skills..

Luffy's POV:
I gulped at the meaning behind torao's statement, what does is he thinking about? "What do you mean? How can I repay you?" I asked a small blush forming on my cheeks. "You can pay me.." he leaned closer to me, whispering into my ear, "with your body." I blushed furiously before looking at him wide eyed. "If thats ok with you of course." He spoke sincerely, giving me a peck on the cheek. I nodded. I never even thought about doing that with Torao but..I wanna repay him somehow. He's done so much for me. It would be rude not to repay him. Torao left gentle pepper kisses on my face at first,they felt nice and sweet. Soon, he looked down at my lips. I soon realized this was technically our real first kiss. I blushed as I felt his soft ones ontop of mine, he was so gentle. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He nipped softly at my bottom lip, causing me to gasp and part my lips ever so slightly. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue inside. It felt so weird, yet so thrilling. I liked it. Torao carried me and I wrapped my legs around his waist, he made his way to his bedroom while still holding me. We eventually reached his room and he kicked off his shoes and socks, resting me on the bed. I panted, feeling almost out of breath.  Torao undressed himself, taking of his t-shirt revealing his bear tattoos and large chest. I blushed, turning my head.

Law's POV:
I undressed myself before returning to Luffy, releasing him of his towel. He squeaked and shut his legs, I assumed out of embarrassment. "Cmon, don't worry. We're in this together..there's no shame here." I spoke with a whisper. He nodded slowly, opening his legs. I almost moaned from the inviting sight alone. His small now erected member twitched. I rubbed my thumb against the tip, causing Luffy to wimper. I shoved my tongue back in his mouth, my thumb still rubbing him. God, Luffy was so sweet he got wet just from a couple kisses..luffy's soft muffled moans were like music to the ear. I wanted to hear more, I wanted him to scream my name. I removed my hand, as well as my mouth. "W-why'd you stop?" Luffy whined. "I'm gonna try something a little may feel weird at first. But you trust me right?" Luffy nodded in response. I grabbed a bottle of lube that rested on my bed, coating a pair of fingers in the substance. I held his knees up to his chest, I was now face to face with his pink tight hole. It was clenched tight. I entered my slim finger, carefully and sure not to hurt him. He squirmed, "t-torao! It feels weird!" He whined. "It's ok, I promise it will feel good soon." I tried to re-assure him. His insides were tight and warm, I gently massaged the silky muscles doing a scissor motion in him. Stretching the younger male out. I rubbed his inner thighs trying to comfort him, because I knew it didn't feel good for him yet.

Luffy's POV:
It felt weird and it kind of hurt..I thought it was honestly going nowhere till I felt him hit a certain spot inside me, "a-ah!~" I moaned, I slapped my hand over my mouth trying to restrain myself from making anymore embarrassing sounds. "That was cute.." torao muttered causing me to blush. "Don't hold back. Its just us two." He spoke softly swatting my hand away. I panted as I felt him repeatedly hit that certain spot inside me, it felt so good. However soon it felt like something was building inside of me. A weird feeling in my belly. "Torao! Something's happening!" I spoke, tears began to build up, but I wasn't sad. Torao ignored me and kept going, didnt he hear me? I felt the feeling build up once more, almost like the feeling of needing to pee. "T-torao! Im scared! Don't look!" I sobbed, he wrapped his free hand around mine. A white liquid squirted out from that area, I didnt understand what it meant but I suddenly felt relaxed. "You just came luffy, it's alright." He soothed rubbing my inner thigh once more. I sighed, I felt almost sleepy.

Law's POV:
He didn't even know what if felt like to orgasm, bless his innocence. I pulled down my boxers, exposing my erected dick. I looked over to Luffy to see how he was holding up. His eyes shot up to mine, I had a pretty good idea of where they were looking before. "See something you like?" I teased with a grin. He blushed and turned away from me. "S-sorry." I sighed. "You don't need to apologize. Its just us here. You don't need to be embarrassed." I said kissing the inner crook of his neck. "It's just my f-first time.." he whispered. "I'll be gentle." I promised kissing his collarbone. "Before you go all the way, can I do something to you too? You made me feel really good..and I wanna do that to you to." My groin twitched at the statement. I nodded, letting luffy take control for a little while. He climbed ontop of me, soon we were in a position with him in between my legs. He was face to face with my member as I laid down flat against the bed. "Are you sure about this?" I asked looking down at luffy. He nodded and scooted closer to my member.

Luffy's POV:
I looked in front of me at Torao's thing. Maybe I should have though about this more, ubut there's no going back now. Will it even fit? I gave it a shy lick and felt torao shiver. I'm guessing he liked it. I licked him once more, from the tip all the way to his jewels. He groaned in pleasure beneath my tongue. I felt a little confident and decided to take it a step further, i shoved Torao's member into my mouth and couldn't help but gag. It hit the back of my throat causing tears to form on the brim of my eyes. "Mmf!" I muffled as I started bobbing my head up and down, repeatedly sucking. "Fuck.." torao moaned above me. I liked the sounds, it sounded like I was making him feel good. I closed my legs together as I felt my own erection form as well. I continued my work, feeling torao grab my hair and slamming the back of my throat. Rocking his hips to form thrusts. "Does this turn you on? I can smell how horny you are." He huffed and I could only let out muffled moans against his dick.

Law's POV:
I looked down to be greated with the beautiful sight of luffy taking me hole, his wet throat felt like paradise. Tears could be seen staining his cheeks and half lidded eyes, as well as drool dripping from his wet mouth onto my member. His small frail hands gripping my sides the best he could. Seeing him work so hard to get me off made me almost unleash just from the thought. I grabbed his hair once more, shoving it down my dick, deep throating me. "Fuck luffy!" I groaned as I released myself into his mouth. I enjoyed the feeling of resting in a puddle of my own cum. I pulled out of luffy's mouth, feeling him shudder. "Hah.." he panted with cum drizzling down his chin, and his tear stained cheeks
I smirked at the sight. "So beautiful.." I mumbled before turning him over, facing him towards me. Now for the fun part. I grabbed the bottle of lube once more before squirting a decent amount onto my hand. I coated my member in the substance before guiding it just above luffy's hole. "I'm gonna put it in now. Its gonna hurt at first, but it'll feel good soon ok?" I spoke and he nodded. "P-put it in. I need it." He whispered wrapping his hands around my neck, pulling me close. I pushed myself in with a grunt. Luffy shrieked below me, clawing at my back like it was the only thing keeping him from going on the verge of death. It was tight and warm inside, it took all my willpower to not automatically thrust around. I waited for luffy to adjust, because he was not yet feeling pleasure but pain. His face scrunched and his body turned limp. "I-it hurts!" He sniffed and i left small kisses on his face. "It's ok, your doing so well. Im proud for you, it will feel good soon I promise." I re-assured. I rubbed his sides providing comfort. I waited for him to adjust for a couple minutes more before looking at him as if asking for permission. "You can..m-move." He struggled to even speak. Luckily I understand perfectly.

Luffy's POV:
Torao began to rock his hips, moving himself in and out of me. I could hear the sounds of his body parts smacking against my thighs. I moaned with each thrust, feeling his member come in and out of me at a rapid pace. "Aah!~ torao, faster!" I gasped wrapping my legs around him. Torao grunted and pickup his pace. It felt like my insides were tearing apart in the best way possible. "You feel so good luffy." He moaned above me. It felt great for me too. I looked below me to see Torao's dick activity driving itself in and out of me. I could see everything. It felt like I was on cloud 9, seeing stars with each thrust. I want more..I began to rock my hips in rhythm with torao, eventually torao stopped moving and it was just me repeatedly pushing myself back onto him. "Such a slut..can't get enough huh?" He purred against my ear. I could barely speak anymore. The only thing I could let out was incoherent moans gasps, clawing at Torao's back every once in a while. I felt his dick twitch inside me, he was near. "Luffy, im clo—" I interrupted him by bringing him into a heated kiss, pulling his neck. Fill me already..He reached his peak as i felt a warm liquid fill my insides to the brim. Torao let out a long grunt, nearly collapsing on me. I felt out a whine as I felt some of his warm semen spill out of me, due to him pulling out. He collapsed next to me on the other side of the bed. "Hah..t-torao?" I panted looking at him next to me. "Hm?" He hummed looking to me as well, maintaining eye contact. "Did I make you feel good?" I asked just above a whisper. "Of course." He spoke hugging me close, I cuddled against his bear chest. "I'm glad.."

To be continued...

AN: im sorry im horrible at writing smut scenes lmao. Anyways until next time.

𝙀𝙓𝙄𝙏 𝙈𝙐𝙎𝙄𝘾  (law x luffy) Where stories live. Discover now