Chapter 3: marks and bruises

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Luffy's POV:
I felt my face turned hot just from being in torao's presence after all these years. He really has rather...matured. I barely recognized him for a bit, it's odd running into and old friend, especially someone who was the only hope of your life 8 years ago. I also noticed he had a sandwich in his hand, and judging by it I guess I was being obvious by eyeing it, "do you..wanna bite?" Torao asked and I nodded shyly. He handed me it and only than did I notice the tattoos on his hands and fingers, they seemed to spell out the word death. I liked them, they suited him well and were pretty. I grabbed the sandwich and took a big bite, god I haven't eaten in a while. I savored every last bit of the chunk. "You can have it. You seem hungry." He spoke with a small smile. I nodded and completely devoured the sandwich, savoring every last bite. That was kind of embarrassing but I couldn't help it..I love food.

Law's POV:
He ate as if he hadn't eaten in days..honestly im concerned he probably hasn't. He seems different. Obviously it's been years, but I can tell something is..happening with him. For starters as i pointed out before, there was marks and bruises on his body that were kind of noticeable. I hope it isn't rude for me to try and ask questions..maybe I'll give it a try. "Hey, luffy?" His head perked. "Yes?" He responded with such a kind smile. I hesitated. "I hope you don't mind me asking, why are you out of school so early?" Ill start with with most normal questions first. ", I got in a fight, so I was suspended." He admitted avoiding my eyes. I kid like him in a fight? I can understand how that could end up bad for him. "Sorry to hear." I said in response. "Don't worry about it." He sighed. Maybe I was overthinking the bruises. "Do you..wanna hang out some time? To try and catch up?" I asked looking down at his smaller figure beside me. I saw him clutch the brown backpack straps that rested on his shoulders. "I-im dad would—..well, I've been really busy with homework. Sorry." He stuttered. His dad? So that bastard is still around him? "Your still living with him?" I asked as calmly as possible. Luffy narrowed his eyes. "Yes.." well now I have my answer. From what I remember his dad was an asshole, a very cruel man. I remember the things that man has put luffy through, has he been suffering still all these years? I stopped walking.

Luffy's POV:
I was put to a holt when torao stopped walking. "Torao? Is something wrong?" I asked looking up meeting his grey eyes. "..does your father still abuse you?" He spoke with concern. Shit..I shouldn't. Have mentioned that. I didnt respond. "Luffy, please answer me." I felt my heart thump and my hands shake. "I..have to go home now. It was n-nice seeing you again." I spoke in a shaky voice before running off. "Luffy!! Wait!" I'm sorry torao..I wish you could help. But I don't wanna loose anyone anymore, every time someone tries to help my situation they only end up getting hurt. I don't want that to happen to you..after all, that's the only reason we were separated on the first place. I won't make the same mistake twice..not with you. I ran faster, before finally catching my breath. I was far enough to where I couldn't hear torao's voice anymore. I continued the walk until I finally reached my home, i fondled with the keys in my possession, thankfully my dad isn't home yet, this is around the time he goes gambling. So I'm at ease for now. The door creaked as it opened the door to my home, I couldn't help but let my thoughts wonder to torao as i slouched on the unstable sofa. Maybe I should have talked about it more..after all, he knows of all people what I've been through.

Law's POV:
My mind went blank as I processed what had happened. Luffy ran off on me as soon as I mentioned his father, maybe it was to soon to mention the touchy subject again, after all no one wants to conversate about their abusive dad after not seeing a friend for 8 years. Maybe I took it too far..but I still know I can't just let this go. I care about luffy, I don't wanna sit by on the side lines and watch him go through the cruel things his father does. Not again. I was interrupted from my thoughts when I felt my phone buzz in my hand, it was an alarm. My lunch break is over. I sighed as I headed back to the hospital which wasn't to far, thoughts of luffy still flooding my mind.

-Time skip-

I removed the surgical gloves from my hands, sitting down at my desk starting some of the paperwork I have so I don't have to worry to much about it later. "You seem a bit off, law." Monet spoke cleaning supplies, it was the last surgery of the day thus she's required to sanitize them. "I'm fine." I stated bluntly clicking the pen in my hand. "Stubborn as always...well if you wanna talk about it im always here." She stated whole heartedly. I sighed. The truth was I was still thinking of luffy, but I can't tell monet about that. She wouldnt understand the situation to well. "You know law..maybe I can help you relax." Monet spoke and I heard the heels of her shoes click as she walked up behind me. "If thats what you want.." her hands started to massage my shoulders in a seductive manner, I felt small kisses being left on my neck. Out of instinct, I flinched and jolted away. She looked at me puzzled, and I glared at her. Was she really about to try and seduce me? At work? "Please never do that again. Our relationship is strictly professional." I stated turning back to the paper work resting on my desk. She shrugged, returning to her state as well.

To be continued...

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