First day of school

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(Your fit for school up top)

Alexis POV:

I woke up at 7 took a shower and got dressed then went down stairs to see my mom makeing pancakes. "Hey mom" I said "hey honey" she said handing me pancakes. We got in the car and my mom dropped of Austin. And then me and Ginny "remember girls anyone wants try you call me or you beat there asses yourself" my mom said "yes mom" said me and Ginny "have a good day girls" mom said. We both got out of the car and started walking into the school. Me and Ginny headed to the Office to get our schedule. We end up having four classes together so that was fine with me since I don't wanna be lonely. The bell rang and we had our first class was English ap for our first class. So we made our way to class. When we walked in. "Oh guys these are our new students Alexis and Ginny" he said "I want to let you both girls know that this class can get a little hard so yeah" he said walking to his desk. Me and Ginny looked at each other all ready knowing that we were not going to like him.
"Ok so I hope everyone did there summer reading because we are doing a pop quiz" he said everyone rolled there eyes. "Also Alexis and Ginny you don't have to do it" he said "my question is why is every book on this list wrote by a white person and no blacks"  "yeah and one book by a person of color of skin" I said backing up Ginny. "To be honest I'm with them" a girl said "are you racist sir" said the girl "no I'm not ok free period" he said "I'm max by the way" max said "oh nice to meet you" said me and Ginny. Class was over and we went on our break it was just going to be me and Ginny by ours selfs but no. "Hey guys want to sit with us" said max "yeah sure" Ginny said we sat with her and her friends. Ginny was talking to hunter. "I will be right back i need to get something from my locker I said.
"Ok" said max. I went to my locker and opened it to get a pad because the time ok the Month. I put it in my pocket. I went to ole my locker want the boy from yesterday I saw leaning against the locker. "And you are" he said in a flirty voice. "Alexis" I said "I'm Marcus" he said. "Do you skate" he asked "yeah duh that is like the only thing I like to do" I said "that's hot" "thanks" I said a little Shyly because he just called me hot. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to go to the skate park with me after school" he said "yeah sure I'm down" I said. "See you after then cutie" he said walking away. I ran back to max and Ginny at screamed "S CUTE BOY JUST ASKED IF I WANTED TO GO TO THE SKATE PARK WITH HIM AND H CALLED ME HOT LIKE OMG" I said "who is it" said max and ginny. "Marcus " I said while blushing "OMG" said max "what" I said "THAT IS MY BROTHER" max said "oh" I said "ok but to be honest you guys make such a cute couple" said max "aww ty very much" I said

                         (Time skip after school)

I saw Marcus there out side of the school waiting for me. "Hey what's up" he said "not much" I said "you ready to go" he said "yeah" I said. We skateed to the park and when we arrived we got there and started to skate and did tricks. We were there for a 2 hours. We were going to leave. "Hey want to come over to my house since it is a bit early" Marcus said "yeah I'm down" I said  it was not even that far so we' got there in 5 minutes. We got there and I saw his mom with my mom outside so I just waved to my mom and she did back with a smile and Wicked at me. We went in his house and up to his room. Then I saw max and ginny walking past by "hey guys" I said "oooooo hey Alexis" said max and ginny "come on let's go" said Marcus graping my hand. We went in his room. "So wyd" he said  I saw a ps4 and the game case to call of duty. "Want to play call of duty" I said "yeah sure" he said handing me the controller. We played a match and I won "BOOM BEAT THAT" I said "ok that was unfair you had like the best gun in the game" he said "yeah that's want losers say" I said we played another match and he won "what" I said "beat that" he said "that was unfair" I said "that is what losers say" he sad mimicking what I said. Our faces were pretty close. I looked up into his eyes. He moved my hair behind my ear. which gave me butterflies. Then he kissed me our lips together. He soft lips hitting mine made me so happy.

         >Just a make out if you don't like this then skip it<

We both pulled away to catch our breath. Then he went back and kissed me he lifted me up on top of his lap. And we started to kiss even more. He then lifted up my thigh. He started to move it so I was gridding on him while I was still grinding on him we started to kiss more. Until we herd a knock on the door. We both jumped of the bed to go open it. "Hey there is this party tonight at one of our friends house we were wondering if you guys wanted to come" said max and ginny beside her. "Yeah we're down" said Marcus. " ok it is at 7 so see you guys see you soon"said max. Then Marcus closed the door. "Guess we have a party to go to tonight then" he said kissing me "guess so" I said "I'm a little scared I've never been to a party before" I said "really" he said "yes don't be amazed" I said rolling my eyes

A/N: Omg ty guys for 20 reads I love all of you next part will be posted tomorrow!

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