First time

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Alexis POV:

Everyone went home after the big sleepover at school. I told ginny about hunter and she got really mad and she told him that they were down. She was a little heart broken. Today was Saturday so I was going to go shopping. I went in my closet trying to figure out what to wear.

 I went in my closet trying to figure out what to wear

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"Love it" I said. I made my way down stairs. I herd mom saying " you're telling me that you came all this way try to get back together with me there's no way you need to leave right now pack the bags and go" mom said "i also came to see Ginny" ginnys dad said.he grabbed his bag and then he left and the door shut. "Hey mom" I said. "Morning honey" mom said. "We're are you going" mom said "I'm going shopping" I said. "Oooo have fun honey" mom said. "I will" I said. I got on my skate bored and made my way to the mall. I made my way to pacsun and I found some clothes. I made my way home and put all of my clothes away. Mom left to work ginny at Max's house crying about Hunter and Austin at daycare. So I was home alone. I the. Herd a knock at my window. I went to go open my window. "Hey" Marcus said "hi"I said smile. He then kissed me softly. "Wydddd"Marcus said jumping on my bed. "Just got back from shopping" I said. "Ooo nice" Marcus said. I sat at my desk to put my makeup away that was left on there. Marcus came up to me and warped is arms around me.


He started to kiss down my neck and leveling wet kisses down my neck. "Marcus" I Squealed. He turned me around so I was faceting him. He picked me up so my legs were warped around his waist. Our faces still together. He slowly put me on my bed he was now hovering over me. He took of his shirt and took of mine. He then took of my bra and kissed my stomach up to my boobs. He took of  his boxers and lined up to me. He begin to thrust inside of me "Marcus" I said moaning. "I'm going to" "me too" Marcus said. We both layed there and slowly drifted of to sleep

A/N: I know this is bad but I'm so sorry😩✋

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