The party

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Alexis POV:

I got back for Marcus's house so I could say hi to my mom and tell her that I was going to a party with Ginny and our friends. Also, I'm going to tell her about Marcus too. I walked in the house to see my mom with Austin watching a movie with him. "Hey mom" I said. Then I saw Austin was past out right new to my mom. "Hey honey how was it" mom said wile smileing. "It was nice we went and skated then we went back to his house and ginny and max were there. Snd then we kissed" I said "OMG honey that is so cute" mom said. Then ginny walked in "hey mom me and Alexis were wondering if we can go to a party with our friends in a hour" ginny said "ooo my girls going to party yeah sure" mom said "ty mom" me and Ginny said running upstairs. I got in my room and was trying to figure out what to wear. "This will do" I said

I decided to wear this casual but cute at the same time because this was my style and I loved it

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I decided to wear this casual but cute at the same time because this was my style and I loved it. And on the other hand I can tell my sister was trying to impress Hunter. I was not a big fan of impressing so meh. "Bye mom" I said to her "bye honey be careful" she said "I will" I said. I went outside because max was going to give me and Ginny a ride there. We drove there and we got there. We went in side of the house and it was nice. We went down stairs to the basement. And there was drinks and a pin pong table. Then I saw Marcus with the other guys playing call of duty. "Hey Alexis" he said "hey Marcus" I said "hey can I play" I said "you a girl play this" one of the boys said "yeah and I bet I will beat your ass" I said "ok then here" he said handing me the controller. "Told you I would bet your ass" I said "told you she is good she even bet my ass too" Marcus said to the boys. "W-we are sorry Alexis for being rude" the boy said " apology accepted" I said with a smile. "Hey I'm going to get a drink do you want come"Marcus said "yeah sure" I said getting up I went over to the stand all I saw was beer "I don't drink" I said "yeah same it is nasty" Marcus said "yo do you guys have any juice" I said to the boy on the couch playing "yeah apple juice in the fridge upstairs" he said "ok thanks" I said me. and Marcus went up stairs to go get apple juice. I got the bottle and headed back down there. There I saw Ginny and max talking shots. "Hey Ginny how many have you had so far" I said "I'm on my first one don't worry" she said "ok" I said "yo Marcus and Alexis want to play" the boy said "yeah I'm down"I said. Me and Marcus were on the couch sitting right next to each other pretty close. I had the juice in my hand and then he grabed it out of my hand and took a sip "that was the best apple juice ever" Marcus said "ikr" I said "let's go" I said wining again "bruh how tf are you so good at the game" the boy said "my dad let me play call of duty at the age of 5 and every since then I've always played call of duty" I said "wow sick story" the boy said "thanks" I said. We played for the rest of the night. My sister was drinking a beer but she was still sober since she was light Weight. Everyone stared to go home max gave us a ride back home because they were our neighbors. I said good bye to max and then before I left Marcus said "hey Alexis can I ask you something" he said "yeah sure any thing" I said "I like you a lot and I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend@ he said. I got butterflies in my stomach! "Yes I would love to Marcus" I said he lead in and kissed me goodnight. I went home and found my mom on the couch. "Mom I have a boyfriend" I said "omg honey congratulations" mom said "ty mom" I said I gave her a kiss good night. I went to bed thinking about Marcus. I have a boyfriend now it was my first....

A/N: Ican't believe the story got the 55 views thank you so much don't forget to comment and leave ideas for stories what you want to see. I love you all thank you so much I will post the next part tomorrow

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