The real reason why he's here

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Alexis POV:
Today is Monday I got up for school. I went in the bathroom and went to go take a shower. I took a nice warm morning shower. I got out of the shower smelling like lavender. I got out and had my towel warped around my body. I got in my room and went in my closet "what should I wear today" I said

 I got in my room and went in my closet "what should I wear today" I said

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"This is nice" I said. I got in my doc martens that Ginny got for me and got my backpack and made my way down stairs. I saw my mom talking to Ginny's dad smiling but mom has a 2
Smiles. The first one is the fake smile. At the 2
One is that she likes the man. And she was doing that to him. I mean I thought that her and Paul were dating but I think he got back to Business sense he is the mayor. "Morning honey" said mom. "Morning" I said back. I ate breakfast and made a coffee. I god down and mom drove me and Ginny to school. Mom dropped us of at school. "Bye girls" mom said. "Bye mom" said me and Ginny. I want to my locker and Marcus came up to me. "Hey" Marcus said kissing me. "Hey" I said back. "Whats wrong" Marcus said."Ginnys dad is in town and I think he is trying to get back with my mom" I said. "Oh yeah that is not good" Marcus said. The bell rang "I'll see you at lunch" I said walking to class. "You too" he said

Time skip to lunch

I went to lunch and sat down by the tree that we always do max and Nora and Ginny and Marcus and the other boys were there like always. I made my way to seat down on Marcus lap with my head in to his chest. "You know if you want you can sleepover tonight" Marcus said because he knew I didn't want to be home. "Really" I said "yeah since I know with ginnys dad you don't want to be there" he said. I kissed him. "Thank you" I said "no problem" Marcus said.

                     💋Time skip after school💋

After school me and Marcus went to his house. I already texted mom that I was sleeping over at Marcus she didn't really care because if you looked outside my house was facing his house so didn't really matter. We got in his room and we both had homework. He was doing it in his bed and I was on his desk.I let out a grown from how much homework I have been doing. "What is it"Marcus said. "Why do I have to write a essay"I said "school remember" Marcus said. He came up to me and put his hands

(Just a nice make out session next Chapter will be smut)

He started to kiss on my neck and leave wet kiss. I squealed "Marcus" I said. "Can you at lest take a break" Marcus said smirking. "Ok fine" I said giving in. He picked me up and my legs we're warped around his waist. I kissed me and sucked on my neck leaving wet kisses along my neck. We were on his bed making out. Then out of no where we hear a knock. We both let out a grown. "We both got of each other. "Ughhhh" Marcus said opening the door. "Seriously what do you want" said Marcus. "Hello to you to the big senior sleepover is today like in 30 minutes get dressed before I tell mom to ground you and tell Alexis to come to" said max leaving. "Do we have to go" Marcus said. I got up form his bed and stood by the door in front of him. "Yes max is my friend and she wants us to go now get on your pjs" I sad kissing him.  I made my way home real quick. "Mommmm" I said opening the door. "Yes honey" mom said "I'm going to the school sleepover" I said "ok I'll be there helping the other moms" mom said "ok" I went up stairs and found some of my favorite pjs.

 "Yes honey" mom said "I'm going to the school sleepover" I said "ok I'll be there helping the other moms" mom said "ok" I went up stairs and found some of my favorite pjs

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"Nice" I said

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"Nice" I said. I put on my shirt and went down stairs and put on my Air Force ones. "Bye mom" I said. "Bye honey" mom said. I went out the door to re think that my moms lipstick smeared off her lips a bit. She always says smear lips is not a pleasure to anyone. Then he came to me she is hooking up with gninny's dad that is what he wanted. I skated there and there I saw max Nora. "Hey guys" I said "heyyyyy" max said giving me a hug. "I feel like I haven't hugged you in forever is my brother holding you hostage" max said "no he so not max" I said laughing. We got inside and there was lights and music but no my type of music tho. There was snacks and there I saw mom. I all ready knew the real reason why she was here she wanted the money. But I wasn't going to tell because when I was younger we were homeless. But I'm fine with it. I saw Marcus. "Hey Marcus" I said he warped his hands around my waist and he kissed me. And my favorite song came on hypnotize. "We have to dance" I said pulling Marcus to the dance floor. "Ok fine" he said. We started to dance and we were laughing and having fun. We took a break and I want to grab a drink. "Hey Alexis right" the random boy said. "Yeah that's me" I said awkwardly. "Nice outfit" he said "thanks" I said uncomfortably. "So I was wondering for you wanted to go on a date with me" the boy said. "I'm sorry I have a boyfriend"I said awkwardly. "He dose't have to know" he said with a creepy smirk. "I don't lie to my boyfriend dumbass" I said clearly not in the mood for this. Then I saw Marcus coming over to me he but his hand around my waist. "She said no" Marcus said. "Whatever dude" the boy said abs wallked away. "Are you okay" Marcus said "yeah I'm fine just a creep" I said. Everyone went to sleep at the school sleepover. Marcus and we were cuddling. I needed to use the restroom so I got up to see Hunter kissing another girl. "Oh my fucking god" I said "it's not what it looks like" Hunter said "you cheater" I said

A/N: I hope you like it thank y'all so much for 386 views I love y'all so much. Next chapter will be smut so get ready. My 13th birthday is tomorrow and I'm scared😽

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