Halloween party

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Alexis POV:

I woke up in the morning and got dressed
For school

I went down stairs and ate breakfast my mom drove me and Ginny to school

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I went down stairs and ate breakfast my mom drove me and Ginny to school. "Bye mom" "you too honey" she said I got out of the car and went into the school. I opened my locker I saw Marcus leaded against my locker "happy Halloween Lexi"he said kissing me "you too Marcus"I said kissing him the Brel rang to get to class. "See you at break" I said to Marcus.
Class was fine. It was finally break and we all sat down by the tree where we always sat. "So guys since it is Halloween we're gonna have a Halloween party at his"max said pointing to one of the boys in the group. "What should we go has" said ginny be honest I wasn't a big fan of the group costume I just wanna go with some thing that I'm gonna like. " let's let's be all of the Britney Spears" said max I just sat back with Marcus.

         I was getting ready for the party ginny and her other friends were going has the Britney Spears girls. Ginny was goin go has the original with the  Britney Spears braids. To be honest ever  since she has met those girls she has been not doing the best. She is smokeing and drinking and she stells from stores and has a boyfriend and is always haveing you know what. I told Marcus about it and I told him I wanted to tell my mom but I didn't want to be a snitch about it because she's my sister but I was worried about her. So I took Marcus's advice and before i go to the party I was going to tell her. I went down stairs and found my mom in the kitchen "hey mom I need to tallk to you" I said "yeah anything" mom said "I'm worried about Ginny ever since she met those girls she is smoking and drinking and always have you know what with hunter and she is stealing to" I said "I'm going to tallk to her when she come back ok don't worry honey" my mom said huging me. Marcus and I went to the Halloween party.

 Marcus and I went to the Halloween party

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I went as Barbie and Marcus went to as a criminal from jail

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I went as Barbie and Marcus went to as a criminal from jail. When we got there was quite a lot of people there. Me and Marcus found lemonade on the table but we knew it was to mix with alcohol so we decided just to drink the lemonade because we don't drink. We were both talking then Ginny came down and started to shake her butt when she did that I turned to Marcus. "I told my mom about her all ready I'm still a bit worried" I said Marcus turned to me hugging me so my head was in my chest. "It's going to be ok I'm glad that you were able to feel your mom" he said. "Thanks Marcus for being the best boyfriend" I said "no problem" he said. Then my favorite song came on find another one bites the dust. "Come on let's go dance" I said "ok fine" Marcus said while smirking. We both danced and it was fun and we were laughing. Till I hear my sister scream all crazy. Me and Marcus turned our heads to se my sister taking a shot and there went. 1shot.2shot.3shot.4shot. "I'll be back" I said to Marcus. I was not happy with Ginny right now it's like I'm babysitting her. "Hey" I said to Ginny graping the 5 shot out of her hand. "Whattttttttt" she said "stop drinking your getting ready drunk" I said "you know what Alexis just shut up for once ok you always think that one day everything is going to get better but it's not your dad's already dead but we all know he killed himself in front of you and we all know it was because of you he regretted you every single day of his life" she said both of her friends were listening to this argument. "Are you serious right now" I said to Ginny "yeah I am also I'm very glad that your father did us a favor and kill yourself" she said. My heart sunk I wanted to die why would she ever bring this up in front of anybody she knows I don't want this topic she died in right for me while seven and I was traumatized from that of the same dream of him killing himself. I smacked her HARD " don't you ever talk about my dad like that like. Also you really need to deal with your drinking problem your only 16 you dumbass" I said walking out of the party with Marcus. "I'm so sorry I herd what happed" he said huging me. I just let go and started to cry. "It's ok Alexis I'm right here let's go home" he said we got in the car and he drove me home. He dropped me of. I ran in the house to my mom. "Mommmmmm"I said with tears . "Honey" she said I walked up to her crying "what happened" mom said "Ginny got crazy drunk at the party and she brought up my dad killing him self and she said he did everyone a favor" I said sobbing "aww sweetie I'm so sorry but lately she has been a bitch so she better come home and she is grounded for four months and no parties no friends no boyfriend" she said. I went to bed thinking about what she said why did she say that. My thoughts got interrupted by a knock on my window. I looked out my window to see Marcus there. "Hey I can't sleep but I also want to still make sure you're OK" he said "I'm fine but here come" I said laying on my bed he out is hands my waist and my head in his chest. We both slowly drifted off to sleep together...

A/N: oh my God thank you so much for 101 views on this book I love all of you so much. Also don't forget in your in love with stiles from teen wolf like me recommend checking out my story on him! Love all of you!!!!

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