She left

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Alexis POV:
Life was nice and I loved everything of it my boyfriend my mother my friends my big huge nice home it was nice. I made my way down stairs to Ginny and mom arguing. For some reason they have a LOT over little things but this time it sounded like something more serious. "You wan to know I was abused has a kid and sexual assault multiple times" mom said. My eyes went wide. "W-what" Ginny said "is that what you wanted all a long Ginny because will you sure just GOT it" mom said. Ginny sat there speech less and nothing to say. Today was a weekend so yay no school. I went to go eat breakfast and made Austin some pancakes. "Honey I have work are you tonight" mom said. "Ok bye mom" me and Austin said. Mom left it was just me and Ginny. Well Ginny I all ready knew was going to be in her room because of a fight but we we're going to Max's play tonight. Austin was going with us so it was nice. Me and Austin were on the couch watching tv.

Time skip to the play

Austin got dressed and I went in my room. "What should I wear today" I said

 "What should I wear today" I said

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"Love it" I said. I went down stairs and me and Ginny and Austin got a ride from max. "Hey guys" max said to us when we were entering the car. "Heyyyy" I said. I got to the school we took our seats. Marcus sat next to me I was in the middle and Austin on the other said of me. "I'll be back" Ginny said "ok" I said not thinking much. They play begin to start I saw max but she looked like she wanted to scream and cry and bothered at the same time. The first song was down and it was break to get snacks and talk. "Hey I need to tell you something" Marcus said "yeah" I said "before I got here your sister tried to kiss me" Marcus said. My heart was dead and it stopped. Why would ginny kiss my BOYFRIEND. "But I pulled her away and told her no because I like you and only you" Marcus said "please don't be mad" he said "I'm not I'm glad that you said that I'm going to talk to her" I said. "Ok" Marcus said. He came with me and I saw Abby Nora max and ginny. "Hey what happened here"Marcus said "Ginny told the whole school that I was a whore who really likes guys and just acts gay to get girl. And EVERYONE believes her and she told the one gay girl that I liked for a whole year to kill her self and she DID" max said sobbing. "And FYI I knew you kissed Marcus" I said "wtf my BROTHER" max said really mad. "Your a lieing whore who sleeps with every guy in This school. Never speak to me every agin bitch" max said running of. I was shocked about what happened a girl from our school died because of Ginny abs she kissed my boyfriend. Marcus left and it was Ginny and me. "Please forgive me" Ginny said with tears. "No" I said "what" Ginny said. "I'm not everything you have done is because OF YOU. You even kissed my BOYFRIEND and told a girl to kill her self wowwww go Ginny are you happy know because will everyone will hates you now" I said with tears I took Austin home. Hour later the door for swinged open by Ginny. She ran up stairs. She came back down with a bag and her phone. "Where are you going" I said. "I'm leaving" Ginny said. "What" I said. "Good bye Alexis good bye Austin I'm leaving. I'm not apart of the millers anymore it's my time to go" Ginny said. She opened the Door and got in her Motorcycle and drove of. I was shocked he left. Mom came home. "Where Ginny" mom said "s-she left" I said "whatttt" mom said. "She left she's gone she said that she is not apart of the millers" I said. My gave me a hug. "It's for her own good we will never speak of Ginny agin nor tell the real truth if anyone asked she left to go leave with her dad and I will not come back" mom said. Me and Austin both nodded our heads. Mom went in her room and I was in mine. Ginny my sister she is gone not apart of my family nor my sister anymore she's gone.. forever.....


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