Chapter 8: Body #1 #2 #3

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A click of a gun could be heard in the distance... Mewtwo turned before speaking.

" I believe I have solved the mystery, and who the murder is."

Everyone turned to listen, " you see, as I said before it's not who but why? Why kill Giovanni and go after ash? For the money? They could have stolen it, make a case ash was too young, and been his guardian. No, that's not why. There are 4 people who be it, yet only one option is correct. But before that let's review.

A girl named Serina, came later to use the phone correct? Why was Pikachu still around after being dead? Who is the unknown body? Simple, Serina isn't Serina. The girl at the door was and is Serina, but the Serina we met. Was in fact, a girl named Emma I presume?" Mewtwo said turning to see 'Serina' stand before him.

" yep, Emma Okashi!" Emma said revealing herself.

" miss Serina was supposed to go to a party, but when the signal was lost she got distracted and forgot which way she came, having to come to the house," Emma said

" but we saw you die!" Corey yelled

"strawberry sauce, easy to get in the kitchen," Emma said

" so she's the murderer! " Fergus said

" no," Mewtwo said turning " she was here to reveal the truth. that message, Reavel the truth, that was Serina when we were all distracted. She grabbed the extra bottle the staff keeps for ash's sweet tooth.' Mewtwo said turning to ash who blushed meekly 

" I like strawberries, they are yummy!"

Joy chuckled and Mewtwo smiled shaking his head " yes they are ash! well unless you allergic?" Mewtwo said turning to Corey.

Correy tried to but only for a gun to sound off and fall dead to the ground. Making everyone scream in fright.

Mewtwo took out his gun and fired a shot which caused the person to reveal themself.

" FERGUS?!" joy screamed

Before he could answer he too fell dead to the ground, a knife lodged into his back.

Everyone screamed again,

" why are you screaming?" Amanda yelled, " people are missing yet we're focusing on the dead!" Amanda yelled marching off to find the killer.

"Amanda wait!" Mewtwo yelled but she was cut by wires and fell dead. Mewtwo grabbed ash and yelled for everyone to run to the library. The group of people still alive ran to the other library and inside were fuji, misty,  yellow, dawn, and jenny. They were all looking at the dead body of green.

In her hands was a note.

" clever Mr. m, but if everyone is dead who will u tell?" the note read

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