Chapter 6: Secrets

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Mewtwo then led everyone to the second living room. As he made sure there weren't any more dead bodies.

Fugi, neesha, Corey, fergus, Domino, and joy all sat on the lounge couch. While jenny, amber, molly and ash sat on the loveseat. While mewouth, Pikachu, and persain sat on the ground next to them. However, inside the room, a dull knife, and a lead pipe were found.

"hmmmmmmm.........." Mewtwo said as he walked back and forth

" what?" corey asked annoyed

" we now have a problem with these deaths...." Mewtwo said

" How so?" joy asked

" gold, Amanda, blue, yellow, green, red......and dawn......" they have all been missing

"I think~" Mewtwo began

" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" a bloody scream was heard the group rushed off to the commotion...

 there in front of them.. were the corpses of gold, red, blue, and another body?

"Well, that solves that," Corey said

Mewtwo walked over and found a second letter. As well as a message painted in blood.

"They shall be set free, why thy shows thee truth~" Mewtwo read

dawn was shaking as she appeared from the second guest bathroom...

" Ding DONg~" a doorbell went

everyone went wide-eyed as they hurried to close the doors and answer the noise.

When they opened the door a girl and a kingly pokemon stood on the porch.

" um, excuse me. but may I use your phone? I got sidetracked and now I can't find my way home." the girl said petting her pokemon

" of course no blood out here." Corey said

" what?" the girl asked

"I mean there's no phone out here. so you are welcome to use the one inside." Corey said sweating badly

" oh, thank you. my name's Serina." Serina said as she and her pokemon walked in

once Serina was shown the room, Mewtwo locked the door with her inside and retreated back to the living room.

" as I was saying. the way these people are dying doesn't make any sense." Mewtwo said,

" wait it doesn't?" Corey asked

" no it doesn't, how did brock, Delia, or butch, Jessie, Dominio, gold, red, and blue, die?" Mewtwo said " not to mention the unknown body, and Amanda's still missing. as well as these 2 letters. A bloody letter opener and a small key.

" but that's papa's.' ash said

" HUN?" everyone including Mewtwo said

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