Chapter 7: Giovanni

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" what do you mean it's papa's?" mewtwo asked ash

" papa used that letter opner all the time and that key was combined with it to unlock, the place we played." ash said

"The place you played?" mewtwo asked ash

" I think he means the secret catacombs around this mansion." joy said " he and the master used them to play and epic game of hide and seek." 

" why haven't you told us this until now? MAYBE THE MURDER USED THEM!" Corey yelled

" everyone here knows about them , so why state a fact everyone knows?" joy asked

mewtwo then eyed corey.....if everyone knew then why was he so mad......?

" ash can you show the passage ways?" mewtwo asked

" uh hun. follow me." ash said grabbing the key with a towel.

after everyone was in the 1st floor study ash pulled out a book and stuck the key in behind a painting of giovanni himself..... a door then appeard and opened.....there stood amada....

" oh thank god you found me!" amanda said

"Where were you?" joy asked

" i got scared when i heard the murrder comming up the stairs and ran into a closet only to end up here....." amanda said

" wasn't the murder on the 4th floor? though?" fergus asked

mewtwo eyes narrowed amanda and corey were acting suspicous.....

" well i heard foot steps.....i heard somebody being dragged! here i'll show you....." amanda said leading the group to a set off fot tracks.....

" that leads to the west garden" fergus said

mewtwo then noticed a small detail in her story.....the foot tracks.....weren't.....dragged.......

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