03 Tyrannosaurus Rex

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The journey seemed to be over too quickly to Roxys house. It wasn't long before we pulled outside of a very familiar house. It hadn't changed, well apart from the over grown lawn. Mind you I couldn't imagine either Roxy or Matt gardening.

When the Range Rover pulled to a stand still the girls were eager to get out of their seats, as soon as they were both unbuckled Harmony dragged poor Aleixa upstairs to her bedroom so they could change into their swimming costumes.

I made my way into the cosy front room, above the fire place was a large photo of me, roxy and the guys from when we attended my mums bbq to celebrate Roxys baby bump. We all looked so happy back then.

The girls thundered down the stairs like a herd of elephants, both in their swimming costumes.

'Looks like we're off into the garden and we only just got in.' Roxy shrugged following the girls out to the pool.

A good hour had passed, watching the girls playing in the pool. Roxy had been talking to me about everything that had been going on with the guys. When out of the blue she came out with

'Emz, I still can't believe we are both Mums. Look at them both. Aren't they both the best looking girls ever! I've got to ask. When are you gonna tell her daddy?' I looked at her with a blank expression, mainly due to my mind being blank. 'Em, he has the right to know babe. I mean anyone who looked at her can tell straight away whose she is.'

'Yeah, I know I've got to tell him. Just one step at a time Rox. I don't think he'd be grateful of just going, hey your a dad' I laughed.

'Okay hun, I'm here for ya. Just promise me one thing?' I looked at her 'Don't run again!' I nodded.

'I'm not planning to.'

'Good! Bena?'

I looked at her with a blank expression.

'You want a glass of ribeana' Again I glared at her.

'Rox, when would I ever say no to Ri-F*ckin-bena?!'

Roxy left to go inside the house to make some drinks for me and the girls. I walked over to the pool side and took a seat on the edge of the pool dipping my feet in the water, watching the girls play shark.

'REV, PUT THE RIBENA DOWN!' I heard Roxy shout from the kitchen, My heart began to thump hard against my rib cage. 'Why are you here any way?'

'Bored!' I heard his ever charming tone along with the sound of the back door opening to the garden.

I stayed stairing in the direction of the pool, knowing full well he'd spot me in the next few seconds. I glanced over to see Harmony race out of the pool to greet Jimmy.

'Uncle Jimbo!' she screamed 'Look, Aunty Emz is here to see me!' Damn Kid.

I sighed getting up from my spot at the pool side. I didn't even have the chance to turn around to greet Jimmy. He had taken a run at me, grabbing me and forcing us both into the pool. We both shot up from under the water laughing and spluttering.

He threw his arms around my shoulders and covered my face in thousands of small kisses.

'My god girl, I've missed you!' I couldn't stop smiling, embracing him more.

'Jimmy, I've  missed you more than you'll ever know! i'm so sorry I hurt you by leaving'

'Shut up, yeah you made me cry but your still my adopted little sister, if you'll still have me as your big bro?' He looked questionably at my eyes.

'Of course!' He gently released me before looking over at my baby girl sitting nervously looking at the man that had just 'attacked' her mom.

'Alexia come here. I want you to meet your Uncle Jimmy' he looked from her to me, a slight confused expression on his face.

'Jimmy. meet my daughter Alexia' He let out a small warm smile, holding his hand out.

'Hey Alexia' She put her small hand in his large one to shake it gently. She was slightly unsure of what to make of the tall tattooed wet man.

'It's okay baby' I reassured her. She let go of his hand, smiled her little smirk before giving him a hug. He smiled up at me and winked.

'I'm Rex, and i'm over this many years old.' she said holding up 3 fingers. Again Jimmy looked at me, then it clicked. He looked back down at her.

'So why Rex?'

'Cause I'm a Tyrannosaurus Rex!' She mumbled trying to pronounce it. 'Ragghhhhh, I'm going to eat you!'

'Aghhh' Jimmy yelled 'Emz your daughter is trying to eat me! Save me! Agghhhh' He scooped Alex up in his arms pretending that she was attacking him.

'Sorry jimmi boi, you're on your own with that one!' I laughed pulling myself out of the pool, to see Harmony running over to join in the attack on Jimmy.

I made my way back into the house leaving the girls with Jimmy. Roxy was no longer in the kitchen.

I walked to the laundry room to grab a towel to start drying my hair.

When someone behind me spoke.

'Hello stranger'

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