27 Heartache Every Moment

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"Well is someone going to say something?" My voice cracked slightly as I spoke. The fact no one said a word had me more worried than I was before I told them.

"Sorry Hun, it's just a bit of a shock that I don't think any of us were expecting." Steph was the first to speak out. "Are you OK?"

"As good as I can be I suppose." I shrugged slumping down onto a chair, holding my head in my hands.

"Are you sure that it's Karls?" Zacky asked, almost hopeful that it wasn't true.

"100% sure. The dates work out to the incident."

"Have you thought what you want to do Sis?" Johnny voiced.

"What do you mean 'what I want to do?' I'm not doing anything." I was expecting someone to ask, but it surprised me that it was Johnny.

"You can't seriously be thinking of keeping it. That piece of filth raped you for gods sake, surely you don't want to have any part of him in your life. You're not that stupid."

"Brian, it's a baby we are talking about not just something you can throw in the trash cause you don't want it any more." Steph shocked me as she jumped to my defence to which I was thankful.

"Come on, I can't be the only one in the room that is thinking the same thing." Brian asked with his voice slightly raised.

"I have to agree with Brian. Babe, after what he did to you, I can't see you with a baby that you will look at and think of what happened each time." Zacky sighed running his hand through his hair.

"Right, well, let's clear this up" I stood up and faced everyone again. "I'm keeping this baby, I know you all will judge me and look down on me for this, but I can't just abort a baby due to the circumstances. Its not its fault how it was conceived. Think what you will but that's my decision."

"Sis, I'm here and will always be here for you, no matter what." Johnny smiled at me, walking over and embracing me in a soft hug.

"Thank you."

"It's ridiculous. You're doing the wrong thing. I love you, you know I do but, I can't support you in this. I'm sorry" Brians tone of voice let on that he was upset. My heart ached in my chest watching him stand and leave the house. It hurt even more to watch Zacky follow after him, simply saying 'Sorry' as he left. I let out a few sobs. Johnny went to hug me again but I pushed him away before heading up the stairs to my room. I closed the door behind me sliding my back down the wall I collapsed in tears.


There was a soft knocking from the door. My eyes stung as I opened them. It was dark outside so I must have cried myself to sleep on the floor. "Come in" I croaked, my voice somewhat lost. I got up from the floor and made my way to my night stand to get some wipes to clean up my face.

"How you doing chicken?" Steph smiled as she came and sat next to me on my bed.

"Meh," I shrugged. "Bet everyone had a good bitch huh."

"Actually, there was no bitching. We are all here to support you in your decision in anyway that we can."

"Thank you, that honestly means so much to me. Can I ask you honestly, as a close friend, do you think this is the right decision?"

"Em, I do agree with you, but then there is also the flip side to that. If I'm honest, I think you should maybe think on it some more, just be absolutely sure it's not something you will come to regret. It will mean in some ways Karl will always be a part of your life, and it will also be his child." I nodded.

"I don't know, I just don't." I sighed "Where's everyone gone to anyway? It seems awful quiet downstairs."

"The guys have taken the girls out bowling and then to dinner. Thought you could use some space, and my wonderful company, you know the not quite as intense as Jimmy but nearly there, type company." I laughed with a nod. "So how about I go place an order for Pizza and get some beers? Oh wait, bummer, a Pizza, a beer and a soft drink for the non drinker now."

"That sounds great."

"Now get yourself into the shower, and get your Pyjamas on. Things will seem much better then. We can pig out up here and watch a film, that way we won't be bothered when everyone comes home"

"Honestly Steph, thank you for being so understanding." I said to her as she was about to leave the room.

"Hey don't mention it. Here for you no matter what."

Once in the shower I did start to feel somewhat better, however as usual with taking a shower thoughts were flooding my mind. Not so much about being pregnant, more so about Zacky and Brian, and their reaction. Again my heart hurt thinking of them both, it had to stop at some point. "Gah this is a mess"

Showered and dressed in my Pyjamas, I called down to Steph to let her know I was sorted. "Good, I was about to demolish this Pizza all to myself." She called back before coming upstairs. "Feeling better?"

"Yup. Alot better actually." I smiled. "Well, as good as I can be. That Pizza smells so good." My stomach rumbled in agreement.

"Tuck in then, before I scoff it down. I've got some chick flicks for us to watch, chocolate and drinks so forget everything for tonight and take it easy."

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