Chapter 16

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(I promised a couple of you a sketch I did, so here)
September 29, XX84
-The Victor's Room-

        Eijiro knew Katsuki would have to leave soon, but he was not expecting the prince to wink and smile over his shoulder as he departed with his mother and their guards. The Bakugos had always sustained a unique flair for the dramatics, but Ei was sure the swaying hips and loose, confident shoulders were a show just for him.

        Eijiro was also not expecting it when the three guards that had stayed behind suddenly rushed at him, so he'd be lying if he ever claimed he didn't think of seven ways to kill each of them before realizing they didn't mean to be a threat. Seeing Hawks again and the previous battle had put him on high alert, and he was wary of everything. (Speaking of Hawks, the man had turned back into a bird and sulked back out the window. Eijiro darkly wished that he would crash into one of the banners flying high over the towers and turrets of the castle.)

        The one with the fuzzy green hair had latched onto his shoulders, the other two around his middle, laughing triumphantly in his ear. Eijiro knew his name was Deku, but also remembered that it wasn't really his name and couldn't remember the real one at the moment. "I knew it was you!" He grinned, freckled cheeks widening to reveal a beaming smile. "It had to be. After all these years, we had to find you. And now you're back and you still love each other and Kacchan is smiling again and you're a total freaking badass, you know that? I've never seen anyone weild weapons like that! I hope you understand how hard it is to best Neito and Tetsutetsu, even without Tama and the others. Like, that takes some stamina."

        Eijiro chuckled, remembering now the freckled boy's habit of rambling, and his name. "'Course I know, Izuku," he smiled, lightly patting the arms latched around his neck. This free, jubilant affection was so foreign to him, but it made him feel fluttery. "It may have taken a while to remember why their styles looked so familiar, but I know how to hold my own against a pair of gladiators, alright?" Glancing up, he noticed the ginger-haired girl standing in the shadows. Her name came easily to memory, and he gently tried to pry Denki's arms off him before he spoke. He was unsuccessful, and he was trying not to hurt the boy. "Hello, Sister. I suppose you'd go by a different name, now?"

        Her head tilted to the side. "Itsuka Kendo. We never spoke, but it seems you've heard of me, Rat."

        Eijiro's lip curled at the name he wanted to avoid, but he softened when an apologetic look crossed her face. "My name is Eijiro, and the grapevine of the Citadel was always plentiful. I heard many stories, and I recognized your hair. Thief and Steel were a bit harder for me to place."

        Hanta's arms dragged from him at once, bringing Denki with him. "How the hell did he learn to speak in complete sentences in twelve hours?"

        "Oi," the redhead feigned hurt, hitting the other man lightly in the head with his palm while Izuku dropped off his shoulders. "I wasn't stupid, I just couldn't get the words out. There wasn't much use for talking, where I've been."

        Itsuka laughed at that. "Growling suits us better, doesn't it."

        Thinking it funny, he growled at her in response.

        The two adult men moved around him so they could be seen, and Eijiro relaxed a fair amount, now that there was no one standing behind him. The blonde one may have been loud and nervous, but the other one was quiet and had his knife, and it upset Eijiro not being able to see where he was at all times.

        After sharing quick quiet words with Izuku, Hizashi grinned and turned to his companion, who Eijiro thought might have looked like his childhood teacher had fallen off a mountain and landed in a bush after being turned into a vampire. "Isn't this amazing?!" He beamed. "Look how he's grown, Sho! Aw--" he suddenly pouted, quickly judging the difference in their height. "I can't call him little listener anymore..." his pout lasted a few more second before whirling on Izuku again. "Eh, that's okay. I've still got this one!"

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