Chapter 18: Paps Strike #2

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*Krissy's POV*

It had been a week since Lou and I's date. Everything had been ok so far but I couldn't keep myself calm. I was tense all the time and I knew hate would be rolling in sooner than later. I rolled my neck thinking about all this. I was sitting in the living room drinking tea, Louis was still asleep. As if he was reading my thoughts he slumped out of the bedroom and plopped down next to me. "Hey babe" I said wresting my head on his shoulder. 

"Hey........ You seem really tense" He said taking the tea out of my hand and setting it down. He place his hands on my shoulders and started giving me a back massage. 

"Thanks Lou" I said leaning back into his chest and kissing his jawline. He smiled and pecked my lips. There was a flash outside the window. 

"Jesus Christ, can't they just leave us alone" Louis muttered as he got up to shut the curtains. I felt a lump in my thought and my eyes started to water again. "No babe, please don't cry" Louis said as he walked back over to me. I shook my head and swallowed the lump. 

"I'm fine....... I just want some alone time yea know" I said getting up and walking into the bedroom. I heard Louis sigh behind me. I didn't bother to look at him when I closed the door behind me. I sat down on the bed and pulled out my lap top. I decided to see if hate was on my twitter page or not. I scrolled down my page and it didn't take to long for me to find the picture that was taken today. Louis was rubbing my back and I was leaned over kissing his jawline. There was some nice stuff saying that we looked cute together ndthat we really loved eachother. That made me smile. But not to far down after that stuff there was a shit load of hate. 

@Louislover222: @Tak3M3H0m3 omg your such a whore, why doesn't louis just see that your faking!

@68meand1d70: @Tak3M3H0m3 really? are you kidding me? I can't believe lou hasn't seen through this act yet

@shagme1d: @Tak3M3H0m3 obviously just wants to have a fuck buddy!

I slammed the top of my laptop down and let the world around me become blurry. A thought hit me that I hadn't had for awhile. I really shouldn't but I couldn't help but feel the need to. I walked to the bathroom and shut the door quietly behind me. Rummaging through my stuff I finally found what I was looking for. After the hate before and the hate now, I couldn't take it anymore. I loved Louis but he didn't have to know about this. I uncovered the razor and held it up to my arm. I shivered feelong the cold metal against my arm again. Finding clear skin was hard, but soon I found a spot that didn't have any scars. Pressing the blade as hard as I could into my skin I shot it down and across my arm. It didn't hurt at first but then it burned. I gasped and saw how large the cut actually was. Scramblng to find something I grabbed a towel and pressed it against the cut. After most of the blood was cleaned off my arm I picked op the towel to see how bad it was. It was as wide as my two fingers and as long as my finger tips to my wrist. This was bad..... really bad, I had never actually done anything this bad before... only little stuff. I slid down the wall and let everything become blurry again. I felt tears roll down my face and fall to the floor. I didn't even notice Louis open the door until he gasped at the mixture of tears and  blood on the floor. 

"Kristen......." He trailed off. I glanced up at him and saw tears running down his face too. 

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