Chapter 10: BITCH, he's mine!

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 *Kristens POV*

My eye lids felt heavy when I opened them from a nice rest. I looked at the clock and saw it was 3 o'clock in the afternoon. That's when I realized the bed was empty, I rolled over and saw that Louis was no where in the room. I got my phone out to call him when I saw a text in my privite box. I typed in my coad and saw it was from Louis. 

From: Boo bear<3333333

Hey love, went out to meet an old friend. If you want to meet me there I left directions on the counter downstairs. If not I understand, your probably still a bit jetlagged, and Mum will be home around 5 ish. Love you!!!! <3

Ooooo! A friend of Lou's! I want to meet them! I texted him back.

To: Boo bear <33333333

Hiya babe! I'll meet you there in like half an hour! Love you too <3

After sending the text I threw on an old graphic t-shirt and yoga pants with my tan weadges. I walked down stairs to see directions to Starbucks sitting on the kitchen counter. I smiled and typed the directions down in my phone and walked out the door. Starbucks was with in walking distance and since I didn't have a car I figured why not. With in five minutes I got to Starbucks and saw Louis sitting at a table alone. I walked in the door and Louis turned around and emediatly got up and walked over to me. 

"Kristen!" he said in an extreamly cheery voice.

"Hey boo." I said still a bit tired. He leaned down and pecked my lips.

"Come on love" he said taking my hand and pulling me back to a table where a blonde girl sat. "Kristen this is-"

"Hannah." I finished for him. "Lou you have to remember before I met you I was only another crazed fan." He chuckled and patted his lap.I willingly sat down looking over at Hannah smiling. She  looked back and gave me a death glare. I got a bit scared and worried that I had done something wrong, so I leaned back into Lou's chest gripping his hand. 

"Hannah this is my girlfriend Kristen, the love of my life!" Lou said proudly. I giggled and turned around to look at him. I pecked his lips and looked at him a little longer. 

"I love you too Boobear" I smiled and he smiled back then both of us looked at Hannah. She looked like she was going to burst into tears. I could literally feel the tention in the air. "I'm going to go to the bathroom." I said getting up off of Louis lap as he gave my hand a squeez as if to say don't be too long. I walked to the bathroom and pushed open the door. I really didn't have to go but I decided to let them sort somethings out. I might as well see how things are going back home. I texted Alex and  Sophie.

To: Alex<333 and Sophie!<3

Hey guys! Miss you so much but so far I'm having a great time in Doncaster! How are things with you and the guys *wink wink*. I just met Hannah Lou's ex. You could literally feel the tention in the air... Weird

I almost imediatly got texts back.

From: Sophie!<3

Hey! Miss you too. Dont have to much fun hun! And things are actually great here me and Niall have been going on dates non stop! God I love this boy! Oh and be careful I heard Hannah's other bf just broke up with her... she might want Louis back... but have fun DON'T TEXT BACK I'M BUSY!

I laughed at the last part then moved on to reading Alex's.

I MISS YOU SO MUCH! Oh and Sophie told me that Hannah's old bf just broke up with her be... be careful. LOVE YOU!

Ok this was really scaring me. Did Hannah really want Louis back? I decided to figure it out for my self and walked out of the bathroom. I turned the corner only to see Hannah practiclly leap across the table pulling Louis up to her. Then what happened next... I would have never expected it, even if Hannah's boyfriend did brake up with her and she did want Lou back. Hannah leeped across the table and slammed her lips with Louis'. 

At this point I didn't know what I was doing. From where I was standing since it was only about 10 feet away from the table I screamed "YOU BITCH!" and ran out of the coffe shop crying my eyes out. I heard foot steps behind me and someone calling my name but I didn't bother. I sprinted as fast as I could back to Louis' house not knowing where I was going.

I must have made a wrong turn somewhere because I ended up in a park. Anything was better then there right now. I walked over to the playhouse where little kids went down the slide and climb threw the jungle gym and sat down. I heard foot steps coming torawrd me and I looked up only to see Louis with tears streaming down his face too. He walked over to me and I just looked down. 

"How did you know that I was going to bring you hear later?" Louis asked still crying. 

I giggled threw my own tears. "Because I'm a ninga" I said blankly. I looked up to see Louis smiling down at me. "OMG! Lou! Why is your eye all red!?"

*Louis' POV* 

Kristen had gone to the bathroom and me and Hannah had been talking for awhile. She was talking about us and how she still loved me and how the bf that just broke up with her was just a fall-back boy. Shit like that. All of a sudden Hannah stoped talking and just looked at me. 

"Louis. Boobear, I know you still love me somewhere deep down and I know you feel it too." she said putting her hand on top of mine. 

"Feel what?" I spat. 

"This..." she said lunging across the table at me grabbing my shirt and pulling me to her. Before I knew what was happening she slamed her lips against mine forsfully while I tried to pull back. "YOU BITCH!" I heard someone scream from next to us. At this point Hannah dropped me and looked at Kristen while she ran out of the coffe shop. 

"I feel nothing and never will" I said spinning on my heel to go run after Kristen when all of a sudden I was turned around and slapped square in the eye by my 'lovley' ex girlfriend. I pushed her to the ground not wanting to cause anymore of a seen and ran after Kristen. I followed her all the way to a park that was twice the distance as my house with tears running down my own face. She ran over to a play house and sat down crying. I walked over to her and she looked up then right back down. 

 "How did you know that I was going to bring you hear later?" I asked still crying.

"Because I'm a ninga" she said blankly. I couldnt do anything but just smile down at her. When she looked up she almost had a heart attck. 

"OMG! Lou! Why is your eye all red!?" she panicked. 

"Bitch slapped me for not kissing her back. I couldn't really do anything though..... I was to focused on getting to you." I said sitting down next to her pulling her close to me. 

"Can she really slap that hard that it made you cry?" she giggled now brightening up a bit. 

I chuckled. "I wasn't crying because she slapped me" I said wiping away my last tear. She gave me a confused look. "I was crying because I thought I might loose you forever." She leaned into me not saying a word. "You know I love you right?" I said making sure she knew what happened. 

"I saw the whole thing Boo." she answered looking up at me. "Your mine, not her's anymore" she finished pecking me on the lips. 

"I never was anyone's until you came along" I leaned down and turned her peck into a deep loving kiss. 

"Can we go home?" she asked. 

"Sure. I have the perfect idea" I said picking her up bridle style and walking back to my house. 

Ok hey guyyyss!!!!!!! Sorry for not updating in awhile. School just started today and I have my other story to update plus the ones that I'm writing with my friend on her account. Anyway... I love Hannah really! But I just thought I needed something dramatic to happen so yea! Honestly I love Hannah so much and I wouldn't even think of he ras being this mean or anything! Ok so it's kinda late and yea school tomorrow again! Don't forget to 



FANNNNN!!!!!!!!!!! <3333333333333

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