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Clarke and Madi grab a few lanterns from the hut before making their way through the woods, followed by everyone from space. They all make their way through the thick brush further and further until they stumble upon a strange rock centered between two stumps in the dense forest. Madi rushes forward with her little hands and pushes on the rock, but it doesn't give way. Clarke follows behind with a chuckle and helps from behind. The rock slides across the ground and reveals a hatch below.

"Woah. Cool." Monty mutters, and the others smile as they step forward.

"Come on, this way." Clarke tilts her head and Madi is the first to climb down, jumping at the end. "Mad's we talked about this. Be careful!" 

"Sorry, Mommy!"

Clarke sighs and lifts her head to the sky while the others cough behind her. Not to subtly laughing. Clarke squints at them as she glares, but it couldn't last long. She rolls her eyes and fights the smile. "Come on before you're left behind!"

The others rush down the ladder and gather at the end. "Wait up, Hobbit!" Murphy runs to find Madi a few feet away. When she sees them she squeals and takes off, her laughter echoing through the tunnels. He catches her and tosses her up before setting her down. 

"Hehe, You're just like mommy said you'd be."

"Really? How's that?" Murphy jabs back.

"You're funny." She laughs. Murphy chances a glance at Clarke who looks away, hiding her own smile. 

"That right? Well what else did she say about me?" 

"Probably nothing you'd want to hear, John." Emori teases. He shoves her shoulder and shoves back as Madi watches and giggles.

The others laugh in amusement as they walk through the tunnels, following the pathways. Madi leads in the front, followed by Murphy and Emori. Then Echo, Monty and Harper, with Clarke and  Bellamy in the back. Not much else is said for several minutes as they continue on. That is until Clarke speaks.

"I see most of you guys are here, safe. But where's Raven?" Several turn their heads in her direction, guilt on their faces. 

"Raven.... is still in space." At this Clarke stops walking.

"What? Is she okay, wh-"

"She's fine, I promise." Bellamy stops her panic, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Someone needed to stay behind to keep control on the prison ship."

"Wait, she's on their ship? Why?" Monty looks ahead at Murphy and Emori, a nod in understanding. They'll keep Madi distracted while the adults talk.

"Back up plan. We may have leverage over the prisoners and Raven agreed to stay behind to do what needed to be done. She said there was an escape pod, so, she'll use it if she needs to." Monty explains. Clarke nods in understanding, glad her friend was still alive and okay.

With Raven being in space maybe they could use that as a bargaining chip for the valley back. Clarke's home....

"How come it's just you and Madi? Where are the others from the bunker?" Monty inquires quietly. Clarke hesitates and glances at Bellamy before answering.

"They're still trapped there." Bellamy all but freezes in place.

For six years he bought Clarke was dead, that he failed in his own personal mission to keep her safe. Never having hope to see her again. For six years his only hope was getting his sister back, but here they were and Clarke was alive... But Octavia was still in the bunker?

"What do you mean trapped? Clarke-"

"The tower collapsed on the door." She interrupted, knowing full well what Bellamy was thinking. "I tried digging them out once the death waved passed... I though maybe if I could get in I could live with my mom and Octavia until the five years were up. But it didn't go as planned."

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