Pandora's Box

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Hours into the day and several tons of rubble the door was finally cleared away. However, since the door was sealed on the other side there was only one other way in. To create a hole from the top. It didn't take long for Eligius to do so, but there was ne question left: Who would drop down first? No one from Eligius could, that much was obvious. Only two could go down at once, and they had to be familiar with the people below.

Since Clarke was looked to as the leader, and Bellamy hadn't seen his sister for six years, spacekru voted the co-leaders to be the first. It was the most obvious choice they said. And for once Bellamy and Clarke didn't argue. It was time to bring their people back home.

Two Eligius prisoners assisted the two with putting on their harness before sending them down into the bunker. A place that had changed almost beyond recognition. People were gathered around from above looking down at the now new comers from above. Red scatted across the floor and walls as silence filled the room. Fencing and wires hanging on the railing, separating people from what took place below. Weapons' were scattered along the walls and floor as three people from the ide stood off as if Clarke and Bellamy were ghosts. No one moved an inch. All except for one.

"Bellamy? Clarke?" The two turn to their right and find a woman whom they both know well. A woman changed. Octavia.

The young Blake flings her arms around her brother first, squeezing tight as her muscles relax. He was alive. He came back... When the siblings pull away Octavia embraces Clarke next, chuckling lowly as she does so.

"You cut your hair."

"Yeah well, it kept getting in the way."

"So instead of braiding it back you cut it off?" Bellamy smirks stiffly at his sister words. While she sounded like herself, something was off. Her appearance and the people have changed. It took everything in him not to wince at the newly fledged second dawn bunker.

"Not everyone has a talented boyfriend or brother to do it for them." At Clarke's remark the young Blake smiles.


Just before anything else can be said, two more bodies descend from the ground. Diyoza and McCreary. They had the harness lifted while the co-leaders reunited with their people. Octavia steps back, weary of the new people before her. Everyone else in the hunker watched in curious silence.

"Who are they?" Octavia's question was for Bellamy and Clarke, but Diyoza is the one who answers.

"We're here to rescue you." But even with the woman's announcement, no one moves. Diyoza looks around before her eyes land on Clarke. "Do they not speak English?"

Clarke ignores the woman and looks to Octavia, a small smile on the Blake's face. She speaks in trig and everyone files out of the room to gather their belongings. After blinking several times Diyoza turns to Octavia, a suppressed surprise hidden behind her stoic expression.

"Nice war paint." She extends her hand but Octavia ignore it. Instead of shaking hands with the foreigner, she gestures for Clarke and Bellamy to follow her.

"My people will be here shortly to be taken to the ground."

"How many do we need to prep for?" Diyoza asks, catching Octavia before she flees. Bellamy was about to answer when his sister cuts him off.

"853." And with that she leads her brother and Clarke to the main office upstairs.

With a loss of words the two follow her. The itching question on the tip of their tongues. What happened to there being 1200 people in this bunker? And what Octavia answers shocks the co-leaders to silence. After three years the farm began to fail. Too many people were here to be fed and kept alive. Many died off and starved, creating mass crime rates to rise. This lead to the fighting pits they landed in. The couldn't float anyone or cast them out. The door was sealed shut. And there were no cells for criminals to be locked into. So, they fought for redemption. Over the years crime happened less often, what with food supplies replenishing. But that didn't mean certain crimes were to horrid for a simple pardon.

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