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The radio crackles to life as it sits on the table near Diyoza, To say she was shocked to hear the voice on the other end would be an understatement, though she shows no such emotion. She dismisses Shaw before reaching for the device, only for it to bein the hands of someone else instead. It takes all sheer will power not to roll her eyes into the back of her head. Idiot...

"Well if it isn't the lost little lamb." Clarke shivers on the other end and the others give her a strange look. This wasn't Diyoza "Clever move slipping your collar, but you can't hide forever."

"Dammit McCreary give me that!" A tussle happens before the woman's voice comes through. A little more relieved now that the correct person was on the line.

"Bold move Clarke. What do you want." Everyone looks to the blonde as she speaks through the radio again, determination in her voice.

"Isn't it obvious? You stole my home. I'm gonna need that back."

"Not a chance, Griffin." Clarke rolls her eyes at the woman's tone. She may think she has an advantage, but the terrorist has no idea what this delinquent has instore...

"That's negotiable. How about this, we meet and talk terms of survival. Your people and mine."

"So there are more people?" She says smugly, Clarke can clearly visualize the smirk on the woman's face. "That's what I thought."

Clarke keeps the scoff to herself as she rolls her eyes. The smugness' from this woman grew very old, very quickly. But she did have to respect the level headed charge. Apart from the torture. "I wasn't lying then. I didn't know about my people coming down. But we could strike a deal, if you'd be up for it."

"A deal? And why would I do that? You have nothing to offer."

Clarke looks to Bellamy before looking down. Madi still fast asleep. It was now or never to make their move. This was for the best, for Clarke's family, Madi, and all of the woman's friends. For everyone of her people in the bunker who have suffered far too long underground. They deserved to be freed.

"How about a trade. The rest of my people for yours." At this spacekru stop eating, curious at Clarke's angle.

"Clarke what are you doing?" Monty starts to panic.

Diyoza mules over the woman's words but calls her bluff. "My people are right where they need to be. So the deal is null and void, Miss Griffin."

"You sure about that? Last I checked not everyone was taken from your ship." Silence from the other end, and Clarke smirks. "Still wanna backdown from that deal?"

"I'm listening."

"No more talking. Not like this. Meet me on the river bed near the village. Alone. And we'll talk." Nothing is said for several long moments. Everyone is getting anxious, right before Diyza speaks.

"Alright, I'll bite. We'll meet at day break."

"See you there."

As the radio goes silent, so does the room in the cabin. Everyone of spacekru is staring, jaw slacked, at the blonde in front of them. Clarke squints slightly at the lot of them before raising a brow. They were looking at her like she instantaneously grew a second head.

"What?" As she asks Madi stirs as her belly grumbles. The child wiggles in her sleep while Clarke wearily watched her friends.

"Clarke did you just talk a terrorist into meeting with you, alone?!"

"I won't be alone, I said she should be."

"You know she won't listen, princess. These people are dangerous and crazy." Bellamy tried to stay calm, really he did, but after hearing the spontaneous conversation in front of him he was starting to lose all sense of the word.

"I know. That's why you will be there to back me up." At her declaration several faces scrunch up in confusion.

"I'm a little confused on the plan here." Murphey speaks.

Everyone looks to Clarke who tries to stand with a waking Madi in her arms. Even if she was rather small for her age, she was getting too big for the woman to carry around, let alone injured. Bellamy rushes to her side and peels the child off of her as she grips her stomach. She looks up at him with a small nod- a silent thanks for his quick thinking.

"The plan is to use our inside woman. You guys said Raven is in space as back up right? That means there's a kill switch somewhere to use on the sleeping prisoners."

"Yeah..." Murphy squints at the blondes words, but the spy brightens in understanding. Echo's eyes widen before mumbling.


"Wait," Monty interjects. "You'll use Raven to pull the plug? Why?"

"Its a bargaining chip. Diyoza helps us open the bunker, and in exchange we let her people live." As the woman's words sink in, understanding dawn's on the surrounding group. They get their people and Diyoza gets here. Clarke knows they understand with one look at each of them, before her eyes land on another. Her daughter.

Madi snuggles into Bellamy's chest as she yawns, her small arms tucked under her as her eyes start blinking open. Clarke sees and smiles, moving to grab some breakfast for everyone else. There wasn't much in the cabin for the large groups, so they'd have to scavenge and hunt soon.

"Wow that's... actually a really good plan." Emori mules over. Clarke smiles softly at the compliment and hashes out rations.

"Here's to hoping it all works out like its suppose to." The others hum in agreement and start chowing down.

From across the kitchen Madi lifts her head from it's resting space and sees Bellamy gazing down at her; a lazy grin makes its way on her face then. Her arms sling over his shoulders as she embraces him, getting more comfortable in his arms. Everyone sees and smiles. Clarke most of all.

"You get use to it." She whispers, but Madi hears and lifts her head from its comfortable place.


"Yes, Ai hodnes?"

"What time is it?" Clarke chuckles under her breath at the question. The child tended to over sleep somedays, missing out on hunting or scavenging or swimming.

"Don't worry you didn't over sleep. Come on, you need to eat." She looks to Bellamy before looking at her mother, hesitant. Clarke raises a brow, hands still outstretched expectedly. Instead of jumping into her mother's arms per usual, Madi tucks herself into closer into Bellamy's arms with a sheepish expression.

"He's warm." She mumbles, the only explanation the child gives. Clarke makes an offended noise and the others laugh at the events unfolding.

"Okay, I see how it is."

She reaches out and tickles her side, making Madi instantly squirm and shriek as she hugs Bellamy tighter. He laughs and shields her away, stepping further away from Clarke, who gasps at the movement. She places her hands on her hips as she watches the two smile in amusement. Spacekru eats their food, watching as the three interact, each glancing at each other with a knowing smirk.

"Hey!" At her outburst Madi giggles and peers over his shoulder. When Clarke steps closer, Bellamy pulls back. "Are you seriously keeping my daughter from me?" Clarke looks offended but the amusement in her eyes gives it away. 

"Of course not, Princess. She just wants me right now. Its not that big of a deal." He shrugs it off and Clarke laughs.

"Fine." Madi sees her mother pout as she sits in her chair. One look at Bellamy and he knows what she wants. He tilts head to the side and Madi slides down his arms, running over to Clarke.

"Ai hod yu in Nomi" She snuggles into her mother's side, hugging softly, and Clarkes hugs back.

"I love you too, Mads. Now eat." Madi giggles and sits on Clarke's lap, food in hand, as she takes a bite of berries.

Even if the deal with Eligius doesn't go as planned. They'll still have this moment and home to return to.

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