Old Friends

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Hours pass as the prison ship had landed. And much to the grounder's surprise, it wouldn't be the only ship landing on Earth. She keeps her distance at first, wary of the next landing. But from her view she knew something was different. This ship was smaller...

As the ship lands on the open plain of green, several people from spacekru stepdown the ladder, their feet touching grass for the first time in six years. The sky was dark but shining with the moon in orbit and stars alike. The trees moved as the wind howled though their leaves, rustling in a dance only Earth could show. The leader breaths in the fresh air, his mind taken away with a single moment of bliss. This was it. They were back home.

The grounder knew exactly who these people were. She knew they weren't dangerous-quite the opposite in fact- they were family.

"Bellamy?" A little girl pops out of the trees, looking curiously at the group in front of her. Spacekru stands around and looks between Bellamy and the child before she rushes towards them, only stopping tp throw her arms around his legs in a tight embrace. "Nomi was right! You came!"

"Nomi?" Echo says. "You know this kids mother?" Bellamy shakes his head, causing the little girl to pull away and tilt her head in confusion with an all too familiar frown.

He shakes his head, knowing it was impossible. But the look of his friends say other wise. Many glancing between the child and himself, a question on the tip of their tongue... The age was right it seemed, but no one said anything aloud to ask the burning question.

"But... mommy told me stories. She drew your picture." She pulls out a small sketch book from her bag and hands it to Bellamy, her blue eyes shining in the moon light. He gasps at the familiarity in hand work, knowing only one person who could have done this.

"No.. that's not- that's not possible. She died." He says, confusing the little girl more. Although something in her shifts and she looks down at the ground.

"She was alive a few hours ago."

"Was?" Harper squeaks. She took the liberty to look over Bellamy's shoulder at the drawing and knew exactly who the artist was. "What do you mean?"

"The bad men took her." She whimpers before looking at Bellamy with pleading eyes. "You have to save her, please!" She tugs at his hand, fear taking over.

"Kid, who's your mom?" Echo asks, a little confused and frustrated. All the others look at her with bewilderment before realizing she knew nothing about the woman's talent.

"Clarke." Bellamy whispers before a hard expression sets in. "What happened? Where is she?"

"This way." She pulls him by the hand into the trees before a series of voices shout.

"They're over here!" The little girl gasps and runs full speed, pulling Bellamy with her. The others follow suit as a round of bullets echo through the air.

"I hope you know where you're going, kid."

"My name is Madi." She looks over her shoulder. "And I know exactly where we're going."

More bullets and shouts follow through, but with each step spacekru and Madi take, they become more distant. Soon enough they loose the Eligius prisoners trail and hunker down in a hut hidden in thick brush. Its not small, but it's not quite large either. But its enough to hold the 5 adults and child. Madi lets go of Bellamy and suddenly disappears, freaking him out.

"Madi?" He whispers, looking around in the darkness. "Madi!" He says louder, and the other look around as well. She vanished.

"Well that didn't last long," Murphy's voice rang out. Then a quiet ouch as Emori hits his arm.

"Shut up, John." He fakes a pout at her in the dark as the others shuffle around, Bellamy looking for the child in the process.

"So... Bellamy. Got something you want to share with the rest of the class?"

"Dammit John, what-"

"I'm just asking a what we all want to know." He defends, stepping back and nearly tripping on a box behind him. The others look to where they saw Bellamy last, luckily for him no one can see the faint of red creeping up his neck in the darkness.

"Shut up, Murphy." Is all he grumbles before a sudden light from afar appears. Madi. With a sigh of relief Bellamy walks near it to find the child with a small lantern.

The light illuminates the small makeshift hut leaving everyone to see their surroundings. the walls were made of sticks and moss put together for insulation. Paper was scattered along with books and small weapons. A small chest was tucked away in the corner of the room, though with no lock. You would think the weapons' would be inside, but instead they were splayed everywhere else.

"What's that?" Emori asks, pointing at the chest.

"Oh, thats my baby stuff. Nomi kept some things and put them in there. See?" Madi pulls out a white blanket with her name sewed at the bottom. She points to it and says, "Thats how she knew what to call me." Madi chuckles, a small smile on her face.

"What?" Bellamy pipes up. He stops looking at his surrounding and focuses on the child, taking everything in. Madi tilts her head to the side, the gesture clear. "I thought Clarke was your mom... She named you, right?"

Although the concept of thinking, and hearing, of her being alive is relatively new. So is the idea of Clarke having a daughter. Briefly Bellamy thought of who could be the father, but scrubbed it from his mind. It was none of his business. Right? Besides, from the looks of his friends they thought he was the father. If only... Wait, no. Stop Blake.

"Mommy found me in the woods after primfaya. She isn't my... real mom, I guess? But she's the only one I know."

"So you're a night blood?" Echo asks, and Madi nods. "But how did you survive long enough for her to find you?"

Madi tilts her head to the side with a small frown, one Bellamy and to look away from. She was so much like Clarke it hurt his heart. "Nomi said primfaya missed the valley, but not the radiation. My real parents were dying but lived long enough to keep me alive. Nomi was afraid I wouldn't survive because of how small I was, but she never gave up on me."

Silence fills the room as everyone sinks in the new information. Not only was Clarke alive, not only did she survive the death wave and live on Earth for 6 years... but she found a baby and raised her as her own. Yeah that was Clarke Griffin, alright. Harper, Monty, and Murphy look a little disappointed too at the news. Now knowing the true story of how Madi came to be.

"Where is she now?" Bellamy breaks the void of silence. "You said she was alive a few hours ago but the 'bad men' took her. Who are they?"

"Bellamy." Monty says. "The people from the mother ship. They were hunting someone down..."

"Monty's right. A ship came down while mommy and I were on the mountain..." She hesitates as if finding the right words, "and something was wrong. Mommy asked for the guns and made me hide but the bad men found me. They took her away and I... I ran." Madi ducks her head down, hiding her face. her shoulders shake as she replays the memories, and Bellamy hears her sob.

"Hey." He kneels down in front of her, holding her shoulders. "We'll get her back. I promise." Madi says nothing, instead flings her arms around his neck and cries. "Its not your fault, okay? You did the right thing. Your mom will be so proud."

"I-I didn't help her!"

"Shh...Its okay, Madi. Clarke would have wanted you to be safe, not put yourself in danger." He pulls away and holds her, lifting her chin. "We'll bring her back to you and you'll see how everything plays out. Okay?"

The little girl sniffles and nods, listening to his words. Clarke spoke of her friends and Bellamy all the time, so Madi knew she could trust Bellamy's word not matter what. If Bellamy Blake says he will get something done, then he will.

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