On The Move

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They leave the hut to find out more on these people. From what Madi has told them, Clarke was shot at and taken away after Madi ran and hid behind a tree. It was well covered so they never found her but she saw everything. The little Griffin scouted what she could and saw her mother chained and forced into a chair inside onw of the building s in their village, but that's all she discovered before having to flee.

First things first, find out more about the invaders, get Clarke out of the village, and escape. But seeing as they had little drinking and food supplies, they needed to refuel.

Madi knows of a river near the hit, so, she takes them there to replenish. Madi tugs Bellamy's hand and they walk to a nearby river. The others stop abruptly as they take in the view. The water was as clear as day, even in the night sky. It shimmered as the lapping water glowed, taking their breath away. Madi was unaffected and stepped closer, cupping her hands and squatting for a sip. Bellamy follows her lead and soon enough the others so as well.

Although Monty was more keen to admire the science behind the glow. Harper rolls her eyes and nudges him, and he chuckles.

"It's bioluminescence! The radiation did this." As he states this the others chuckle. Ever the informed and excited nerd Monty Green was. "What?" The others smile before going back to drinking. Only to stop when shouts from afar are close enough to be heard.

"Don't move!" One voice yells drum behind, bustling through the thick trees.

Madi freezes and the others cover her. Bellamy slowly turns around and hits the man, his jaw emitting a cracking sound. As he taken by surprise a gun shot going off in the air. Using this as a distraction, Bellamy takes Madi's hand and dashes off, the others in toe.

But the enemy catches up in no time. Madi and the others take a sharp turn right and hit a dead end. The only think around were large bushes and to hide in, so that is what most of them do, along with dragging Madi with them as Bellamy faces their attackers. When the arrive Bellamy raises his hands in surrender, hoping to relay a message of peace, but they keep their guns pointed and steady. They inch closer and closer, on mans fingers ready to pull the trigger... but he doesn't get the chance.

A spear lies through the air suddenly hitting one of the prisoners. Spacekru dunks down and tries to find the source, but find none. Bellamy ushers for everyone to stay down and for Harper and Monty to hold onto Madi while he finds out what has happened. Madi reaches for him to protest, but Harper pulls her tight, whispering its okay. As Madi still struggles Bellamy stands and sees someone coming towards them, a hood over their head covering their face. A bow and arrow splays over their back while they reach out and remove their weapons'. Bellamy tenses and readies for a fight, but stops when the person removes their disguise.

A face so familiar fills his vison and it takes every ounce of strength for Bellamy not to fall to his knees. She's alive.

"Clarke?" he croaks, and the woman grins.

"Bellamy!? Oh my God..." He takes off in a sprint, catching her off guard, and wraps her in his arms, twisting her in the air, squeezing tight. Clarke groans slightly and he instantly sets her down.

"Are you hurt? What-"

"I'll live." She says, her smile never fading. "You're really here?" She reaches out and touches his face, the facial hair new.

"Yeah," he laughs, "I'm here. Most of us are."

"Most? What happened? Where are the others?" Before Bellamy could respond however, a little voice shoots from behind, breaking the spell.

"Mommy!" Clarke whips her head past Bellamy and takes off sprinting.

"Madi!" The child throws herself into Clarke's arms, wrapping her little arms around her neck. Clarke picks her up swiftly and swirls her around. "Oh, Ai yongon. Are you okay?" Clarke asks, setting her down to look frantically for injuries. Madi laughs and swats at her hands.

"I'm fine, nomi." Clarke gives her pointed look before straightening her jacket, kneeling in front of her.

"Well excuse me for making sure you were okay."

"Are you?" Madi whispers, reaching out to her neck and looking at her side where she was previously shot at. Clarke flinches but nods anyway.

"I am fine. It'll heal. All that matters is you." She says, moving a dark piece of hair from her face. Madi rolls her eyes and sighs.

"Nomi." She whines, and Clarke chuckles. A low grumble echoes in the silence and Madi turns red. Clarke smirks and picks up the little girl.

"Come on. Let's get you something to eat."

"But the ration packs are gone. The bear found em'."

"That's true... But aren't you forgetting our secret spot?" As Clarke holds Madi she tilts her head to the side, thinking. Bellamy steps closer and can't help but smirk. She looks so much like Clarke when she does that.

The other come out of hiding and Clarke notices, smiling at them. "Oh! That place. I remember now!" Clarke laughs at Madi while setting her down.

"Perfect! So why don't you grab what we need and we'll walk there."

"But mommy," Madi whines, and the rest of spacekru laugh. "It's really far." Clarke kneels in front of Madi, holding her shoulders.

"We'll be there before you know it, okay? You know we can't take the rover."

"The rover?!" Bellamy questions, shocked.

"Mommy found it in the desert." Clarke bites her lip as the others look at her curiously. The desert? But she doesn't have time to explain. Not yet. "She fixed it up but it's still loud."

"Exactly. And driving it would bring too much attention. We don't want that from these people okay? We'll go to the cabin and be safe there for now."

"But what about home?" Madi's' eyes gleam and Clarke holds back a sigh.

"We'll get it back, I promise. But right now we need to focus on finding somewhere safe. Get food and water, then plan, okay?" Madi thinks it over before nodding.

"Okay." Clarke tugs her close before shooing her off. The little one laughs before running to the hut and grabbing her things.

"So that happened." Monty says, and Clarke laughs, hugging each of them.

"Yeah... It's a long story."

"Oh I bet it is. Surviving the end of the world and adopting a baby? What else have you done, Griffin?" Murphy teases and everyone chuckles.

"More than you think. Come on. We have a long way to go before we reach the mountain side."

"M-mountain side!? Clarke-" Bellamy stutters, taken back. The mountain was literally on the other side of the land. How were they going to make it there anytime soon, without drawing attention of Eligius?

As if she was reading his mind, she smirks.

"Don't worry, Bellamy. We're not staying above ground and going through the forest. We're using the tunnels." Everyone stares blankly at her, stunned, and she laughs. "Welcome home."

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