The Meeting

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Once the meeting ends, each party goes their separate ways. Clarke, Bellamy, and Echo file inside the river before Clarke drives off; her foot pressing the gas to quickly get away. She takes multiple different turns just in case they were followed, leaving the three to return to the tunnel entrance later than usual.

Bellamy sticks by the woman's side the entire walk through the tunnels, giving her silent support along the way. Echo doesn't say much but she does question how to proceed with the plan-to which Clarke answers. They contact Raven. They need to tell her to find the kill switch as a back up plan, in order to keep Diyoza and her people in line for the plan to work. Eligius could be ruthless and conniving. They could easily back out as much as they could help. The back up plan using Raven was insurance they wouldn't try something stupid.

There a radio in the cabin Monty could rig to contact the mechanic in space. That way they could inform her of everything that's happened and integrate her into the plan.

With the plan in mind, the three make there way through the tunnel in record time. Once above ground again, they enter the cabin with their friends inside. What they find shocks them all. Madi was in Harpers lap on the couch, both watching Murphy lecture Monty about something as the two stood with a piece of paper between them. It looked like a game a charades. Madi was giggling as the argued, Harper was biting back a laugh, while Emori kept to the background, her laughs muffled by her hand.

It was good to be home.

Madi appeared to hear the door and turned her head so fast Clarke was sure she could have given herself whiplash. "Mommy!!" She jumps from Harper's lap and into her mother's arms weary of her wounds but holding on tight.

"Hey baby." Clarke grins as she holds the little girl to her chest, running her fingers through the long brown curls. "Miss me?" Madi doesn't even pull away as she giggles.

"Obviously." Everyone chuckles at the child's statement as the mother and daughter duo pull apart. Thought separate Madi stays close to Clarke, never once leaving her side.

"So how'd the meeting go? Did it work?" Monty pipes up, seeing the weariness underneath the amused three returning home.

Echo and Bellamy look to Clarke, leaving the others to as well. She had a plan.

"It went as expected. She didn't come alone, but no one was hostal. She took the deal. They'll meet us at the edge of the Valley to follow us to Polis. They help us free our people and we teach them to survive."

"Why do I feel like there's a but in there somewhere? Maybe like a catch." Murphy huffs, sitting in a chair in the dining room.

"Clarke threatened to kill everyone. So there's that." At Echos declaration everyone turns to look at the blonde.

"Wait what?!" Harper's shock is the first to be outspoken.

"It was a bluff but she bought it." At everyone's odd gaze Clarke explains further. "There are several hunting grounds in the valley that are booby trapped and cabins everywhere with weapons stashed. Technically we could if we strategized it right, but genocide isn't the goal." Everyone nods in understanding, with only one speaking up from the little group.

"Damn Griff. Bring out the big guns already?" Emori slaps Murphy upside his head for his comment, making Madi laugh. "Watch it Hobbit. I'll get you next time." Madi giggles again, hiding behind Bellamy and Clarke.

"Good luck now." Clarke looks at her child then to Murphy, a defeated huff coming from the man.

"Your kid plays dirty." Spacekru laugh at the exchange, even Bellamy smiles as well. "You can't hide behind your parents forever." At this Bellamy all but stops breathing.

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