Next Move

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Before anyone realizes, its sunrise. Spacekru let the Griffin's and Blake sleep in for a bit longer before waking them for a plan. Murphy opted out immediately, knowing how Bellamy sometimes is in the morning, Emori ad Echo shared the same response. Leaving Monty and Harper left. At Monty's innocent plea, Harper took a deep breath and sighed. She'd take the fall this time. With a pointed glare she leaves the room to find Bellamy, Clarke, and Madi.

When she finds the room with the three occupants, she has to repress a loud awe. Madi was snuggle up to Clarke's side, her head on chest, while Bellamy lied beside Clarke, his head on top of hers, not smothering but covering enough as if he were protecting her in his sleep. Harper hated to break the moment, she really did, but they needed to know what to do for the day. What the next move was on the enemy. 

She shakes Bellamy and Clarke's arms, making the pair stir. Clarke blinks first but Bellamy grumbles and turns more to his side, tugging Clarke by her waist. She and Harper bite back a laugh as she removes his arm and elbows his side, whispering in his ear to wake up. One eye squints before he sighs deeply, unpleased to being awake. She smiles and sits up, grabbing a hold of Madi, but the child stirs slightly, groaning quietly,  before snuggling against her mother once more.

To think Bellamy was a morning grump....

Harper comes to the same realization and chuckles, then walks away to let the three come to the other room. Bellamy stands first, followed by Clarke with a sleeping six year old in her arms. He tries to help take Madi, but she shrugs it off. She's got it for now. Reluctantly Bellamy steps back to give the young mother room to leave and follows close behind.

Everyone watches as they enter the room and chuckles as Clarke attempts to put Madi on the couch, but she protests, linking her legs around Clarke and clings like a monkey.

"Okay okay. Just for a few minutes." Madi just grumbles sleepily and snuggles tighter. Bellamy watches and starts smiling, shaking his head. Clarke notices and shrugs.

"Has she always been this clingy?" Clarke looks away sheepishly and nods.

"Always. Even as a baby."

"How old was she when you found her?" Monty asks, and everyone listens, curious.

"Uh I'm assuming a month old. She was so small I wasn't even sure she was alive. The radiation burns weren't a good sign either." She tilts her head but hears Madi lightly snores. She's still asleep. "It was hard in the beginning, but she survived."

"Because of you." Bellamy emphasizes, making her smile softly.

"I didn't really do much." She sits down at the table, one hand on Madi's back, rubbing circles with the other in her long brown curls.

"You found a dying baby and nursed it to health long enough for her to grow up healthy and strong in a world literally by yourself. For six years." Bellamy points out, the others humming in agreement, and Clarke turns red.

"Well when you put it like that..." She bites her lip nervous.

"I think we've all established there isn't anything Clarke griffin can't do." Murphy pipes up, and the other nod in agreement.

"You all are a pain." She mutters, rolling her eyes as everyone forms a semi circle around the table. Bellamy, Monty, Harper all sit down with Clarke at the table while Murphy, Emori, and Echo stand.

"So are you Griff." Murphy pats her shoulder with a soft smile. "I'm glad you're not dead." She puts a hand over his and smiles back.

"Me too."

Spacekru lighten up at her words, still adjusting to having Clarke back with the land of the living. Even if she was never really dead in the first place. And while having their old leader and dear friend back was great, they had a problem on their hands that needed to be dealt with. The Eligius prisoners. 

"So about these bad guys Madi talked about?" Harper asks, and the attention span is set.

"Eligius." Clarke croaks, having to sit up straighter and adjust Madi. "Their from the old world. Prisoners. They over took their ship and came back somehow." 

"Cryo sleep." Monty says, and Clarke nods in understanding. "But why did they take you? What do they want?" He asks and Clarke sighs. 

"They wanted to know what happened to their planet while they were asleep for a hundred years." 

"So they shot first then asked questions? Real smart." Murphy quips, and the others agree. 

"They're dangerous and can't be trusted." Bellamy speaks up. Anger evident.

Clarke sighs and looks away, not wanting to bring everything up again. If the other knew everything that happened, everything they did to her while she was captured, there would be war. Something they don't need right now. Even if most of Eligius were loose canons, not all were. Some could even become allies if manipulated correctly.

 "While that is true," She interrupts Bellamy's train of thought, "there are some good people too. Their pilot, Shaw I think his name was, he isn't one of criminals. They took him captive after killing his crew. Now they make him work for them. And their leader, Diyoza, she's more level headed than the rest." The others listen in, thinking over what Clarke says. 

If Diyoza and Shaw could be trusted they could make a deal for peace. If done correctly...

 "Can we trust her is the question." Echo says. "Level headed doesn't mean willing to negotiate or help us." 

"You're right. But compared to... McCreary." Clarke struggles to say. The name tasting horrible on her tongue. She shivers. "Trust me. Diyoza is the one to talk to. If we need to make a deal for peace, she's the one to do it. I've been there. I've seen it. She and McCreary don't see eye to eye. Eventually they'll turn on each other and a civil way will break out. It's just a matter of time." 

"Then I guess we better make our move." Murphy says. Everyone is in agreement. They need to act quickly and put a plan in motion.

 "Looking to you, Princess." Bellamy smirks, and an old memory of him saying the exact same phase years ago flashes back. To think it was only a few years but felt like a life time ago. 

She smirks back and looks for her bag, Bellamy following her eye. Without asking he nods her way and grabs it up, placing it on the table in front of her where she could reach. Curious spackekru watch her every move. But Clarke doesn't look at them. If they were going to act they needed to do so now, before it was too late.

She moves her left hand inside before grasping what she was looking for. Her radio. Eyeing each other before glancing at Clarke, everyone hones in on what happens next. All grew a little concerned as she spoke through the device. 

"Charmaine Diyoza, this is Clarke Griffin. We need to talk." If seeing Clarke alive after six years wasn't a big enough shock. Her negotiation method was.

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