Chapter 4

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Moving away I go and stand next to Steve Rogers looking at Loki wondering what could be going on in that psycho brain of his "I don't like it." Says Steve from my left "what rock of ages giving up so easily?" "I don't remember it being that easy" "Well you might've missed a few things, you know due in time as a capsicle"

I turn and look at Tony with my eyebrows furrowed "what's your thing Pilates?" steve turns his with his brows furrowed "What?" he asks confused, I look at stark with a raised eyebrow "seriously?" i say. Tony looks at me with a 'yes, seriously.' look "What? I'm asking him a genuine question" he turns back to Steve "it's like calisthenics"

I walk away from their unbearable conversation and take a seat across from Loki sitting down and staring at him trying to read him "what are you doing?" He says confused "none of your business." I say knowing that if I sneak a glance into his mind he'd be able to tell right away, trying anyways I look into his eyes using my telepathic abilities to read him "Darling I wouldn't try that if I were you, if you look in there you might see something you don't like" he says, i give him an irritated look "I'll take my chances."

Knowing my eyes probably have a green glow I continue to worm my way into his mind when suddenly I'm snapped back out and I look at him shocked "I told you not to do it love" he looks at me with a smirk

"okay first, that was rude. And secondly, what's so important that you don't want me seeing?" He looks at me in the eyes and my vision turns black.

I open my eyes and see Loki laying next to me in bed peacefully sleeping with a book on his chest and I look around and see a nice put together room. I stand up and walk over to the balcony and head outside, seeing miles of trees that goes on outside and i take notice of how modern the room and balcony looks, i look up and see a large sign at the corner of the large building, glowing bright with a large A.

I quickly reopen my eyes with a gasp looking at Loki in front of me, looking back at me with a soft smile "what was that" I ask more of a demand than a question "you asked to see my thoughts didn't you? That's only half of them....especially with you." I look at him like he's crazy and I lean back in the chair looking away from him, the roof of the jet suddenly being so interesting to me

"At least tell me if you liked it" says Loki and I look back at him with an unreadable face "I don't know what I saw" he smiles at me and says "well darling it's what I plan for us" I look at him and give him a sarcastic smile "well how beautiful." I say sarcastically and his smile falls and he growls looking away from me

a few minutes after Loki and I's conversation I was leaning back with my eyes closed when I hear a load roar, thunder. I open my eyes which were heavy for a second and i look out through the glass windshield where the pilots sit, and see bright lightning. Looking back at Loki he has a shocked yet fearful face on, before I got the chance to ask him Steve speaks up first "What? Scared of a little lightning?"

Looking up and around the jet Loki says "I'm not overly fond of what follows" looking at him confused the jet suddenly shakes with a loud noise coming from the outside Stark grabs his helmet and opens the door of the jet ready to go outside and investigate when I large well built man lands on the open jet door

I look at him with raised eyebrows seeing his golden hair and muscles and Loki looks at me rolling his eyes with with what looks like to me jealousy and envy.

The man starts to walk closer when Stark decides to shoot his blasters at him but instead is knocked backwards by the man's hammer, falling onto me and Steve. "ow ow ow get off, YOUR REALLY HEAVY." I say trying to push Tony off of me to get to Loki

That's when I see the man walking over to where Loki is and before I could even get a chance to take a grab at Loki to make sure they don't escape, the man grabs Loki from the collar of his armor ripping him away from the seat.

Turning back to look at us, Steve currently on the ground groaning at the impact of Tony's armor, me trying to push Tony off of my lower half, and Stark trying to recover from the blow he just got

The golden haired man swings his hammer very quickly and suddenly shoots away off the jet with Loki

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