Chapter 5

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"get off of me you big idiot!" yelled Claire as she pushed Tony off of her

"Ow! Your putting all his weight on me!" called out Steve from underneath tony as Claire stood up and dusted her suit off

"That wouldn't have happened if genius over here tried to approach someone when he's not supposed to," said Claire scoffing and ran a hand through her hair as she looked at the open latch

Tony had sat on the floor and Steve was sat next to him and Claire thought for a second and then turned to Steve making eye contact

"no, don't do it" Steve said

"someone has to" Claire said turning around and jumped off the jet

"Get back here!" yelled tony

Stark and Cap were standing up when they saw Claire fly right in front of the open latch

"Stay here I'll get Loki. I don't need stark causing anymore problems." said Claire turning around and flew in the direction the large blonde man left in

"god, how reckless" mumbled stark

Steve turned to stark with an arched eyebrow


Thor slammed Loki down onto a large cliff and swiftly landed next to him

Loki groaned and laughed

"Where is the tesseract?" demanded Thor

Loki laughed "oh, I missed you too"

"Do I look to be in a gaming mood?" Said Thor

"you should thank me, with the Bifrost gone how much dark energy did the Allfather have to muster to conjure you here, to your precious earth." Loki said finally standing

Thor growled and dropped his hammer marching right up to Loki and grabbed him by the back of his neck

"I thought you dead." Thor said

Loki stayed silent for a moment, "did you mourn?"

"We all did. Our father-" Thor was saying but was cut off

Loki raised his finger in front of Thor to stop him "your father." and pushed his brother off of him

Loki walked past Thor holding his back groaning "He did tell you my true parentage, did he not?"

Thor looked at him from the distance "We were raised together. We played together, we fought together. Do you remember none of that?" he said raising his voice walking behind Loki

Loki turned around "I remember a shadow, living in the shade of your greatness. I remember you tossing me into an abyss, I who was and should be king!" He yelled

"So you take the world I love as a recompense for your imagined slights?" Thor asked taken back

"No. Earth is under my protection Loki." Thor said walking up to him

Loki laughed "And your doing a marvelous job with that. The humans slaughter each other in droves while you idly fret. I mean to rule them, as why should I not?"

Thor spoke up enraged "You think yourself above them?"

Loki stopped for a second and though "Well, yes"

"Then you miss the truth of ruling brother, a throne would suit you ill." Thor said in a convincing way

Loki got frustrated and hit Thor on the shoulder moving him away so he could get past

"I've seen world you've never known about! I have grown, Odinson, in my exile. I have seen the true power of the tesseract and when I wield it," Loki was saying but was cut off

"Who showed you this power? Who controls the would-be king?" Thor said upset walking up to Loki the two of them once again at the edge of the cliff

"I am a king!" Yelled Loki

"Not here! You give up the tesseract! You give up the poisonous dream!" Said Thor grabbing Loki by the collar "you come home."

Loki stared at him "I don't have it." He said with a grin

Thor pushed Loki and summoned his hammer, raising it ready to hit his brother

"You need the cube to bring me home, but I've sent it off I know not where" Loki said shrugging

Thor pointed his hammer at Loki

"You listen well brother. I-" Thor was saying but was cut off when he was blasted off the cliff

Loki stood there un-phased "I'm listening?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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