Chapter5: I'm pregnant...and mom just had a B.B.B

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                                                                         Adrian's POV

I woke up at Justin's house for the fifthtime this week, this is the third week in a row I've spent almost everyday at his house. If I don't go home soon I swear mom and dad are going to murder me, I was about to wake up Justin when I suddenly felt so sick to my stomach I streaked for the bathroom my hand clamped over my mouth. Justin's mom followed quickly behind me she held by my hair and rubbed my back. "Easy Adrian, it's ok...every thing's okay." I nodded once I could breath again, I got up and reached for my toothbrush after flushing the toilet. "Thank you Mrs. Mallette" She smiled softly. "Of course dear, but call me Pattie" I smiled back while brushing my teeth. "Any way thank you again Pattie"

She nodded, "it wasn't a problem dear, I'm glad to help...but Adrian you aren' aren't pregnant are you?" I laughed so loudly, like she had just told me a hilarious joke, but my laughing suddenly turned to sobbing as I realized I could be. "oh god Pattie! I...I hope not I really do because I don't want to ruin your son's career" She laughed this time "Adrian, even if you are no one out there needs to know, it's yours and Justin's private life" I kept sobbing "but someone is bound to find out! Even if they don't connect it to Justin right away I'm the daughter of Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton! Either way this is gonna be big news and I just don't think i could handle it!" I almost laughed when I get overly upset and stressed I start talking in a southern accent.

"First of all honey calm down I cannot keep up with you, two you need to find out if you really are before you freak out too much and three" She screamed so loud "JUSTIN DREW BIEBER GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!" Justin jumped out of bed so quickly and ran in here like the fucking building was on fire. "Mom what's wrong...Adrian are you okay!?" She gave him this death glare and I was sure if looks could really kill he'd be dead by now. "Justin, I'm not mad...but I'm not happy either" He looked between the two of us confused. I took my hands a made a motion that mimed a pregnant belly.

His eyes practically bugged outta his head, I would have laughed had this not been such a serious situation. "mom, I know that I could possibly be in a lot of trouble...but maybe we should find out if Adrian really is pregnant first" I looked up at his mom she nodded and walked out, "Pattie...where are you going if you don't mind my asking" she chuckled a little "the store...we need to know" I breathed a huge sigh of relief...she isn't really mad just in shock for now. I nodded and walked down to the living room to wait with Justin, to pass the time we turned on the tv and the first thing we saw: BREAKING NEWS! Country music stars Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton have a daughter! She's reported to be sixteen and dating teen idol pop sensation Justin Bieber!

When asked about their mysterious daughter Lambert was quoted saying:"Of course we do! Her names Adrian, and yes she's dating Justin Bieber" I slammed my hand down on the remote so fast I thought I broke it. "How could my mother be this stupid! Doesn't she know Demetri is here and looking for me!?!?" Justin turned to me smiling "Relax Adrian, everything is Okay, I've taken care of your Demetri problem and your mother isn't stupid she's just excited to have you home" I nodded perfectly calm now, for some reason his smile and his voice instantly calms me every time.

Pattie came back then and locked eyes with me I immediately got up and walked behind her up to her bathroom. "Okay Adrian, here's five different tests. If these come out positive I'm taking you to the doctor got it?" I nodded nervously and waited until she stepped outside the bathroom then took the tests, they each took five minutes so I waited anxiously for the longest time for all five tests to be done before I picked a single one up. I walked out into the hallway and flashed them at Pattie. "I can't look please just tell me" I gasped slightly and hugged me tightly to her, I wanted to cry but I couldn't. "C'mon were going to my doctor right now"

I nodded and walked with her back down the stairs and straight out to the car while Justin was distracted. We got there and she quickly got me in, "well Ms. Lambert...Your pregnant" I heard the words..but my mind couldn't wrap around them. I felt Pattie wrap her arms around me and the tears finally came, I cried so hard and so long that by the time I finally stopped I was in her car. "It's ok Adrian, just calm down everything is going to be ok" I nodded and scrubbed the back of my hand over my eyes so I could see clearly.

"Pattie...what am I...or rather Justin and I supposed to do?" She smiled softly almost sadly, I could tell she saw me in herself Justin and I in the same situation as she was at our age. I smiled back as best I could. "Could we go get Justin? I think we should tell my mom" Pattie nodded we drove back to her house and picked up Justin we sat in the backseat together and I told him everything by the time we got to my house we had curled up in the backseat, our hands laced together over my stomach. "Adrian, Justin were here" I swollowed convulsivly and nodded.

"C'mon Justin let's get this over with" He smiled reassuringly we climbed out of the car while Pattie waited for us, we went inside and sat down with my parents in the living room "Mom, Dad I'm pregnant" their reactions varied from amused to flat out anger. My mom exploded on me "ADRIAN TAYLOR LAMBERT! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!?" she immediatley started flipping out rambling on and on about how I was turning out just like her the very thing she didn't want for me. I mean honestly she started cleaning her gun and loading it and pacing back and forth. She started crying and screaming. She was having a full out B.B.B (Blonde Bitch Break-down)

I backed away slowly while Pattie slipped in, she and Justin slipped in and ran upstairs to get all my stuff, while my mom continued to scream and cry I slipped out and waited in the car for them. Pattie came out and tried to comfort me "It's ok sweetie, she'll calm down soon enough and when she does she'll see that was wrong...but your coming to stay with us" I smiled greatfully "thanks Pattie...I didn't honestly think she'd go that insane but...well she's a Lambert..apparently it runs in the family"  She tried to laugh but couldn't Justin finally came out with the last of my things and got in.

"Adrian...your mom is nuts!" I nodded "Justin my whole family is nuts" We got back to their house and we all sat in silence. It got akward and fast...but I enjoyed the quiet after all the screaming and crying. I fell asleep quickly on the couch out of sheer exhaustion.

(A/N Ok new chapter is up let me know what you think of it don't forget my contest! email me your chapters and book cover ideas at so Adrian is pregnant her mom went nuts and now she lives with Justin and Pattie...this is gettin' good love you all Love, ~Rosalie332~)

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