Chapter 10: Welcome to parenthood

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Justin's POV

I rushed out of the room to find Adrian's doctor, she just had to know what was wrong with her. I was freaking out enough, but then Miranda showed up of course not knowing what was going on. "Justin, is she ok? What about the babies?" I turned and talked as quickly as possible "No Miranda none of them are ok, you might want to go sit with your daughter while I go find her doctor" she nodded and walked off towards Adrian's room.

I found her doctor shortly after "Listen doctor Snow. I don't know what's wrong but Adrian just passed out, she won't wake up" she looked seriously concerned and ran off towards Adrian's room. I was just as worried but I had to know that the babies were ok.

I ran towards the NICU so fast that I had to catch my breath. At the moment our babies were the only two there, so they allowed me to go in and check on the babies. The boy was still slightly blue but I could see he was quickly regaining color. His sister wasn't doing to great either.

She was hooked up to a breathing machine, it was easy to see she wasn't really breathing at all on her own. I turned to one of the nurses "What's going on with the twins?" she grimaced slightly like she had already explained this too many times today. "The boy is slowly starting to breath on his own and after a few minutes of intensive CPR he was regaining color. He should be fine in a matter of hours" I nodded "And his sister?"

She frowned deeply "She stopped breathing completely shortly after her birth, we rushed the both of them straight here. We got her breathing again as soon possible. We have to keep a close eye on her for a few more hours..but she should be ok"

I nodded "can I hold them?" she shook her head "that is not permitted at this time, however you are allowed to touch them" I smiled a little then reached into the little boy's incubator touching his tiny hand, he moved a little when I touched him. I smiles brightly thinking "I'm a father"

I looked over at the little girl, she looked so weak and fragile. Even though she had started off better then her brother. She looked so much worse now. I turned to the other nurse with a sad sort of look on my face "Maybe if we put them together, they'll be better off"

She looked at me for a moment, probably thinking about saying no then she quickly took the little boy out of his incubator and into his sister's. At first neither of them moved but then the little girl snuggled closer to her brother and he layed his arm over her, I smiled as both babies started showing signs of immediate improvement.

Then Miranda came rushing down the hall "Justin, Adrian's awake and she's asking for you" I nodded and ran quickly towards Adrain's room with her. When I got there she was awake, and in the middle of a full scale panic attack. "Adrian, calm down just put your head between your knees and breath" she did as I instructed.

In a few minutes she was back to normal, completely calm but a little stressed too. It was easy to tell when she spoke, her southern accent started kicking in and Miranda stared at her in disbelief at how wild her voice was starting to go. "Adrian, relax your freaking your mom out...although that little accent of yours is adorable"

She smiled a little, looking at me then suddenly she remembered exactly why we were in this situation "Justin are the babies ok!?" I nodded smiling "Their brave little fighters. They'll be just fine" as if on cue the doctor came back in with two little hospital baby beds the twins all giggles and smiles now.

Adrian's POV

I couldn't believe this, just three hours ago our situation seemed so dark and I was so scared. Now, my babies were smiling and happy and I was ok again. I looked over at Justin and saw he had the biggest tears running down his face, I leaned over and he kissed me.

Then I looked at the two smiling faces of my brand new babies, Pattie brought Layla in then and she climbed onto my bed sitting in my lap she turned to me sweetly "Momma, can I see my brother and sister now?" I laughed and winced slightly as she shifted on my lap.

"Of course princess, you can see them now" Justin brought them to me placing the boy in Layla's arms and the little girl in my arms. The doctor walked in then and smiled, "Well Ms. Lambert I see you have a full house here" I looked around at both of my mothers, my fathers, my two daughters, my son and my boyfriend. And nodded "I guess I do" she nodded still smiling "Well, these cuties need names"

I nodded looking around the room at everyone hoping they'd offer some help, but no one offered up a single suggestion. So I looked at the little girl in my arms smiling up at me and said "Her name is Peyton Miranda...Bieber" Miranda gasped from the other side of the room. I smiled then said "And his name is Justin Lucas Bieber"

Everyone clapped happily as the doctor took down their names and their foot prints, then gave them back to me as they started to fall asleep. I layed Peyton and Justin down together in the same bed as they drifted off to sleep. Everyone kind of seemed to either pass out on a couch or leave, Justin climbed into bed with Layla and I as I pressed play on the small cdplayer/tv in the room and my Justin Bieber cd filled the room.

I curled into Justin's side pulling Layla close to my other side, for a while I seemed to forget we were even in the hospital. Our first night as parents to three did not go as planned, in turn all three kids woke up at least four times last night because they needed something.

If it wasn't Layla it was Justin and if it wasn't Justin it was Peyton. When the doctor came to check on us this morning all remaining family members in the room along with us looked like the walking dead. I looked at Miranda and whined "Momma, I'm tired!" she just kinda laughed and said "You look like hell"

I grimaced and said "I feel like death that's died twice" Justin looked at me just as Peyton started crying again and Justin practically screamed "Baby, Baby, Baby NO!!" I would have laughed had I not been so tired.

(Ok so here's chapter 11, it's a little lighter then chapter 10 so hopefully I've gotten it all out of my system and the story can go back to completely happy. Comment, vote, become a fan. Love you all Love, ~Rosalie332~)

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