Chapter 8: Then this happened

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(A/N Ok, so I'm skipping ahead quite a few months so that Adrian is close to having the baby. Also I kind of wanted Adrian and Miranda back on speaking terms before the baby is born, which will be very soon. Also I felt like Layla should get to know Miranda and possibly Blake too)

                                                                        Adrian's POV

I knew that she'd find out, I knew she'd say we were stupid for doing it...but as Miranda came face to face with Layla for the first time I couldn't help but think that on some level she was happy. Happy that I knew how to handle myself well, happy that I had an amazing family, happy that Justin and I are clearly a very strong couple, just happy in general. Then she spoke and I knew I was absolutley wrong. "Adrian, no matter how cute she is...she isn't legally yours, and you cannot keep her" I stared at her trying to control my rage as Layla played quietly at my feet "One Miranda, she is legally mine we adopted her almost a week ago. And two, you don't control me I can do what I want and since I love Layla and Justin loves Layla, our baby and me you have no say"

The look on her face made it perfectly clear that I had way over stepped my boundaries, but she just didn't understand exactly how upset I was. I looked down at Layla and she reached up toward me, I tried her up it took a lot of effort these days. She was getting heavier and I definitley wasn't getting any tinier, Miranda could clearly see I was struggling. My tiny frame plus my eight and a half months pregnant belly, doesn't really help the situation much, she pushed me aside and picked Layla up. At first I thought Layla was going to scream then she smiled a little and started pulling at Miranda's hair.

I laughed as Miranda tried to pry Layla's fingers out of her hair, I carefully took Layla from Miranda and gave her, her teddy bear to quiet her when she started crying. I turned to leave when Miranda stopped me "Adrian, your baby is it a boy or a girl?" I kept my back to her and told her the secret I'd been keeping for quite a few months now "It's twins and ones a boy ones a girl" she sucked in a sharp breath and I walked out satisified that I'd shocked her. Layla looked at me then "I'm getting a little brother!?" I smiled and nodded "Yeah, and a little that ok?" she sat in my arms thoughtful for a moment then nodded "Yeah! Sounds like fun!" I laughed, if only she knew what that meant.

We were walking around the park when my phone rang, I answered it quickly seeing Pattie's number "Pattie, hey is everything ok? We'll be home soon" she sounded choked up and was rushing through her words "Adrian you have to come to the hospital, something's wrong with Justin!" my heart pratically stopped, I looked at Layla twisting her fingers around a few loose curls of my hair and tried hard not to cry. I quickly got her back in the car and drove to the hospital breaking every speed limit on the way there.

I was frantically searching for Pattie when I got there, Layla running behind me we found her sitting on the floor in the hallway by Justin's room. "Pattie, what's wrong? Is he ok? What happened?" She looked up and pulled Layla and I close to her, I could tell she was completley scared. "He was just up on stage doing rehersals, he started feeling sick...then he just collapsed. They don't know what's wrong and they don't know when he'll wake up" I stared blankly at the wall then down at Layla who sat looking sad by me, I wanted to comfort her to say everything would be ok. I couldn't though, because I knew even I wouldn't believe it, nothing was ok right now and I didn't know if it ever would be again.

I pulled myself together and got up off the floor, taking Layla's hand we walked quietly into Justin's room where he layed perfectly motionless almost as if he weren't breathing. I almost freaked out again but I could see his chest rising and falling a breathed a little easier, even though he was unconcious he was still here. I couldn't believe this was happening now, when everything was starting to be good again. I sat down in a chair right by his bed and took his hand "Justin I know you can hear me, I need you to come back to're mom is so scared she's going to loose you. Layla is scared...and I'm scared. Justin you can't leave us, not like this...your strong, so fight through it and come back to us"

He didn't move, he didn't show any signs that he'd heard me. I started to cry harder then I ever had in my life "C'mon Justin, just move your fingers...or open your eyes. Something anything to let me know your still here" Nothing happened and I just sat there clutching Layla to my chest with one hand and holding his hand tight in my other. It was going to be a long night.

(A/N Yeah I know, it was bound to happen here's the next chapter. Adrian and Justin are supposed to have twins, Layla is quickly becoming a huge part of their lives. But here's this little problem of Justin collapsing and being unconcious. Any way you know the drill, Comment, Vote become a fan. Love you all love, ~Rosalie332~)

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