chapter 7: oh

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(A/N ok guys I know it's been forever I am so sorry about that I've just been really busy, but I'm back and I've got some great ideas!)

                                                                     Adrian's POV

I had managed to successfully avoid any and all phone calls from BOTH sets of my parents, although it was becoming increasingly hard when I seemed to run into Miranda everywhere. Also the fact that I'm finally starting to show doesn't help one damn bit, the other day I ran into some fans at the mall and they started screaming and ran up to me. My eyes bugged out of my head because I still wasn't used to all the screaming, so I sign their cd's and they start asking questions everything was good up until the "You look different" all the other girls started nodding and I started inwardly freaking out. "I look different to you?" she nodded "Yeah you do, but I can't figure out why" I tooka huge deep breath trying to calm down then one of the other girls shrieked "You're pregnant!" I almost fainted but instead I quickly controlled my emotions and shook my head quietly whispering "N-no I'm not"

The girls nodded again "Yes you are! You're like all nervous and look at you! you're different, you're stomach is clearly-"  I cut her off  "OkI get the point you're far too observing and yes I'm pregnant but no body knows!" the girls nodded quickly "Ok but uhh, is it Justin's?" I stood nervously unable to think if I should tell them the truth or not but eventually I nodded. They screamed and I quickly made up some excuse to leave, I walked off quickly to find Justin suddenly I heard the song "Baby, Baby, Baby, oh I'm like Baby, Baby, Baby no" I laughed quietly and walked quickly towards the sound. I turned the corner and saw the cutest little girl ever, she was just sitting by the wall all by herself.

I looked around but didn't see her mother anywhere, she was twirling a piece of paper in her hands. "Sweetie, could I see that paper?" she just nodded still singing and handed me the paper, I took it quickly and opened it gasping as I read the first few lines of the note. "I can no longer take care of this child so who ever finds her...please take great care of her" I looked at the little girl again, she was so nicely dressed and very adorable. I could think of a single reason why anyone would just abandon her, especially at the mall! I knelt down to her eye level. "Sweetie will you come with me?" she nodded and lifted her arms up to me, I smiled and picked her up settling her on my hip.

We walked together slowly I wasn't in as big a hurry to find Justin as I was before "Sweetie what's you're name?" she smiled shyly and whispered "Layla" I smiled "That's a pretty name Layla, do you have a middle name?" she nodded "Madison" I smiled again "Well Layla Madison, you are very adorable" she smiled this time "what's you're name?" I laughed "Adrian" she smiled but didn't talk again. We finally found Justin hanging around the doors to the mall, he smiled when he saw me then his face became questioning. "Hey Adrian, whose this little cutie?" Layla smiled but didn't speak, "This is Layla" I leaned in closer to Justin so Layla wouldn't hear "She was abandoned, Justin can we please take her home?"

He looked like he was about to say no but I did the cute puppy pout and the stupid lip quiver thing and he couldn't say no. "Of course Adrian, we can't leave her here all by herself" I smiled brightly then turned around and headed back into the mall "Whoa Adrian where are you going?" I laughed "she needs clothes doesn't she? he laughed and followed me back in I immediatley went to Kitson Kids, I quickly figured out what sizes she needed and started buying up the whole store. "Adrian slow down how many outfits can she possibly need?" I laughed loudly "A lot Justin! A lot!" He nodded and didn't say any thing else, the last thing we got there was a booster seat. We headed quickly out to the car afterwards, while Justin installed the booster seat Layla helped me put all her stuff in the trunk. As soon as we were done we all got into the car with Layla sitting between us.

Justin called his mom as soon as we were in the car "So uhh, mom...I have to tell you something" I sat nervously as I heard her voice on the other end "What is it Justin, is Adrian ok!?" I smiled she is so protective of me. "Mom Adrian is fine, but we found this little girl...we want to keep her and we're bringing her home" I heard Pattie's breath catch, she couldn't think of what to say so she just said "oh" after that Justin quickly hung up. We got home quickly and Justin immediatley started taking bags inside, I sat in the car with Layla for a few minutes before picking up the courage to walk inside Layla clutching to me the whole time. "Layla relax no one here is going to hurt you I promise"

She nodded but didn't speak we rounded the corner towards the kitchen and immediatley we ran into Pattie "Oh, Hi Pattie!" she smiled and nodded "Adrian, whose this little cutie pie?" I smiled "This is Layla Madison, Pattie can we please keep her?" She nodded almost instantly I guess Layla had her wrapped around her little fingers, "of course Adrian, but I hope you know how much work both Layla and you're baby are going to be." I nodded this time "I do know and I'm ready to handle it, with Justin...I know we can do this" She nodded and held out her arms towards Layla, I pried her fingers from around my neck with one hand while gently handing her off to Pattie with the other.

At first layla wasn't so sure about her but she quickly relaxed against her, I smiled at the sight of Layla with Pattie. It was just so cute she was just so cute, the sweetest and most adorable little girl I have ever met. How anyone could just abandon her, I can't picture anyone so heartless and cruel, she deserves so much better...and here with us she'll get it. I took her back from Pattie and got her straight into the bath, after I cleaned her up and she'd played for a bit I went and got her pajama's. We quickly got ready for bed and brushed our teeth, it had been a long day and we were all exhausted.

I layed Layla down next to me in Justin's bed I was about to turn off the light when she spoke "Can we listen to Justin Bieber while we sleep?"  I smiled and nodded "Sure sweetie" I got up quickly and put in my, My Worlds acoustic cd and instantly "One Time" filled the room I set it to the playlist with the slow quiet songs and hit repeat then crawled back into bed. As soon as I layed down Layla snuggled herself as close to my stomach as possible resting her hands on my waist I smiled as I watched her drift off. Right before I fell asleep I heard her voice so timid almost as if she were afraid to say it "Good night momma, I love you" I started to cry and right as my first tear slipped off my cheek and right onto her arm I whispered "I love you too baby girl, good night sleep tight"

I felt the weight shift on the bed and knew Justin was finally in bed with us, I pulled him closer wedging Layla between us I whispered "Good night Justin we love you" I felt him pull me closer and whisper "I love you too, all three of you" I smiled and started to cry again trying so hard not to wake Layla by shaking the bed. Eventually I fell asleep, curled up with Justin and Layla...I finally felt like I had a real family.

(A/N Ok, So Justin and Adrian now have a daughter named Layla. Their also still anxiously awaiting the arrival of their "little Bieber" Pattie is clearly in shock, a few Beliebers know about Adrian's pregnancy what's going to happen with that? Miranda and Blake haven't seen Adrian in a long time and don't know she's pregnant. She called Teresa a while back and she flipped out on her...let's see if she can fix that relationship. So vote comment become a fan. Don't forget about my contest still no deadline let's see you're book cover and chapter ideas! Love you all Love, ~Rosalie332~)

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