Chapter 4: Concert and OLLG

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                                                                             Adrian's POV

We spun around so fast I had to catch myself before I fell again, he was here. I couldn't believe after all the time that had past between us that HE was HERE! I tried to put as much distance between us as possible. I backed up until my back hit the wall and gasped when I realized I'd gotten myself into a worse situation. "get away from me!" I was offically flipped out, I was scared to death, Katie and Alex immediatley stepped in front of me, I wished so badly to be safe in Justin's arms right now. "Relax beautiful, everythings ok" I jumped at the sound of his voice he scared me and he knew it. "Nothing's ever ok with you Demetri" Alex was fierce and I knew if she had to she'd protect me.

Demetri howled with laughter "and what are you going to do about it little girl?" She smirked keeping me safe behind Katie, she stepped up to him and slapepd him. "I'll keep you away from Demetria that's for damn sure!" He laughed his dark and twisted laugh, Demetri just wasn't someone you messed with and walked away from it. "I'd like to see you try bitch!" My eyes bugged, there were a lot fo things Alex would take...being called a bitch is NOT one of them. You could see her face change her protective diposition turned into one of flat out rage, Alex is tiny ok I mean "5'3" a hundred and fifteen pounds. She's just typically smaller then the rest of us...but the one with the most anger

I blinked and in that time she'd punched him and knocked him down...did I mention she knows karate? She was kicking his ass and laughing at the same time! The rest of us would have been laughing too had we not been in a state of total shock! We got her off of him and he ran out screaming "I'll be back Demetria you will be mine!" I tried to laugh but almost cried. He scares the hell out of me I just don't know what to do. "Adrian...are you ok?" It was Alex, no matter how fierce she was she always loves us. I nodded "yeah...but could somebody go get Justin?" Claire nodded "I'll go get him A It"ll be ok." I smiled quickly at her while she walked out and around the arena to find him.

                                                                             Justin's POV

I saw one of Adrian's friends coming toward me, she looked a little freaked out. "Justin...Adrian needs you" I didn't bother telling anyone I just took off towards my dressing room as soon as I was there Adrian collapsed into my arms in tears. " A, what happened?" She sobbed so uncontrollably I was almost afraid to let her go, "Justin...he was here" I was so confused. I looked over to Alex mouthing "what's going on?" She just looked at me and said one word "Demetri" I nodded, Adrian's parents had filled me in on everthing about her before I met her. Demetri is her ex and very dangerous, I was pretty scared for her...but I know while I'm out on stage her friends will protect her.

Maybe, I can get them to pick her as the One Less Lonley Girl...that way atleast I'll know she's safe. I had to go talk to scooter. "Ok man, here's the issue my girlfriend Adrian...I need her to be the OLLG ok?" He looked at me and I must of had this seriously concerned look on my face because he nodded. "Ok Justin, I'll make sure she's picked" I nodded and smiled apprecitavley "Thanks scooter" he smiled back "of course Justin" I had to get back to getting ready I started going through dance steps nervously.

Until finally it was time for the show, I walked quickly through the underground metal frame work until I was standing on the platform I could already hear the screaming "Justin! Justin! Justin!" I smiled hearing one specific voice standing relativley close to the stage. I smiled wider as the platfrom rose and I saw all their beautiful faces and the screams got louder as I emerged from the fog and slammed into "Somebody to love" The girls went crazy through the entire show then I finally got to the song and I could see Scooter standing by Adrian, I caught his eye then flicked my gaze to her.

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