Chapter 9: Confessions and Surprises

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                                                                               Adrian's POV

The night wore on silently eventually Layla curled up with Pattie on the couch on the other side of the room. I pretty much just stayed awake all night hoping he would wake up, around 3am I was starting to fall asleep when I was startled fully awake. His hand had wrapped around mine, I looked up to see him blinking his eyes trying to refocus his vision, I started crying instantly I got up and hugged him as best as I could. He started moving more, trying to sit up and roll over a lot. I had to keep telling him to be as still as possible. "Justin you need to be careful, they have no idea what happened to you and whatever it was it can't be good" he nodded slightly but didn't speak. I wondered if he even could speak.

"Justin can you speak?" He nodded "Adrian, I'm sorry" I must have looked terribly confused, because he continued. "For not telling you" I was completley confused now "For not telling me about what Justin?" He looked very ashamed of himself, he looked over to make sure his mom was still asleep then whispered "I have HCM" I must have still looked confused because he gave this exhasperated sigh and said "I have this heart condition called HCM, it's genetic so one or both of our kids might have mom doesn't know and I didn't want you to know either."

I stared at him in shock, my hands slowly falling to my stomach thinking of our babies. "Justin how could you not tell me!? And what do you mean our babies could have it? This is serious, is that why you collapsed yesterday?" He nodded clearly to ashamed to admit with words. I walked over to the other side of the room and gently shook Pattie awake, she slipped off of the couch without waking Layla and walked over to Justin I stood over them clearly still hurt and a little pissed off.

"Ok Justin, tell her what's going on right now!" She sat looking at him as he stared at me unbelievingly and nodded starting in on gently breaking the news to his mom.

                                                                        Justin's POV

I looked at my mom suddenly feeling hurt, weak, and a little too emotional...I couldn't tell her but Adrian was forcing me to. "Mom, I collapsed on stage the other day because I have's a rare heart condition that I got from dad. It's genetic so mine and Adrian's kids might have it too" I watched as her face went from calm to worried to anger then back to calm. "Justin why didn't you tell me, I could have found some way to help, we could have scaled back on the rehersals and the tours and must have to be on some sort of medication for this right?" I nodded again already seeing her mind going into over drive.

"Mom, calm down as long as I'm on the medication I won't need to cut back on anything I can still do all the tours and the autograph signing and the rehearsals. I can do it all, as long as I'm on the medication" She shook her head "No Justin, we're cutting back on all of it. After the My World 2.0  tour your on house arrest for a few months, then we'll try to think about a slower paced schedule" I shook my head again "Mom you don't get it, the medication is already gonna make me sluggish...if I get any slower I'm gonna go nuts"

I looked over at Adrian her anger starting to fade from her face, she actually looked pale and a little sick. "Adrian what's wrong?" She looked at me sort of scared, her face slowly regaining color but she looked like she was in a lot of pain. She wouldn't speak to me but my mom turned to face her and instantly figured it out. "Adrian I think your in labor" She shook her head "That's impossible I'm only eight months!" My mom nodded but still looked worried. "I know hon, but there's nothing we can do about it your having these babies tonight."

Adrian looked completley terrified my mom went to go get Adrian's doctor, she sat down quickly beside me holding my hand and squeezing it as she doubled over in pain.

                                                                           Adrian's POV

I couldn't believe this was happening tonight of all nights! I was still holding Justin's hand when another very painful contraction hit me I squeezed his hand so hard I was sure it would break. The doctor came in then and took me down to the labor and delievery floor of the hospital, I couldn't believe this was going to happen without Justin here! Just then his mom walked in "How are you honey?" I looked at her my eyes wild with pain and a bit of anger "I'm sixteen, I'm dating a pop star, I'm currently having his babies and he is NOT do you think I am!?"

She looked at me and laughed I couldn't understand why at such a stressful time she was laughing "Sweetie, calm down it'll be ok, the doctor is releasing him now. He'll be down as soon as they say he can leave" I calmed down instantly but then another contraction hit "God, Pattie call my mom!" She nodded "Which one?" I looked around throughtfully for a moment "both of them!"

She nodded and was stepping out of the room with her phone already at her ear, Justin came in then wild-eyed looking at me just as terrified as I felt. "Justin where's Layla?" I sat next to me "She with my mom, how are you feeling?" I stared at him about to scream "Why does everyone suddenly want to know how I'm feeling? To answer your question I feel like I'm shi*ting a knife!" He stared at me clearly trying not to laugh. "Ok, don't yell at me and two...that's gotta be painful"

I hissed at him grabbing his bangs and pulling him forward so his face was inches from mine "Justin Drew Bieber I swear to god I am going to kick your ass if you don't stop teasing me because this is YOUR fault!" He pulled away then looking completley frightened and I almost laughed the doctor came in then however and checked me. "Ok Adrian this is moving far faster then we expected your fully dialated" I looked at that doctor as if he had grown a second head.

"What does that mean?" He sort of chuckled and I wanted to punch him in the face for laughing at my obviously uneducated mind when it comes to childbirth. "It means you need to start pushing" I stared between Justin and the doctor trying to think, but I didn't really have time because the doctor immediatley said "Ok Adrian, I need you to give me a big push ok?" I nodded and pushed hard at the same time I let loose a ear shattering scream. I saw Justin covering his ears out of the corner of my eye but didn't care.

"Ok Adrian, I can see it's head" I tried to smile through the pain and tears and pushed harder, biting my lip to keep the screams inward. I pushed again the worst pain I've ever felt over taking me as the baby's shoulder's slipped free. Justin's voice ringing loudly past all the rushing in my ears "C'mon Adrian you can do this, I know it hurts but your doing such a great job" I looked at him slightly turning my head to his sweat matting my hair to my forehead I touched his hand and he wrapped it around mine.

I pushed as hard as I could and felt the rest of the baby slip free, the doctor layed her on my chest and the tears freely fell down my face now, I relaxed breathing as deeply as I could until another contraction hit me. I started pushing again as Justin took the baby girl over to the nurses to be cleaned up, this baby was a little more stubborn, I pushed and pushed for what felt like hours the sweat literally pouring down my face. Finally however the baby slipped free but I could immediatley tell something was wrong.

He wasn't crying, he was blue and I immediatley started to cry tears of terror. They took both babies away as the little girl had started having trouble breathing and her brother had his cord wrapped around his neck and was blue. I turned and cried so hard into Justin's chest, I suddenly felt light headed and weak as I layed back on the pillows to try and steady myself.

I felt my conciousness slipping away slowly the only thing I could think about as I blacked out was 'are my babies ok?'

(A/N Ok sorry it took me so long to post this new chapter but it's out now, What do you think? I know kinda sad right? I'm sorry I just didn't know how to write this chapter happily and after the whole HCM thing I figured the twins should both show early signs of having HCM right off the bat. What do you think is wrong with Adrian? Read the next chapter to find out. So vote, Comment, become a fan. Love you all, Love ~Rosalie332~)

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