chapter 2: waterpark, sex

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(A/N Ok so here's chapter 2! I hope you like it, I hope you liked the first one. In this capter you'll see refrences to MTV's hit shows 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom, my friend thought of that story so don't knock me for it! I am in no way taking credit for 16 and Pregnant Teen mom or anything from Miranda Lambery or Blake Shelton. I only take credit for the story ideas (unless they came from a friend) so enjoy Love, ~Rosalie332~)

                                                                           Adrian's POV

She glared at me a moment longer then nodded, "that surprise cussing is going to have to stop Adrian" I noded then laughed. "So I guess todays the day?" she smiled softly and nodded...just then HE walked in. "well there's my Rina-bug!" I jumped up on the bed wrapped my arms and legs around him and held onto him tightly, suddenly I laughed. "I like that name!"  He hugged me back tightly then pulled Miranda up to join us, we stayed like this in a tight hug until I heard the shuffling og feet at my door. I pulled away and shifter my weight nervously on the bed as Teresa walked in. "Here Dem-I mean Adrian" She handed it to me delicatley as if it would break. "What is this?" She tried to smile, "you're mother...was a teen mom, you've seen the shows before. 16 and Pregnant then Teen Mom...this is the photo album she and your father made for you."

I stared blankly at the album in my hands then up at Miranda who had turned to face Blake crying into his chest with his arms wrapped around her. I whispered "you just said you didn't think it was the right time...not that you were a teen mom" I ran up to them and wrapped my arms as tight around them as I could. "I didn't know that oh god mom I forgive you" She stopped and looked at me shocked, I didn't dare speak I waited for her to make the first move. She grabbed me up in a huge hug holding me to her. "I love you Adrian, I always have I just waited for the day we could bring you home permantley." I started bawling like a damn baby, why does this always happen at the weirdest times!?!?!? I stopped crying and looked up at her smiling.

Then I noticed something on shoulder, I turned her around so I could see her back and smiled widely there between her shoulder and her back was my hand print as a baby and my name with my birthdate all in pink: Adrian 8~13~1995. I smiled again turned to Blake and said "daddy can we go now?" He smiled at me "of course Rina-bug, you got everything?" I noddded while pointing a=to the bed, he quickly got everything out into the jet. I looked up at Miranda, "carry me mommy?" She laughed but held out her arms I climbed into them wrapping my arms around her neck my legs around her waist and resting my head on her shoulder. I lookde over to Vince and Teresa both by now crying.

I smiles at them whispering "don't worry you'll see me again and I'll call as much as possible." I'm not sure if they heard me, but I didn't care at the moment as Miranda walked outside with me I  snuggled into her hair to keep from getting to cold. I just realized that I'm  still in my tank top and cheer shorts from the night before...and it's FREEZING! Thank god the jet was only a few feet from the house cause I'm cold! I climbed onto the jet and sat in my seat after Miranda set me doen, Delilah came running up to us and went straight to Miranda abd barked at her feet until she picked her up. It was cute, I sat next to them and petted Delilah till she fell asleep.

I must have fallen asleep too because I woke up on the couch of our living room, I jumped up and ran around looking at everything, I couldn't believe I was actually here! I mean really! I raced upstairs hoping to find my room. I was kinf of disoriented having just woken up and jumping up like that didn't help, I was dizzy as fuck! I stumbled slightly but a pair of strong arms caught me. I thought it was Blake, but I looked up into the softest pair of hazel eyes I'd ever seen. "Hi I'm Adrian" he smiled the softest , sweetest smile ever..."Hi I'm Justin" I swear I almost passed the fuck out as soon as I heard his name. I hesitated for the longest moment.

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